Public Announcements
For information of immediate interest - visit our
Public Announcements section on the home page.
A Message from Edgewood Borough Council
As a service to its Planning Partners, the Southwestern PA Commission
(SPC) has developed a Road Safety Audit program as part of its
Transportation Operations & Safety planning efforts. An RSA is a
proactive process that provides recommendations which can be implemented
in stages as time and resources permit.
The aim of the RSA is to answer the following questions:
What elements of the road may present a safety concern?
- To what extent?
- To which road uses?
- Under what circumstances?
- What opportunities exist to eliminate or mitigate identified
safety concerns?" (RSA Report, 2014; available on on the
Edgewood Borough website)
In a response to the Regent
Square Civic Association's request, Edgewood Borough and Swissvale
Borough actively participated in an RSA, which occurred in April 2014.
The Boroughs provided all crash data, previous police studies of the
area, and made employees/officials available for RSA key person
interview. The RSA team performed its audit of the roadway by looking at
traffic patterns during morning and evening peak hours, off-hours, and
at night to determine how the roadway... Read More
2015 Parking Permit Applications are Available
2015 Parking Permit Applications are available online.
Applications will be accepted starting December 1, 2014. Please
visit our Parking Permits page
for more information.
New Ordinances
The borough of Edgewood recently approved three new proposed
Ordinances at the March 16th meeting:
Chicken Keeping Paperwork
Along with the Chicken Keeping Ordninance, a
Chicken Keeping Permit Application and a
Keeping Checklist are now available in PDF form.
New Zoning Ordinances
On January 20, 2015 Edgewood Borough Council voted to approve an
update to the zoning ordinance and subdivision and land development
ordinance. Copies of the new ordinances can be found below, as well as a
copy of the new zoning map.
We also have a new Zoning
Applications page, featuring downloadable forms for Zoning Permit
Applications and Zoning Hearing Board Applications.
New Allegheny County Outdoor Fire Pit Regulations
Outdoor recreational fire pits are allowed in Edgewood Borough, but must
adhere to Allegheny County regulations. New County Regulations include:
- Fires must be at least 15 feet from the nearest dwelling or
property line
- Only clean wood, propane, natural gas, charcoal, fire logs, wood
pellets and smokeless fire starters can be used.
- Burning garbage is prohibited.
Reminder: Lock Up!
We would like to remind our residents to please keep the doors and
windows of their homes and vehicles locked! It can be easy to forget
this simple step in the summer months, but please help to keep our
community safe by locking up your home and cars.
Edgewood Council Approves Sale of Parcel D
Edgewood Council has Approved an Agreement of Sale for Parcel D
with McDonald’s USA.
Site had remained vacant for over 23 years.
The Agreement of Sale for the 7.4 acre lot, known as Parcel D,
was approved by a unanimous vote of Council on April 1. The lot (located
on Braddock Ave. beside the Edgewood Town Centre development) was
previously advertised for sale several years ago without success, and
more recently in July of 2012.
In July 2012, a bid of $500,000 from Cendeco, Inc. was accepted
by Council. The deal later fell through. The lot was re-advertised in
January 2013. Two bids were received and opened by Council on March 4: a
bid of $500,000 from Cendeco and a bid of $600,000 from McDonald’s USA.
After legal review, the highest responsible bid, made by McDonald’s USA,
was accepted.
Parcel D was originally to be developed by Oxford Development
as part of the Edgewood Town Centre complex, but after plans to develop
the site were scrapped, the property was deeded back to the Borough in
1993. The lot has remained unoccupied since that date due to recorded
covenants with existing businesses.
Borough Council determined that the cost of maintaining and
repairing the empty lot, insurance costs, and the loss of potential tax
revenue presented an unnecessary financial liability to Borough
Parcel D is zoned for business.
Sample Newspapers, Flyers, and Pamphlets
Lately certain areas of Edgewood have been inundated with sample
newspapers, home service flyers, and pamphlets. If the newspaper or
flyer is from a specific organization such as the Post Gazette and you
do not wish to receive them, please contact them to eliminate their
delivery. Please also pick them up from your property and do not leave
them littering our community -- put them in a paper bag next to your
recycling bin, or recycle them with other papers in the bins behind the
Borough Building.
Advisory - PennDOT & State Police Focus on
Work Zone Safety on Parkway East
Increased Enforcement at the Squirrel Hill Tunnel
PennDOT and the Pennsylvania State Police are alerting motorists that
troopers are conducting enforcement on the Parkway East (I-376) in the
area of the Squirrel Hill Tunnel in the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny
County, focusing on speeding and construction zones violations.
The Pennsylvania State Police have issued 131 citations and 15
written warnings since Jan. 1. Additionally, troopers have made 10 DUI
arrests in that time frame. Enforcement activities will be ongoing
through the duration of the project.
The speed limit through the Squirrel Hill Tunnel construction zone is
45 MPH. Motorists could face a 15 day driver’s license suspension if
caught driving 11 miles per hour over the speed limit in an active work
zone, or are involved in a crash in an active work zone and are
convicted for failing to drive at a safe speed. Additionally, fines for
certain violations are doubled in work zones.
PennDOT urges motorists to follow these tips when traveling through work
- Drive the posted speed limit;
- Avoid distractions;
- Be patient;
- Turn on your headlights;
- Stay alert and pay close attention to signs and flaggers;
- Maintain a safe distance around vehicles and;
- Always buckle up.
The $49.5 million Squirrel Hill Tunnel rehabilitation project
includes updating electrical, lighting, air control and ventilation
systems, structural repairs to the walls and arched ceiling, tile
repairs, installation of a water line and other improvements. Overall
work will conclude in summer 2014. The prime contractor is the Walsh
Construction Company of Canonsburg.
PennDOT and Pennsylvania State Police officials are available for
media opportunities on site.
Information on work zone safety is available at Log on to or call 511 from any
phone to check traffic conditions on major roadways before traveling.
Sewer Regionalization Evaluation
The Sewer Regionalization Evaluation is now available for your
review. This report recommends a more regional approach to stormwater
and wastewater management within the ALCOSAN service area. To view the
report, click here:
Sewer Regionalization Evaluation. (Adobe
Reader required.)
911 Center in Point Breeze Answers
Calls Across County
Emergency calls of all kinds are
handled at the Allegheny County 911
Communications Center
Edgewood Police Chief Robert Payne and
Mayor Ed Cook visited the center for a tour of the facility.
Read the full article on
Citizen Satisfaction Survey
As part of an effort to effectively utilize
Borough funds, the General Government Committee
of Borough Council identified a need to have
more accurate information about citizen
satisfaction with some of the services provided
by the Borough.
Toward that end, a citizen satisfaction
survey was conducted in 2011. You can
review the results by downloading the
Citizen Satisfaction Survey Report
Reader required.)
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