Public Announcements
There will be trash collection TODAY (January 9) AND TOMORROW
(January 10). Our trash hauler, Big's Sanitation was concerned about the
volume of trash and recycling with the transition between haulers and
the delayed pickup last week, in addition to subzero temperatures
slowing down their operations.
Don't worry if you didn't get collected today, they'll be back tomorrow.
Winter Futsal
Futsal is open to boys and girls, ages 8-12. To allow for the best
experience for everyone participating, registration will be limited to
20 players. The league will meet once a week on Saturdays from 10-11:30
a.m. This time will include warm-ups/drills and scrimmage time. Due to
the construction at Edgewood STEAM Academy, we will be using the gym at
the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf, 300 E Swissvale Avenue.
The fee for this sport is $20. Registration will take place through
Teamsnap. Registration will be accepted until all spots are filled.
For any questions about the league, please contact Abigail at
office@edgewoodboro, or by phone at 412-242-4824, ext 217.
Light Up Edgewood
Edgewood VFD Luminary Sale - November 28 through December 24, M-F 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. & Saturday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the Borough Building front desk, or message them on Facebook, @Edgewood Volunteer Fire Department
2025 Basketball Season
Men's Basketball
Men's Basketball meets on Thursday evenings from 7-9pm, starting in December or January (dependent on facility availability) and running through the end of March. The fee to participate is $40 for the season. Registration is taken through Teamsnap, using this link:
For questions about the league, please email Matt Dettore at For questions related to registration, please email Abby at, or call 412-242-4824, ext 217.
2024 Leaf Collection Ends 12/20
The Public Works Department will collect leaves until Friday December
20 as the weather permits. Please do not place any additional
leaves at the curb if your street has already been collected this week.
Those leaves will not be collected. Remaining leaves can be bagged
and placed at the curb for collection by Republic Services over the next
two weeks as part of regular trash collection.
Please see the 2024 Collection Schedule here.
Holiday Events in Edgewood
Any questions should be referred to event hosts as indicated.
Santa Around the Neighborhood
Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 7, as Santa makes his way
through Edgewood on a fire truck! Starting at 2 p.m., Santa will be
making stops around the neighborhood, coinciding with other holiday
Light Up Edgewood
2024 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 6:30-8:30 P.M.
Join the Edgewood Foundation for their annual 'Light up Edgewood'
event! First meet up with your neighbors at Memorial Park to see Santa
light up the tree at 6:30 p.m. Then enjoy a walking tour on Maple Avenue
with movies, refreshments and more! For questions, contact the Edgewood
Foundation at
CC Mellor Memorial Library Arts & Crafts Fair -
December 7, 9am-4pm,
ESO Holiday Concert at the First Presbyterian Church of
Edgewood - December 7, 7:30pm-9:30pm,
Pack 23/Troop 23 Scout Tree Sale at Koenig Field -
Saturdays 9am-7pm and Sundays 12pm-7pm in December, until sold out,
@Edgewood Cub Scout Pack 23 (on Facebook)
Edgewood VFD Luminary Sale - November 28 through
December 24, M-F 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. & Saturday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the
Borough Building front desk, or message them on Facebook,
@Edgewood Volunteer Fire
2025 Basketball Season
This league is for boys and girls in Kindergarten* through Grade 8
(*Kindergarteners should be age 6 as of the start of the season). You do
not need to be an Edgewood resident to play. There will be up to 10 kids
per team, with no more than 80 kids per Division (the exact number of
teams is partially dependent on coach availability and will be
determined during the registration process). This is to allow adequate
gym time for all teams, and the best experience for all participants.
Anyone who still wishes to sign up once we have reached capacity will be
Draft: For those who have not participated in this league, the draft
takes place on a Saturday in mid to late December, by age division, and
is an opportunity to ensure that teams are evenly matched by skill
level. The regular season begins in early January. Practices will take
place one weeknight evening each week. Games are held Saturday mornings,
according to Division.
**Due to construction at the Edgewood STEAM Academy, we are not able
to use the facilities there. For the 2025 season, practices and games
will take place at Dickson Intermediate.
The fee for this league is $70. T-shirts will be provided.
Registration opens Monday, October 28 and ends Friday, December 6.
Please use this link to register, which is also available on our
webpage,, and Facebook page, Edgewood Borough
Community Events:
We are still looking for volunteers, especially coaches! Basketball
experience is not required, we just need good role models role model to
help kids stay active and have fun! CLEARANCES ARE REQUIRED.
For questions, please call or email Abigail at the Borough Office at
412-242-4824, ext 217,
Change to Refuse/Recycling Collection Day
Starting the week of January 8, 2024, the collection day for Refuse and Recycling in Edgewood will change from Thursdays to Mondays. There WILL be a collection on Friday, January 5 (delayed due to the holiday), and then another collection on Monday, January 8. Please see the full collection schedule for 2024 here.
Important Change to Recycling
As of January 1, 2021, Republic Services is no longer accepting any glass with curbside Recycling Collection. Glass has the tendency to break during collection and contaminates other recyclables with fine shards of glass. Any contaminated items are forced to be rejected, and sent to a landfill. To continue recycling glass items, Republic Services has stationed a large blue dumpster in the parking lot behind the Edgewood Borough Building, 2 Race Street, for items to be dropped off at residents' convenience. This bin is located next to the paper collection bins.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please only bring your CLEAN glass recyclables, without lids, to place in the bin.
Street Sweeping Resumes
Street Sweeping resumes Wednesday, April 3, 2024. Street Sweeping days and areas are noted on signs posted on all Edgewood streets. Violators will be ticketed.
Overnight Parking Restrictions Lifted for Thanksgiving Holiday
Overnight 3-5 a.m. on-street parking restrictions are being temporarily lifted by the Mayor. On-street overnight parking is permitted effective Thursday, November 28 until Sunday, December 1. Enforcement resumes at 3 a.m. Monday, December 2, 2024.
Help Wanted: Public Works Laborer
Edgewood Borough is accepting applications for a Public Works Laborer. Interested candidates should fill out an application and deliver it to the: Edgewood Borough Municipal Building located at 2 Race Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15218, Attention Rob Zahorchak. Click here for the job description and application.
Due to construction at the Edgewood STEAM Academy, the building will NOT be available as a polling location for the November 5, 2024 election. For voters who normally use that polling location, voting will instead take place at the First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood, 120 E Swissvale Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15218. The Edgewood Borough Building (2 Race St) will still be available for voting on November 5, 2024. If you plan to vote in person, you must use the location assigned, as indicated on your current voter registration. Your voter registration can be found online at
September 28, 3-6pm, Koenig Field
Come down to Koenig Field for an afternoon of fall-themed fun for the whole family! Fallfest will include market vendors, grab 'n go crafts for kids, and hayrides! Make sure to get your tickets for the Edgewood Foundation's Oktoberfest to enjoy, brats, beer and a pig roast!
This event takes place from 3-6pm (last hayride departs at 5:40). There is no entry fee for Fallfest activities. Oktoberfest access is by purchase of a ticket (please check with the Edgewood Foundation for more details: If you are interested in participating as a market vendor for this event, please
Movie in the Park/Sleepover in the Park, Featuring 'Wonka'
Saturday, September 7, Koenig Field
Edgewood Borough presents 'Wonka' (2023, PG) for our last summer feature. This extra "sweet" prequal sets up the background for how Willie Wonka got his start. Plus, after the movie, stick around for the Edgewood Foundation's 'Sleepover in the Park.' We're teaming up to bring you this special event on Saturday, September 7 into Sunday, September 8.
Starting at 7pm, set up your tents, plus blankets/chairs and enjoy the movie (starting at dusk*), along with some water and snacks provided by the Foundation, and stay all night in the park! Donuts, juice, and coffee will be available in the morning for those who stay.
All Koenig Field rules must be followed. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Please check our Facebook page, Edgewood Borough Community Events, for updates and additional information. (for questions regarding the Sleepover event, please contact the Edgewood Foundation)
*Please note that the start time for each movie varies, based on the time of sunset and possible cloud cover. Most movies start approximately 8:30-9. We want to ensure adequate darkness for best visibility of the film.
Fall Soccer | Youth Soccer
Soccer Registration Extended Until 8/19
This recreational league is open to boys and girls ages 4-14* (*up to Grade 8). Registration begins July 1 and ends August 19. Practices begin in late August/early September (dependent on coach availability). The cost for this sport is $70.
Please register here:
Participants should have cleats, shin guards, and it is strongly recommended to bring a practice ball. Shirts will be provided. Spectators may bring their own chairs/blankets to sit on.
Our leagues depend on our dedicated volunteers. We are always looking for parents or community members to help coach. You do not have to be an expert in soccer, and previous experience is not necessary. You just need to be able to be a role model and help guide teams through the season, provide basic instruction of the sport, and be ready to have fun! Clearances are required. If interested, please email
Community Day 2024, Saturday August 24
Mark your calendars for Edgewood Community Day, happening Saturday, August 24 at Koenig Field! Start your day with the Community Day Yard Sale from 8am-12pm. Then head to the field for the main festivities, including food, artist vendors, entertainment, games, and more, starting at 12:30pm. The day ends with music from the Edgewood Symphony Orchestra and a fantastic fireworks display! Please check our website, and Facebook page, 'Edgewood Borough Community Events' for additional information as we get closer to the event.
Vendors wanted!
If you are a food or market vendor interested in participating in
this event, please complete and return a Vendor Application Form as soon
as possible. (Download
2024 Community Day Vendor Form) Space is
limited, so please act quickly! (If you would like to check
availability before submitting your application, please use the contact
information listed below.)
Mail to:
Borough Building Administrative Office
Attn: Community Day
2 Race St
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Email: Abigail Ault, Assistant Manager (
Community Day Yard Sale, Saturday August 24
It's time again for our annual Community Yard Sale! Sales take place
from resident homes from 8am-12pm. If you would like to have your
address added to the list of participating homes, please email
You may include a brief list of featured items (optional). The list, as
well as a map, will be shared on our website and Facebook page closer to
the event.
Movie in the Park, featuring 'Jumanji' (1995)
Friday, August 9, Koenig Field
We are rescheduling 'Jumanji' (1995, starring Robin Williams), which
was postponed from June 14 due to weather. Come enjoy this classic
adventure movie! This film is rated PG, but contains some scenes which
may be frightening for younger audiences.
Bring your blankets/chairs and snacks and enjoy the film with your
neighbors. The movie starts at dusk. All Koenig Field rules must be
followed. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Please check our
Facebook page, Edgewood Borough Community Events, for updates and
additional information.
Overnight Parking Lifted for July 4 Holiday
Overnight parking enforcement is suspended from 3am on July 4 until
3am on July 8. Enforcement resumes at 3am on Monday July 8.
Registration for Tee-ball and Softball are open Monday, March 25
until Friday, May 3. These sports play at Koenig Field in June and July.
You do not need to be an Edgewood Resident to play. Participants are
encouraged to bring their own equipment; however, bats, balls, gloves,
and helmets will be available to use.
The registration fee is $50, and can be accessed with the link below.
This link can also be found on our website, and on
our Facebook page: Edgewood Borough Community Events.
We’re always looking for volunteers! This can range from helping on
the field, to providing drinks or organizing snacks. Please let us know
how you can help through the registration form.
Tee-ball is for girls and boys ages 4-7, with the addition this year
of 4 year-olds. Children should be 4 as of June 1st. This sport will
meet twice weekly; days and times are TBD. Cleats may be worn, but are
not necessary. Shirts and caps will be provided.
Softball is open to girls and boys ages 7-13. This sport meets twice
each week. Kids are encouraged to arrive early for warm-ups and batting
practice. Participants should wear sturdy athletic shoes or cleats.
Shirts will be provided. “Spring Training” takes place during the first
2 weeks, with an additional practice.
For questions about any of our athletic leagues, unless otherwise noted,
please contact Abigail Ault at 412-242-4824, or email
Field Reservations
Following our Easter Egg Hunt, Koenig Field is fully open for the
season, including the tennis/pickleball courts. For anyone wishing to
make a field or court reservation, requests are being accepted now.
Please click here (link to 'Koenig Field' info under Departments) for
more information.
Departments: Sports - new link for tball/softball registration
Help Wanted: Public Works Laborer
Edgewood Borough is accepting applications for a Public Works
Laborer. Interested candidates should fill out an application and
deliver it to the: Edgewood Borough Municipal Building located at 2 Race
Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15218, Attention Rob Zahorchak. Click here for
the job
description and application.
Summer Help Wanted
Edgewood Borough Public Works is accepting applications for part time
summer employment. Applicants may perform a variety of manual labor
tasks maintaining municipal grounds including but not limited to,
mowing, weed whacking, cleaning, painting and assisting with Movie
Applicants with prior experience in landscaping and/or any related
fields preferred. Interested applicants can download an Employment
Application and return it to to Rob Zahorchak, Borough Manager,
Edgewood Borough 2 Race Street Pittsburgh, PA 15218 or electronically to
Office Closed
June 19
The Borough office will be closed on Wednesday, June 19, in
observance of Juneteenth.
Parking Restriction Lifted
The overnight on street parking rules are being temporarily lifted
effective 3am Saturday May 25 through 5am Monday May 27. Restrictions
resume 3am Tuesday May 28.
Memorial Day Service
Sunday, May 26, 1 p.m.
Please join the Edgewood Veterans for a Memorial Day Wreath Ceremony
and the unveiling of a new monument at Memorial Park on Sunday, May 26
at 1pm. A luncheon will follow at the First Presbyterian Church of
Change to Code Inspection/Building Inspection Availability
Please note the following change. Starting March 1, our Code
Inspector/Building Inspector will be available on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. His previous availability was Tuesdays and Fridays.
Edgewood VFD Coffee Fundraiser
For all of those parents/guardians who need a pick-me-up after the
Egg Hunt, coffee will be available for purchase from the Edgewood VFD.
All proceeds benefit the Edgewood Volunteer Fire Department.
Edgewood Cub Scout Pack 23 Presents: Pictures with the
Easter Bunny
Edgewood Cub Scout Pack 23 welcomes the Easter Bunny to Koenig Field!
Immediately following the borough Egg Hunt, get your photo with the
Easter Bunny. Donations support scouting in Edgewood.
UPDATE: Our Easter Egg Hunt is being moved to the rain date
of Sunday, March 24. This is due to wet weather predicted for Friday
into Saturday, with slippery and muddy field conditions expected.
Besides the date change, all other details of the event are the same,
including start time, Photos with the Easter Bunny, and the VFD coffee
Join us for our annual spring Egg Hunt at Koenig Field, Saturday,
March 23 (Rain date will be Sunday, March 24) at 1pm.
Bring your own bag or basket to collect treats and prizes. All kids
are welcome to come and enjoy our FREE Easter Tradition!
Participating kids will be grouped into three age ranges, as follows:
Toddlers (1-2) – Tennis/Pickleball Court* Little Kids (3-6) – Field A**
Big Kids (7+) – Field B**
*The eggs for the Toddler hunt will be EMPTY due to age
appropriateness of candy/toys in filled eggs. Soft prizes will be
available for Toddler participants following the hunt.
**The Little Kids/Big Kids hunts will take place side by side on the
field, with a divider in the middle. This is to allow for a more fair
opportunity for all ages to collect eggs.
All participants should arrive by 1pm. Toddlers will be given a head
start, starting at 1pm. Everyone else will start a few minutes later. We
ask that parents/guardians please ensure proper supervision, especially
of younger children.
For the most current updates, please check the event page on our
Facebook page, Edgewood Borough Community Events.
Tennis/Pickleball Courts Closed for Season
The tennis/pickleball courts at Koenig Field are now closed for
recreational use for the season. This is done to avoid any possible
unsafe play conditions due to seasonal weather impacts on surfaces as
well as to minimize damage to the courts. No more reservations will be
accepted at this time. Courts will reopen in the spring.
Men's Basketball
Men’s Basketball meets Thursday evenings from 7-9pm,
starting in early December and running through the end of March. The fee
to participate is $40 for the season. Registration is taken through
Teamsnap, using this link:
For questions about the league, please email Matt
Dettore at For questions related to registration,
please email Abby at, or call 412-242-4824, Ext: 217.
On-street Parking Restrictions Lifted
The overnight parking ban has been suspended from 3am Saturday
December 23 and will resume at 3am Tuesday January 2, 2024. Happy
2023 Leaf Collection Ending
2023 leaf collection ends Friday December 15, 2023. Please refrain
from placing leaves at the curb beyond Friday as they will not be
collected by the borough. Leaves and yard waste can be bagged and
placed at the curb as part of weekly trash collection.
Winter Futsal
Futsal is open to boys and girls, ages 8-12. The league will meet for games on Wednesday evenings from the end of January through the end of March. To allow for the best experience for all participating, registration will be limited to 20 players. The fee for this sport is $20. Registration will take place through Teamsnap, starting January 2, using this link:
On-street Parking Restrictions Lifted
Overnight 3-5 a.m. on-street parking restrictions have been
temporarily lifted by the Mayor. On-street overnight parking is
permitted effective Thursday November 23 until Sunday November 26.
Enforcement resumes at 3 a.m. Monday November 27, 2024. Happy
Luminaria Sale
The Edgewood Volunteer Fire Department continues the annual
luminaria tradition. They will be selling kits Nov 25–Dec 24; M–F
9am–9pm and Sat 10am–12pm at the Borough Building front desk (or message
them on Facebook, @Edgewood Volunteer Fire Department). Each luminaria
kit is $15 and includes sand, 10 candles and 10 bags. Cash and check
will be accepted. Luminaria are to be lit and placed outside on
Christmas Eve for a beautiful community display.
Edgewood Pack/Troop 23 Tree Sale
Come get your tree, and support Scouting in your neighborhood! The
annual Edgewood Troop/Pack 23 Tree Sale starts Saturday, November 25 and
continues in December. The sale will take place Saturdays and Sundays at
Koenig Field.
- Saturday, November 25, 12pm-7pm
- Sunday, November 26, 12pm-7pm
- Saturday, December 2, 9am-7pm
- Sunday, December 3, 12pm-7pm
- Saturday, December 9, 9am-7pm
- Sunday, December 10, 12pm-7pm*
*Sale continues until sold-out. This may happen earlier (or later),
than the final date listed here. Please check the Scout (Edgewood Cub
Scout Pack 23) and Borough (Edgewood Borough Community Events) Facebook
pages for updates.
Arts and Crafts Sale
December 2, 9am-4pm
Get ready to do your holiday shopping at CC Mellor Memorial
Library’s annual Arts and Crafts Fair on Saturday, December 2 starting
at 9am. This event features local artists selling a variety of arts,
crafts, and handmade gifts.
Santa Around the Neighborhood
December 2, starting at 2pm
Santa will be returning this year for a drive around the neighborhood on
a fire truck! Normally this event takes place in mid-December, but this
year it will coincide with other holiday happenings on Saturday,
December 2, in anticipation of ‘Light Up Edgewood.’ Before he makes his
grand appearance for the tree lighting ceremony, he’ll be taking a ride
with the Edgewood Volunteer Fire Department and greeting families around
the neighborhood. He’ll also be making a special appearance at the Tree
Sale at Koenig Field, along his journey. So make a day of it, and see
Santa as you stop by some of the other activities on December 2!
Light Up Edgewood
December 2, 6:30-8:30
Join the Edgewood Foundation for their annual ‘Light up Edgewood’ event!
First meet up with your neighbors at Memorial Park to see Santa light up
the tree at 6:30pm and enjoy some special live performances! Then enjoy
a walking tour on Maple Ave with movies, refreshments and more. Don’t
forget to bring a toy to donate to the Toys for Tots drive.
Songs of Lights and Nights
December 2, 7:30pm
First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood
Please join your Edgewood Symphony Orchestra on December 2 at
7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood for their annual
holiday concert. For details and tickets please visit the ESO website
Youth Basketball
This league is for boys and girls in Kindergarten* through Grade 8
(*Kindergarteners should be age 6 as of the start of the season). You do
not need to be an Edgewood resident to play. There will be up to 10 kids
per team, with no more than 80 kids per Division (the exact number of
teams is partially dependent on coach availability and will be
determined during the registration process). This is to allow adequate
gym time for all teams, and the best experience for all participants.
Anyone who still wishes to sign up once we have reached capacity will be
We will be resuming our draft this year. For those who have not
participated in this league, the draft takes place on a Saturday in mid
to late December, by age division, and is an opportunity to ensure that
teams are evenly matched by skill level. The regular season begins in
early January. Practices will take place one weeknight evening each
week. Games are held Saturday mornings, according to Division.
The fee for this league is $65. T-shirts will be provided.
Registration opens Monday, October 23 and ends Friday, December 1.
Please use this link to register:
We are still looking for volunteers, especially coaches! Basketball
experience is not required, we just need good role models role model to
help kids stay active and have fun! CLEARANCES ARE REQUIRED.
For questions, please call or email Abigail at the Borough Office at
412-242-4824, Ext: 217,
Soup with St. Nick
December 6, 6-8pm
First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood
The First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood continues their free
community meals on the first Wednesday of the month in December with a
twist - bring the kids to hear the story of Saint Nicholas, visit with
him, and have some homemade soups and breads for family dinner. Join
them on Wednesday, December 6 from 6-8PM in the Gathering Place around
the back of the church. All are welcome!
Fall Leaf Collection
Annual leaf collection starts Monday October 30, 2023. Residents must
not place leaves at the curb until this time. Leaves left at the curb
for an extended period of time are very difficult to vacuum and slow
down the collection process since they soak up water and become
compacted from vehicle traffic. Help our public works department by
keeping your leaves in your yard until the day before they're scheduled
for collection. Doing so ensures that everyone's leaves are collected in
a timely manner. Thursday is a catch up day. Public works uses this day
to go back over any streets needing extra cleaning or that they couldn’t
complete earlier in the week.
Property owners that routinely place piles of leaves in the street
days before their scheduled collection day may be subject to enforcement
action for creating an unsafe condition. Collection delays and
cancellations will be posted on the borough marquis, phone system and
our Facebook page and website.
Hiring Full Time Police Officers
Edgewood Borough Civil Service Commission invites qualified applicants
to test for the position of Full Time Police Officer. Click here for
a list of requirements and testing information. Applications are
available here.
Completed applications and $50 non-refundable fee must be received at
the Edgewood Borough Building by 5pm March 27, 2023. Test day
registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, April 11, 2023, at the
Allegheny County Police Academy, 700 W Ridge Rd, Allison Park, PA 15101.
Physical agility testing starts at 9:00 a.m. with a written examination
to follow immediately after.
Street Sweeping
Street Sweeping resumes Wednesday, April 5. Street Sweeping days and
areas are noted on signs posted on all Edgewood streets. Violators will
be ticketed.
Notice of Proposed Ordinance Eliminating Single Use Plastics
Edgewood Borough Council is considering enacting legislation that
would prohibit the use of single use plastic bags, straws, Styrofoam and
other plastics by commercial retail establishments for the purpose of
transporting goods or food away from the establishment. Customers would
have the option of carrying their goods in either recycled paper bags or
bringing their own bags. The draft ordinance is available
here. No date for enactment has been set.
Help Wanted: Public Works Laborer
Edgewood Borough is accepting applications for a Public Works
Laborer. Interested candidates should fill out an application and
deliver it to the:
Edgewood Borough Municipal Building located at 2 Race Street,
Pittsburgh, PA 15218, Attention Rob Zahorchak.
Click here for the
job description and
NO Flu Shot Clinic This Year
Unfortunately, due to supply issues, Eastern Area Prehospital
Services informed us that they cannot offer their free flu shot clinic
at this time. EAPS recommends that those interested in receiving a flu
shot should seek one from a pharmacy or physicians office.
2023 Parking Permits
Those wishing to purchase parking permits may do so starting December
1, 2022 either online or in at the borough building. Please click
to be redirected to the online permit page.
Art Night in Edgewood
Hosted by the Edgewood Foundation November 4, 1-4PM.
First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood We have some very
talented artists in our neighborhood and the surrounding communities.
Join us to see all this amazing talent. No tickets necessary.
Candidate Forum
Candidate Forum Hosted by CC Mellor Memorial Library, Edgewood
November 1, 7-8pm via ZOOM Prior to the November election, here is your
chance to meet your local candidates.
Edgewood Trick or Treat
Trick-or-Treating in Edgewood Borough will occur on Tuesday, October
31 from 6-8 p.m. Residents who do not want to participate should turn
off their outside lights.
CANCELLED - Movie/Sleepover in the Park
CANCELLED - We're sorry to announce that we have decided to
cancel tomorrow's movie/sleepover in the park event due to predicted
showers/possible thunderstorms. We wanted to give everyone enough notice
to adjust plans. Stay tuned though, as we will look at the possibility
of rescheduling in the next few weeks.
We're teaming up again with the Edgewood Foundation to bring you a
Movie Night plus 'Sleepover in the Park' on Saturday, September 9. For
our last summer feature, we are playing the classic adventure film 'Jumanji'
(1995, starring Robin Williams). This film is rated PG, but contains
some scenes which may be frightening for younger audiences.
Set up your tents, plus blankets/chairs and enjoy the movie, along
with some water and snacks provided by the Foundation. Then stay all
night in the park! Donuts, juice, and coffee will be available in the
morning for those who stay. (for questions regarding the Sleepover
event, please contact the Edgewood Foundation)
The movie starts at dusk. All Koenig Field rules must be followed.
All children must be accompanied by an adult. Please check our Facebook
page, Edgewood
Borough Community Events, for updates and additional information.
September 30 at Koenig Field
Come down to Koenig Field for an afternoon of fall-themed fun for the
whole family! Fallfest will include market vendors, grab 'n go crafts
for kids, and hayrides pulled by a fire truck! Make sure to get your
tickets for the Edgewood Foundation's Oktoberfest to enjoy, brats, beer
and a pig roast!
This event takes place from 3-6pm (last hayride departs at 5:40).
There is no entry fee for Fallfest activities. Oktoberfest access is by
purchase of a ticket (please check with the Edgewood Foundation for more
details: If you are interested in participating as a
market vendor for this event, please email
Community Day ‘Thank You’
We appreciate everyone who worked, volunteered their time, and
attended this year’s Community Day! We had a blast, and we hope you did
Community Day Details
Edgewood Community Day Yard Sale List and Map
The Edgewood Community Day Yard Sale will take place from 8am-2pm.
Yard sales are held at individual addresses. Any additional notes are
listed as provided.
Yard Sale List
Yard Sale Map
Community Day Details
Saturday, August 26
Koenig Field
Field events kick off at 2pm with a special visit with Iceberg the
Penguin, courtesy of the Edgewood Foundation! Iceberg will be making the
rounds until 3pm. Then check out the activities on the field, including
old favorites like the bouncy house, balloons, sand art, and games, plus
the return of pony rides! And NEW THIS YEAR, in the tennis/pickleball
courts, we are featuring a mini-golf course! Most games/activities are
available from 3-6pm (pony rides end at 5).
Don't forget to visit the vendor market from 2-6pm! Here you will
find an array of artist vendors selling hand-made jewelry, fiber art,
wearables, collectible art and more; plus some local non-profits and
community groups offering even more activities and games and
informational tables.
Meet your favorite first responders. Besides cooking up delicious
pulled pork dinners, the Edgewood Volunteer Fire Department will be
selling supporter shirts and handing out hats. Beer garden ‘drink all
day’ tickets will be available, and a NEW coffee bar! Additional food
selections include Mediterranean, Caribbean, ribs, pizza and crepes.
Throughout the day, we will be featuring a variety of entertainers,
and The Edgewood Borough Police Department will be teaming up with the
Edgewood Foundation for the annual raffle around 7pm. Finally, we’ll be
ending the day with a dazzling fireworks display.
Line-up and Performer Details
Community Day 2023
Mark your calendars for Edgewood Community Day, happening Saturday,
August 26 at Koenig Field! Start your day with the Community Day Yard
Sale from 8am-2pm. Then head to the field for the main festivities,
including food, artist vendors, entertainment, games, and more, starting
at 2pm. The day ends with music from the Edgewood Symphony Orchestra and
a fantastic fireworks display! Please check our website and Facebook
page, ‘Edgewood Borough Community Events’ for additional information as
we get closer to the event.
Vendors wanted! If you are a food or market vendor
interested in participating in this event, please complete and return
the Vendor
Application Form as soon as possible. Space is limited, so please
act quickly! (If you would like to check availability before submitting
your application, please use the contact information listed below.)
Mail to:
Borough Building Administrative Office
Attn: Community Day
2 Race St
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Email: Rob Zahorchak, Borough Manager,
Community Day Yard Sale It’s time again for our
annual Community Yard Sale! Sales take place from resident homes. If you
would like to have your address added to the list of participating
homes, please email
You may include a brief list of featured items (optional). The list, as
well as a map, will be shared on our website and Facebook page closer to
the event.
For questions about the Yard Sale, or any general questions about
Community Day, please call 412-242-4824, or email
Youth Soccer
REGISTRATION EXTENDED: Registration has been extended through
Friday, August 11!
This recreational league is open to boys and girls ages 4-14.
Practices begin towards
late August/early September. The cost for this sport is $65.
Please click here
to register for this league!
Participants should have cleats, and it is strongly recommended to
bring a practice ball. T-shirts and socks will be provided. Spectators
may bring their own chairs/blankets to sit on.
VOLUNTEERS WANTED! Our leagues depend on our dedicated volunteers. We
are always looking for parents or community members to help coach. You
do not have to be an expert in soccer, and previous experience is not
necessary. You just need to be able to be a role model and help guide
teams through the season, provide basic instruction of the sport, and be
ready to have fun! Clearances are required. If interested, please email
Movie Night Featuring 'The Super Mario Bros'
Movie Night Featuring 'The Super Mario Bros' Friday, August 18,
7:30PM, at Koenig Field.
Level up your Friday night, and head to Koenig Field on August 18 for
our second summer movie, featuring the new animated hit 'The Super Mario
Before the movie starts, kick off the fun with a 'Mario Kart' Box
Race. Kids are welcome to bring their own crafted cardboard box cars.
Don’t worry if you don’t have one, a limited number of boxes will be
available at the field. Then, just for fun, kids can race their cars
along the track. After the race, park your "car" (cardboard only) in
front of the big screen and enjoy the movie! Don’t forget your snacks,
plus blankets/chairs for the grown-ups.
Families are welcome to the field at 7:30 to build and race cars. The
movie will start at dusk. All Koenig Field rules must be followed. All
children must be accompanied by an adult.
Touch-a-Truck/Movie Night
‘The Bad Guys’ Friday, July 14, 7:30pm Koenig Field.
Come down to the field for a night of family friendly fun! First,
meet some first responders and take your picture with a fire truck from
7:30-8:30pm. Then stick around with your blankets/chairs and snacks for
our first summer movie, featuring the animated action film, ‘The Bad
Guys.’ (Rated PG) The movie starts at dusk. Children must be accompanied
by an adult. All Koenig Field rules apply.
Make Music Day at Memorial Park
Make Music Day at Memorial Park at
69-189 E Swissvale Ave June 21, 5-8pm.
World 'Make Music Day' takes place on the Summer Solstice, June
21. Communities worldwide join together to hold performances that honor
musicians and their art. Edgewood Borough is taking part in this special
event with a musical celebration to be held at our own Memorial Park.
To make this happen, we have partnered with Make Music Pittsburgh,
and will be one of about a dozen locations around the city participating
in the day. Pittsburgh is also one of 15 cities with monument lighting
turning ORANGE in support of the national day of making music. The
Koppers Building and Gulf Towers, all night will light up orange!
Get your lawn chairs and blankets and be ready for a lovely evening
spent celebrating music with your neighbors, both locally and around the
- 5-6pm - Community Hour*
- 6-6:40pm - Elizabeth Chase
- 6:40-7:20pm - Suzuki Institute Musicians
- 7:20-8pm – Wojo
*Community Hour is an opportunity for our neighbors to participate
directly in this event. Whether you sing, play an instrument, or are
part of a group, we welcome you to play a song or two. If you would like
to perform, please email
More about Make Music Day:
National Link
Local Link
(includes the map to local performances)
More about the musicians:
Elizabeth Chase
Pgh Suzuki
Plant Sale Pick-up and Vendor Market
Saturday, May 20, 10am-1pm
Koenig Field
Stop by the field to pick up your edible plant pre-orders. If you do
not place an order, plants will be available for purchase day-of! Plus,
stick around and check out a few market vendors. The pick-up timeframe
for pre-orders is 10am-12pm and the vendor market will be open 10am-1pm.
If you are interested in being a market vendor at this event, please
Tee-ball / Softball
Registration for Tee-ball and Softball are open NOW until May 5th.
These sports play at Koenig Field in June and July. You do not need to
be an Edgewood Resident to play. Participants are encouraged to bring
their own equipment; however, bats, balls, gloves, and helmets will be
available to use.
The registration fee is $50, and can be accessed with the link
We're always looking for volunteers! This can range from helping on
the field, to providing drinks or organizing snacks. Please let us know
how you can help through the registration form.
Tee-ball is for girls and boys ages 4-7, with the addition this year of
4 year-olds. Children should be 4 as of June 1st. Also new this year, if
registration numbers allow, we are planning to break participants into
two divisions: Division 1 (4/5 year-olds), and Division 2 (6/7
year-olds). Division 1 will focus on player participation and learning
basic skills. Each child gets to bat and field each inning, with all
games being played from the Tee. Division 2 will build on the basics,
and introduce more team-based skills, with position play, and counting
of outs (no strike-outs). Depending on progression of the group,
Division 2 has the potential to move to coach-pitch later in the season.
This sport will meet twice weekly; days and times are TBD. Cleats may be
worn, but are not necessary. Shirts and caps will be provided.
Softball is open to girls and boys ages 7-13. This sport meets twice
each week at 6pm. Kids are encouraged to arrive at 5:30pm for warm-ups
and batting practice. Participants should wear sturdy athletic shoes or
cleats. Shirts will be provided. "Spring Training" takes place during
the first 2 weeks, with an additional practice.
2023 Softball Schedule:
Preseason training practices: June 5, 6, 8, 12, 14 & 15.
Games: June 19, 22, 26, 29 and July 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24 & 27.
There will be an end of the year party and game between the parents
versus players on July 22, at 10am!
Now Hiring Summer Help Employees
Edgewood Borough Public Works seeks qualified
candidates for seasonal, part-time employment for the summer.
Employment will last from approximately May-September. Rate of pay
is $11/hr. Applications are available here:
Scouting for Food
Edgewood Cub Scout Pack 23
Pack 23 is participating in Scouting for Food to collect
non-perishable, non-expired items, including pet food, to donate to a
local foodbank. Scouts and their adult helpers will be going
door-to-door this weekend (April 21-23) to hang door tags around the
neighborhood. The tags include further details about items accepted for
collection. Scouts will return to collect all donated items from
porches/doorsteps on the morning of Saturday, April 29. If you would
like to donate but you do not live in an accessible location (ie,
apartment), a donation box is available in the lobby area of the Borough
Building. Thanks in advance to everyone who donates, as well as those
who are looking out to ensure the safety of the kids and their families
as they participate in this charitable event.
Pollinator Garden at Memorial Park
Saturday, May 6 at 10am
Help build a pollinator garden! Through a partnership with Humane
Action Pittsburgh and the loved ones of Daisy Nicole, a pollination
garden is being placed at Memorial Park. Meet at the park at 10am on
Saturday, May 6. Please bring rakes, shovels, gardening tools and a
water bottle.
Woodland Hills School Board Candidate Forum
Hosted by PAWS: Public Advocates for Woodland Hills School District.
Tuesday, April 18, 6-8pm The Connect Center, 827 Linden Ave, East
Ahead of the upcoming School Board election happening on May 16,
everyone is welcome to attend a candidate forum on Tuesday, April 18
from 6-8pm at the Connect Center (827 Linden Ave). The Woodland Hills
School Board has a total of 9 seats, 6 of which are open for election
this May. Of those open seats, 3 represent Edgewood. The decisions made
by the board affect both the families who attend the district, as well
as the community at large. This forum will be an opportunity to learn
more about the people who are interested in representing you. All
registered voters are encouraged to become familiar with these
candidates, and to vote on May 16.
Easter Egg Hunt - Rescheduled
Due to stormy weather predicted for Saturday, our Easter Egg Hunt at
Koenig Field is being moved to the RAIN DATE, SUNDAY, APRIL 2.
Join us for our annual spring Egg Hunt at Koenig Field, on our rain
date of Sunday, April 2. Bring your own bag or basket
to collect treats and prizes. We are welcoming kids ages 1 (walkers)-10
to hunt for Easter Eggs. Come and enjoy our FREE Easter Tradition!
Participating kids will be grouped into 3 hunts. Toddlers (1-2), Little
Kids (3-6), and Big Kids (7-10).
We ask that all participants arrive at 11am to prepare for the hunt.
Toddlers will be given the most time, starting at 11am. Older kids will
start a few minutes later.
*If you have more than one child participating, and would like them
to stay together, they may do so, as long as they are close to the age
for the hunt they participate in (for example, if your children are 6
and 8, and they could both participate in the Big Kids Hunt).
Stop The Bleed Training
Attend this free training to gain the ability to recognize
life-threatening bleeding and act quickly and effectively to control
bleeding once you learn three quick techniques.
Stop The Bleed Training
Monday, March 27. 6-7:30pm
Edgewood Club, 1 Pennwood Ave
Facilitated by Ben Reynolds, Edgewood Fire Chief and Dr. Raquel
Forsythe, UPMC Trauma Physician. Space is limited.
To register, please email Edgewood Councilmember Bhavini Patel at,
or call 412-378-6511.
Tree Pittsburgh: Tree Adoption Event
Add some beauty to your yard with two FREE trees from Tree Pittsburgh!
at this link today, and pick-up at the Rivers of Steel Pump House on
April 1, 2023, anytime between 11 am - 1 pm!
2023 Starter Plants Sale for Veggies and Herbs Begins Now!
Here’s how to choose and order plants:
- First, use this list and descriptions of
2023 Herbs & Veggies to inform your plant choices, as before.
- Begin ordering and paying right now, January 30 through
February 13 at: -
No order forms to fill out and return!
- You’ll pick up your plants on one Saturday in mid-May at Koenig
Field. The following day, Sunday, is the rain day (only if rain is
heavy). The pickup date and times are TBD and we'll let you know.
- After February 13 (see #2 above), seeds will be ordered. There
will be extra plants available after that, but the folks who order
and pay by 2/13 will get first choice.
- Plant varieties will be removed from their web page asap if/when
capacity is reached.
- Some plants, mostly tomatoes, have not been as popular as
others, but some folks order them every year. Using seeds already on
hand, these varieties are listed as LIMITED SUPPLY on the last page
of 2023 Herbs & Veggies, and in the drop down menu’s plant names on
the web page. When these plant orders reach capacity they will also
be removed from their web page.
It’s the best time of year to plan your garden! This grower is happy
to help you.
Winter Futsal
Futsal is open to boys and girls, ages 8-12. The league will meet for
games on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8pm, February through March, at the
Edgwood Gym. To allow for the best experience for all participating,
registration will be limited to 20 players. The fee for this sport is
$20. Registration will take place through Teamsnap, starting January 2,
Click Here.
This information, along with any updates through the season, will
also be available on our webpage,, and
Facebook page,
Edgewood Borough Community Events. We are looking for a couple more
volunteers to help coach! If interested, or for any questions about the
league, please contact Abigail at,
or by phone at 412-242-4824, ext 217
2023 Proposed Budgets now Available for Review
Borough Council has finalized the 2023 General
Fund, Sewer Fund, and Highway Budgets. They are available for
review prior to their planned adoption at the December 5, 2022 council
meeting. Please click here
to view the proposed budgets and supplementals.
Men’s Basketball
Men’s Basketball meets Thursday evenings from 7-9pm at the Edgewood
STEAM Academy Gymnasium, 214 Maple Ave, starting in mid to late December
and running through the end of March. The fee to participate is $40 for
the season. Registration is taken through Teamsnap,
click here.
For questions about the league, please email Matt Dettore at
For questions related to registration, please email Abby at, or
call 412-242-4824, EXT: 217.
Flu Shot Clinic Update
Unfortunately, due to supply issues, Eastern Area PreHospital
Services informed us that they cannot offer their free flu shot
clinic at this time. EAPS recommends that those interested in
receiving a flu shot should seek one from a pharmacy or physician’s
Pasta Dinner Fundraiser for Officer Wyke!
Pasta Dinner Fundraiser for Officer Wyke, on
Saturday July 9th, 2022, From 3:00pm - 7:00pm.
Edgewood Police & Fire will be holding a joint pasta dinner
fundraiser at the First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood for Edgewood
Police Officer Brian Wyke, who lost his home to a devastating fire
Brian has been a dedicated police officer in Edgewood for 17
years. Brian's home sustained considerable damage in the fire. We are
asking for your help with donations to help us raise money for him and
his children. He will not be able to return to his home for the next
8–12 months. All proceeds will go directly to Officer Wyke and his
Donations can also be made via Gofundme,
click here.
Now Hiring- Part Time Police Officer
The Edgewood Borough Police Department seeks
qualified individuals for the position of part time police officer.
Interested candidates should fill out an
application and deliver it to the Edgewood Municipal Building
located at 2 Race Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15218, Attention Chief Robert
Paper copies of the application are available at the Municipal
Building. Starting rate is $19.58/hour, increasing to $20.17/hour
in 2022. Part time officers receive 1.5x rate for holiday hours
worked. New hires receive uniforms, a $300 stipend after one year, and
can earn up to ten paid vacation days per year.
Applicants must meet the following requirements: US Citizen, high
school diploma or equivalent, be at least 21 years old, possess Act 120
Certification, valid PA drivers license, valid first aid and CPR
certification. Applicants are required to pass a background
investigation, medical and psychological exam.
Hiring Full Time Police Officers
Edgewood Borough Civil Service Commission invites
qualified applicants to test for the position of Full Time Police
Officer. Click
here for a list of requirements and testing information.
Applications are available
here. Completed applications and $50 non-refundable fee must
be submitted in person or by U.S. Mail by 4pm Friday June 24, 2022 at
the borough building. Written examination will be administered on
July 5, 2022 at 10am at the borough building. Physical agility
testing will be administered on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 9am at the
Allegheny County Police Academy 700 W Ridge Rd, Allison Park, PA 15101.
Trash Collection Update
Please note that there is NO DELAY to trash collection this
week, following the New Year holiday. Republic Services is running on
their regular schedule.
Overnight On-Street Parking Ban Suspended
The overnight on-street parking ban has been suspended
effective 3am Friday December 23, 2022. Enforcement resumes 3am Tuesday
January 3, 2023.
Trash Collection Delay
Per notification from Republic Services, trash collection is running
on a one-day delay this week. Due to the weather conditions last Friday,
December 23, they were unable to run their trucks, and were forced to
delay Friday's pick-up until Monday. Because of that, all collection is
delayed one day for the remainder of this week. Collection for Edgewood,
which was scheduled for Thursday, will happen on Friday.
County Sponsored Christmas Tree Recycling Program
The Allegheny County Parks Department is offering its annual
Christmas Tree Recycling Program this holiday season. Residents may drop
off Christmas trees from Monday, December 26, 2022, through Saturday,
January 14, 2023, at all nine county parks from 8:00 am until dusk. All
lights, decorations, tinsel and stands must be removed from trees prior
to drop-off. Trees will be mulched and used in the county parks. The
list of drop-off locations is available
Light Up Edgewood
The Edgewood Foundation presents Light Up Night,
December 3rd,
2022! Tree lighting and a visit from Santa at 6:30PM; walking tour with
treats, gifts, and Christmas movies along the way; vendors for
last-minute gifts.
For more information:
Leaf Collection
Leaf collection ends Friday, December 9.
Overnight Parking Restrictions Lifted
The Mayor has lifted overnight parking restrictions in the borough
starting 3 a.m. Thursday, November 24 through 5 a.m. Sunday, November
27, 2022. Enforcement resumes 3 a.m. Monday, November 28, 2022.
Street Sweeping begins April 6, 2022
Street Sweeping resumes Wednesday, April 6.
Street Sweeping days and areas are noted on signs posted on all Edgewood
streets. Violators will be ticketed.
2022 On-Street Parking Permit Information
Resident On-Street, On-Street Visitor, and Borough Lot passes go on
sale Wednesday December 1, 2021. Off-Street Borough Lot passes will go
on sale Monday December 13, 2021. Please click
here for more information and
to purchase parking passes.
2022 Leaf Collection
Leaf collection begins tentatively on Monday, October 31. For the
schedule, please click
Please Note:
- This is LEAF Collection ONLY—Do Not Include Yard Waste.
- Please rake your LEAVES to the curb no sooner than the NIGHT
BEFORE your pickup.
- DO NOT PLACE LEAVES IN THE STREET. They can block catch basins
and be hazardous to motorists. PLEASE KEEP THEM ON THE CURB.
Collection is weather dependent. Heavy rain or snow weighs down the
leaves making them harder to vacuum. Additional time can be required if
we experience several consecutive days of bad weather. Crews strive to
collect each street on the posted day but that is not always possible.
Troop/Pack 23 Holiday Tree Sale
Due to a change in delivery, the dates for the Scout Tree Sale will
be changing. The original ‘save the date’ in the newsletter listed the
first two weekends of December (3/4 & 10/11). The first weekend of
the sale will now be held November 26 and 27. If trees do not sell
out in the first weekend, the sale will continue the weekend of December
3 and 4. Don’t miss your chance to get your tree, and support Scouting
in your neighborhood!
- Saturday, November 26, 9am-7pm
- Sunday, November 27, 12pm-5pm
Youth Basketball
This league is for boys and girls in Kindergarten* through Grade 8
(*Kindergarteners should be age 6 as of the start of the season). You do
not need to be an Edgewood resident to play. There will be up to 10 kids
per team, with a maximum of 6 teams per Division. This is to allow
adequate gym time for all teams, and the best experience for all
The regular season begins in early January. All games and practices
are held in the Edgewood STEAM Academy Gymnasium. Practices will take
place one weeknight evening each week. Games are held on Saturdays,
according to Division.
The fee for this league is $60. T-shirts will be provided.
Registration is open now through Friday, December 2.
Please click here to register.
We are still looking for volunteers, especially coaches!
Basketball experience is not required, we just need good role models
role model to help kids stay active and have fun! CLEARANCES ARE
REQUIRED. For questions, please call or email Abigail at the Borough
Office at 412-242-4824, Ext: 217,
Trick or Treat
Trick-or-Treating in Edgewood Borough will occur on Monday, October
31 from 6-8 p.m. Residents who do not want to participate should
turn off their outside lights. Please continue to follow CDC guidelines
for Covid and other illnesses.
Safety Tips:
Be visible (use reflective tape, or glow sticks)
Follow street safety laws; watch for traffic
Go in groups
Check costumes for user safety
Avoid open flames
Inspect treats; avoid homemade treats
Local Flu Shot Clinic Opportunity
While the Eastern Area Prehospital Flu Shot Clinic that is
normally held at the Borough Building is not available this year, here
is another local opportunity to obtain your flu shot. Covid shots are
available as well. The Allegheny County Health Department will be
conducting a mobile immunization clinic on Saturday, November 19th from
10am -12pm at St. Mark’s AME Church. Please see the
flyer for
additional information.
Movie Night and Halloween Parade
Join C.C. Mellor Memorial Library and Edgewood Borough for a
Halloween parade and seasonal movie outside Fri, October 21, 2022! Meet
us on Koenig Field at 6:30 for a parade around the field to show off
your costume. Then settle in for a showing of "Coco" around 7 PM. If the
weather looks nasty, we'll cancel by 4 PM that day via email and social
media. Planning to attend? This event is free, but please
register your family so we know how many to expect.
Fallfest (+Oktoberfest)
Come down to Koenig Field for some fall-themed fun for the whole
family! The afternoon will include, market vendors, grab 'n go crafts
for kids, and hayrides around the neighborhood. Again this year,
Fallfest will overlap with the Edgewood Foundation's Oktoberfest event!
Fallfest takes place from 2-5pm (last hayride departs at 4:40). Make
sure to get your tickets for Oktoberfest, which runs from 3-6pm!
Our musical friends Milepost6 will be back this year to perform an
afternoon set to round out the day.
There is no entry fee for Fallfest activities. Oktoberfest access is
by purchase of a ticket (please check with the Edgewood Foundation for
more details:
Edgewood continues to follow CDC guidelines around Covid 19. Masks
are recommended if local transmission levels are high. Please stay home
if you are showing signs of illness.
Movie in the Park, Featuring E.T.; plus Sleepover in the Park!
For our second feature film of the year, we are showing the
"out-of-this-world" classic, E.T. on its fortieth anniversary year. All
ages are welcome to enjoy this PG rated movie, however, some younger
audience members may find the content a bit scary, so please be advised.
We're breaking from our Friday Night Feature to show this on
Saturday, September 10. This is so we can combine it with the Edgewood
Foundation’s 'Sleepover in the Park' event. Get your movie chairs and
blankets along with your tents and sleeping bags and stay all night in
the park! Enjoy an evening of activities and snacks provided by the
Foundation, along with the feature film. Activities start at 7, however
families may arrive early to set up tents. The movie will begin at dusk.
Please fill this out
this sign-up form, even if you do not plan on staying over-night.
The form has two options to select: one for those who are staying over,
and one for those who are just coming for the movie. This is to help the
Foundation to plan accordingly for snacks, etc.
For questions regarding the Sleepover event, please contact the
Edgewood Foundation:
All Koenig Field rules must be followed. All children must be
accompanied by an adult. Please continue to follow all current
guidelines regarding Covid
Community Day Yard Sale List and Map
The Edgewood Community Day Yard Sale will take place from 8am-2pm.
Yard sales are held at individual addresses. Any additional notes are
listed as provided.
Community Day 2022
Mark your calendars for Edgewood Community Day, happening Saturday,
August 27 at Koenig Field! Start your day with our second annual
Community Day Yard Sale from 8am-2pm. Then head to the field for the
main festivities, including live entertainment, food, artist vendors,
games, and more, starting at 2pm. As always, we’ll end the day with
music from the Edgewood Symphony Orchestra and a fantastic fireworks
display! Please check the website and our
Facebook page,
Edgewood Borough Community Events for additional information as we get
closer to the event.
Vendors Wanted
If you are a food or market vendor interested in participating in
this event, please complete and return the following
form as
soon as possible. Please note that space is limited, so be sure to
submit your application as soon as possible. (If you would like to check
availability before submitting your application, please use the contact
information listed below.)
Mail to:
Borough Building Administrative Office
Attn: Community Day
2 Race St
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Email: Rob Zahorchak, Borough Manager,
Community Day Yard Sale
Last year was our first official Community Day Yard Sale. We are
excited to bring that back for another year, and we hope to make this a
regular part of our Community Day celebration! The hours for the yard
sale are 8am-2pm. If you would like to have your address added to the
list of participating homes, please email If
you wish, you may include a brief list of featured items (optional). The
list, as well as a map, will be shared on our website and Facebook page
closer to the event.
For questions, please call 412-242-4824, or email
Hosted by the Edgewood Foundation August 20th, 2022 9:00 AM - 12:00
PM. Join us at the intersection of Brinton Road and Maple Avenue
to clean and beautify our neighborhood! Due to proximity to the roadway,
this event is for adults only.
Fall Soccer Registration
This recreational league is open to boys and girls ages 4-14.
Registration begins July 15 and ends August 15. Practices begin towards
late August - Early September. The cost for this sport is $65.
Please register
Participants should have cleats, and it is strongly recommended to
bring a practice ball. T-shirts and socks will be provided. Spectators
may bring their own chairs/blankets to sit on. Participants and
spectators should use proper hygiene, including hand-washing and use of
hand sanitizer. Shared equipment, including balls will be disinfected
between games, with additional disinfecting during games as needed.
Anyone recently recovering from/ in quarantine for Covid 19, or anyone
showing signs of illness should stay home.
Movie in the Park, featuring, “The Little Mermaid”
Friday, July 29 at Koenig Field
Join us for our first outdoor movie of the year, the classic animated Disney hit, 'The Little Mermaid!' Bring your lawn chairs or blankets to Koenig Field for this family friendly film, and feel free to sing along as you go “under the sea.” The movie starts at dusk. Children must be accompanied by an adult. All Koenig Field rules apply. All CDC guidelines regarding Covid must be adhered to. Please stay home if you are showing signs of illness, or are recently recovering from, or in quarantine for Covid 19.
An Evening in Memorial Park
An Evening in Memorial Park -
Tuesday, July 19 19, 6:30pm to 8:00pm
From ‘Friends of Memorial Park:’
A HUGE THANK YOU to all of the volunteers over the last few years
who took the park's redesign vision and made it reality, shovel by
Your impact is appreciated: From the 50 groundbreaking volunteers
who planted nearly 200 trees, shrubs and grasses, The weeders and
mulchers who keep the park tidy, And all the pop-up volunteers in
between. It is a group effort and truly takes a village - or
neighborhood - like Edgewood!
We invite you and the community to spend an evening in the park to
admire the results, including the gazebo and the engraved bricks now
laid, fundraised by the veteran's group. We will have snacks and
beverages. Please consider any COVID 19 protocols and your own
comfort level.
Gun Buy Back, Sponsored by Nied Funeral Home
Gun Buy Back, Sponsored by Nied Funeral Home August 6, 9:00am -
12:00pm, at Nied Funeral Home 7441 Washington Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15218.
In honor of their 100th anniversary, Nied’s Funeral Home in Swissvale
is donating $10,000 in Giant Eagle gift cards to buy back any guns. No
questions asked. All communities are welcome. This will take place at
the Nied Funeral parking lot, on Saturday, August 6 from
9:00am - 12:00pm.
AR-15 type rifles: $100 gift card
Handguns: $50 gift card
Rifles: $25 gift card
Adult Yoga
Join instructor Julie Straub for the Outdoor Yoga &
Mindfulness summer series at Koenig Field. Move your body and breathe,
as you practice yoga and mindfulness techniques. Classes meet June
22, 29, and July 6 and 13* from 7:15pm - 8:15pm on the field, or in the
field house if inclement weather. The cost for the course is $60, or a
drop-in rate per class of $15. For class updates, please check our
Facebook page,
Borough Community Events.
To pre-register,
Click Here.
*The June 15 class has been CANCELLED
due to a change in availability.
Overnight Parking Ban Suspended
The mayor has lifted the overnight on-street parking ban
starting at 3AM Saturday May 28 through 5AM Monday, May 30. Enforcement
will resume at 3AM Tuesday, May 31, 2022.
It’s time again for Edgewood T-ball and Softball! Registration for
both sports begins April 15th and ends May 15th. These sports play at
Koenig Field, and you do not need to be an Edgewood Resident to play.
The registration fee is $50, and can be accessed with the link here:
Participants are encouraged to bring their own equipment; however,
bats, balls, gloves, and helmets will be available to use.
T-ball is for boys and girls ages 5-7. Participants should be 5 as of
June 1st. This sport will play through June and July, meeting twice
weekly. Practice days and times are TBD. Cleats may be worn, but are not
necessary. Shirts and caps will be provided. Volunteers needed! We are
looking for dedicated individuals to help coach this league. If you are
able to help, you can indicate that on the registration form, or email
Softball is open to girls and boys ages 7-13. The season will start
June 6th and end July 28th, with practice/play on Monday and Thursday
evenings, starting at 6pm. There will be a “spring training” during the
first 2 weeks, with additional practice on Wednesdays. Kids are
encouraged to come early for extra batting practice. Participants should
wear sturdy athletic shoes or cleats. Shirts will be provided.
For questions, please contact Abigail Ault at 412-242-4824, or email
Spring Pop-up Market and Plant Sale Pick-up
Spring Pop-up Market and Plant Sale Pick-up,
May 14, 9am at Koenig Field.
Edgewood is hosting a pop-up artists market at Koenig Field! This is
happening along with our Spring Plant Sale pick-up.
If you pre-ordered plants, you can just stop by to pick up your
order. If you did not get a chance to order, there will be plants
available for sale. These are organic, locally grown plants ready to add
to your edible garden! The selection includes tomatoes, peppers,
eggplants, and a variety of herbs.
While you are there, check out some of the hand-made goods, provided
by a variety of local artisans/crafters/makers!
For questions, or if you are an artist/market vendor interested in
participating, please email
*This event partially coincides with the Regent Square Yard Sale,
hosted by the Regent Square Civic Association. This group is a separate
entity from the Borough of Edgewood. If you have questions regarding the
Yard Sale, please reach out to RSCA. That being said, we encourage
everyone who wants to make it a full day of shopping and visiting with
friends and neighbors to do so, and ask all to shop and travel the
neighborhood safely!
Change to Egg Hunt
Due to wet weather conditions forecasted for this
Saturday, April 9, we are moving our community Egg Hunt at Koenig Field
to our rain date of Sunday, April 10, at 1pm. The ground may be a
bit muddy, so galoshes/rain boots are recommended. We hope you’ll join
us Sunday, and don’t forget to BYOB (bring your own bag/basket)!
Reminder: We are welcoming kids ages 1 (walkers)-10
to hunt for Easter Eggs. Come and enjoy our FREE Easter Tradition!
To comply with social distancing, participating
kids will be grouped into 3 timed hunts.
Toddlers (1-2), Little Kids (3-6), and Big Kids
- Toddlers: 1:00pm - Tennis Courts
- Little Kids: 1:10pm - Half Field (Playground
- Big Kids: 1:20pm - Half Field (Fieldhouse
Each hunt will be staggered by ten minutes to keep crowd size to a
minimum. All participants and attendees are strongly encouraged to wear
a face mask.
*If you have more than one child participating, and
would like them to stay together, they may do so, as long as they are
close to the age for the hunt they participate in (for example, if your
children are 6 and 8, and they could both participate in the Big Kids
Spring 2022 Edible Plant Pre-Sale
Now through February 5 you can place your pre-order for edible garden
plants! Plants will be available for pick up at Koenig Field on
Saturday, May 14 (times TBD). You may place your order online at:
The plant list is available to view on the webpage above, as well as
our Facebook page (Edgewood Borough Community Events) to help you make
your selections. Some plants will be a limited supply only. When
checking out, please be sure to use the coupon code,
FreeShip4EdgewdPickup, when you place your order so you are not charged
shipping fees. This coupon applies to plant orders as part of this sale
After February 5 the cutoff date for orders and payments, seeds will
be ordered. Additional orders MAY be able to be accepted after February
5 if there are extra seeds remaining, but the folks who order and pay by
2/5 will get first choice.
For any questions related to ordering on the website, the plant list,
or general plant care, please email Karen at For questions
about pick up, please email
Easter Egg Hunt 2022
Join us for our annual spring Egg Hunt at Koenig Field, Saturday,
April 9 (Rain date will be Sunday, April 10). Bring your own bag or
basket to collect treats and prizes. We are welcoming kids ages 1
(walkers)-10 to hunt for Easter Eggs. Come and enjoy our FREE Easter
To comply with social distancing, participating kids will be grouped
into 3 timed hunts.
Toddlers (1-2), Little Kids (3-6), and Big Kids (7-10).
- Toddlers: 1:00pm - Tennis Courts
- Little Kids: 1:10pm - Half Field (Playground Side)
- Big Kids: 1:20pm - Half Field (Fieldhouse Side)
Each hunt will be staggered by ten minutes to keep crowd size to a
This event is subject to cancellation if PA Department of Health or
other agency imposes gathering restrictions. Please limit those in
attendance to only parents/caregivers with their child(ren). All
participants and attendees are strongly encouraged to wear a face mask.
To allow us to best prepare for the number in attendance, please let
us know in advance if you are planning to come by sending an email to
Please include the following in your email: number of children
participating (in each age group), number of non-participating
*If you have more than one child participating, and would like them
to stay together, they may do so, as long as they are close to the age
for the hunt they participate in (for example, if your children are 6
and 8, and they could both participate in the Big Kids Hunt).
Special Meeting
Edgewood Borough Council will hold a special meeting Friday
March 11, 2022 at 2:30pm in council chambers to consider authorizing
resolutions for three Local Share Account grant applications- 1) Koenig
Field drainage, 2) Elmer Street/Beech Street/Mifflin Avenue storm sewer
improvements 3) Garland Road stairway.
11, 2022 - Special Meeting Agenda
Futsal returns! Futsal is similar to soccer but played
in a smaller, indoor space on a hard surface. This league is for boys
and girls ages 8-12. Games take place on Wednesdays from 6:30-8 p.m at
the Edgewood STEAM Academy gym. The season runs February 16 through
March 23. Registration is open now, through Teamsnap, using this link:
Please register by February 14. There is no cost,
but players need to register to ensure adequate coaching.
Change in Basketball Volunteer Coordinator
Our longtime Volunteer Coordinator, Ted Tragard is stepping down this
year. Ted has been a part of our league for many years, as a player, a
coach, and coordinator. We wish him the best in his retirement, and
would like to offer a special thanks for his years of dedication to the
league! While Ted will be greatly missed, we are happy to announce that
our new Volunteer Coordinator, Matt Dettore will be taking over to
assist court-side. Matt will be there to ensure that our games run
smoothly, and we have another great season of Edgewood Basketball!
Men’s Basketball
Men’s Basketball meets Thursday evenings from 7-9pm at the Edgewood
STEAM Academy Gymnasium, 214 Maple Ave, starting December 2 and running
through the end of March. This league is for men age 18 and over. The
fee to participate is $40 for the season. Registration is taken through
Teamsnap, using this link:
For questions about the league, please email Matt Dettore at
For questions related to registration, please email Abby at, or
call 412-242-4824, ext 217.
2022 Budgets Available For Review
Borough Council has finalized the 2022 general fund, sewer fund, and
highway budgets. They are available for review prior to their
planned adoption at the December 6, 2021 council meeting. Please
click here to view the proposed
budgets and supplementals.
2021 Leaf Collection
2021 Leaf Collection ENDS Friday, December 10, 2021.
Starting the week of December 6, 2021, do not place any additional
leaves at the curb for collection once your leaves are collected.
Due to the inclement weather over the weekend, Republic
Services has made the decision to delay pick up by one day for the week
of January 17. That means that trash collection, normally scheduled for
Thursday in Edgewood, will take place on Friday, January 21.
Borough Offices Closed
The borough office will be closed on Monday, January 17,
2022 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Parking Ban
The overnight on-street parking ban has been
suspended effective 3 am Friday December 24, 2021 and will resume at 3
am Monday, January 3, 2022.
Youth Basketball
This league is for boys and girls in Kindergarten* through Grade 6
(*Kindergarteners should be age 6 as of the start of the season). You do
not need to be an Edgewood resident to play. There will be up to 10 kids
per team, with a maximum of 6 teams per Division. This is to allow
adequate gym time for all teams, and the best experience for all
participants. Please note, we will NOT be holding a draft this year to
determine teams (however, adjustments may be made during the first 2
weeks of the season to make sure teams are evenly matched).
The season begins January 3, 2022. All games and practices are held
in the Edgewood STEAM Academy Gymnasium, 214 Maple Ave. Practices will
take place one weeknight evening each week. Games are held Saturday
mornings, according to Division. Division 1 (grades K-2) starts at 8am,
Division 2 (grades 3-4) at 9:45am, and Division 3 (grades 5-6) at noon.
The fee for this league is $60. T-shirts will be
provided. Please register now through December 20 using this link
We are still looking for volunteers, especially coaches! Basketball
experience is not required, we just need good role models to help kids
stay active and have fun! CLEARANCES ARE REQUIRED.
For questions, please call or email Abigail at the Borough
Office at 412-242-4824, ext 217,
Leaf Pickup Schedule 2021
2021 residential leaf collection will begins approximately 10/25/2021.
Please Note: This is LEAF Collection ONLY- Do Not Include Yard Waste.
Place your LEAVES at the curb no sooner than the NIGHT BEFORE your
View the 2021
collection schedule.
2022 Budget Meeting
Borough Council will host its 2022 budget workshop Saturday November
13, 2021 starting at 8am in council chambers. The public is welcomed to
2021 Municipal Election Candidate Information
Please see the link below to responses to our
candidate questionnaire of those running for office with the Borough of
Edgewood. The responses listed here are presented as they were submitted
and have not been edited for content.
*The information provided is intended to help
prospective voters to learn more about the candidates who are running
from the perspective of the candidates themselves, and is not meant to
reflect the views or opinions of the Borough of Edgewood. The Borough of
Edgewood is not endorsing any political candidates.
NEW! Adult QiGong
QiGong (Chee-gong), routed in Classical Chinese Medicine, is a
form of martial arts that is accessible to all abilities. Instructor
Moshe Sherman will lead participants through simple movements with
synchronized breathing. No equipment or experience is necessary. Yoga
mat & water bottle are optional. Classes take place Tuesdays 6-6:45, at
Koenig Field. The cost is $20 per class. Payment can be made by cash or
Venmo/PayPal to be collected at each class or paid ahead to the
Participants can register in advance by emailing Moshe at, or
simply drop in for a class. For class updates, such as rain delays,
please check our
Facebook page, Edgewood Borough Community Events.
Trick or Treat
Trick-or-Treating in Edgewood Borough will occur on Sunday, October 31
from 6-8 p.m. We strongly encourage social distancing, masking, and
proper hand washing to be practiced. The Centers for Disease Control
lists a number of Trick-or-Treat alternatives for those who do not wish
to participate in door-to-door candy distribution. One recommendation
is to leave individual goodie bags in an area where social distancing
can be maintained. Residents who do not want to participate should turn
off their outside lights.
Fallfest (+Oktoberfest)
Come down to Koenig Field for some fall-themed fun for the whole
family! The afternoon will include glass-blowing demos, market vendors,
grab 'n go crafts for kids, and hayrides around the neighborhood. This
year Fallfest will overlap with the Edgewood Foundation's Oktoberfest
event! Fallfest takes place from 1-5pm (last hayride at 4:40).
Oktoberfest runs from 3-6pm. There is no entry fee for Fallfest
activities. Oktoberfest access is by purchase of a ticket (see details
Hayrides (which will be pulled a firetruck!) are scheduled for
designated times through the afternoon. Masks should be worn by riders
age 2 and up. Attendees sign up in advance for their timed ride
Make sure to get your tickets for Oktoberfest, happening 3-6pm! Come
hungry! The Edgewood Foundation will be roasting a pig. There will be a
great selection of cold beers, plus hotdogs, bratwurst and snacks, and
additional activities for kids. Oktoberfest tickets are $30 in advance*,
$35 at the door (kids are free!), and ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT FUTURE
COMMUNITY PROJECTS. For more information and to purchase tickets visit
the Foundation website at
*Advance tickets are refundable in the event of a weather
Community Day 2021
Saturday, August 28
Details coming soon!
Community Day Yard Sale
New this year, you can participate in the Edgewood Yard Sale,
happening on the same day as Community Day, August 28! The sale will
take place from 8am-2pm. Closer the event, a map of participating homes
will be added to the webpage and Facebook page, Edgewood Borough
Community Events. Residents wishing to participate in the sale can email to
be added to the list. Everyone is welcome to shop!
Edgewood Community Day 2021
Edgewood Borough invites our friends and neighbors to Koenig Field on
Saturday, August 28th for the return of Community Day! We'll
have music, food, a NEW artist market, family friendly activities, and
of course we'll end the day with fireworks! Check out the itinerary
below! *Please note, the specific start/end times, as not all activities
are available for the entire event.
Itinerary for the day: (at Koenig Field)
Live music - 12:30pm until fireworks
Food Trucks - starting at 2pm
Vendor Fair - 2pm-6pm
Pirates Parrot Appearance - 3pm-4pm
Pony Rides - 3pm-5pm
Inflatable Obstacle Course - 3pm-6pm
Tattoo and Balloon Artists - 3pm-6pm
Fire works at dusk!
A variety of games and activities will be available at various times
throughout the event. Plus stop by the Volunteer Fire Department tent
for Burgers & Beer! There you can grab your all-you-can-drink wristband.
Check our
Facebook page, @EdegewoodBoroughEvents for additional event details
leading up to the event. We hope to see you there!
Community Day Yardsale
Also new this year, prior to the start of the festivities on
the field, Edgewood will be holding a Community Yard Sale from 8am-2pm!
Residents who wish to participate in the sale can email to
be added to the map/list. Sales are self-run, and will take place at
residents' homes. All are welcome to shop!
View Yardsale Map
View Community Day Yardsale List
Community Survey - Koenig Field

Edgewood Borough Council would like resident input on prioritizing
investment in Koenig Field. Please click the link below to take
the survey. Responses must be received by Friday September 3,
Regional Climate Survey
From CONNECT: What can our region do about climate change and the
vulnerabilities it creates in our communities? Please tell us in
Regional Climate Survey. It will only take about 5 minutes and
will help our local governments plan for the future.
Storm Cleanup
Cleanup continues following the severe storms that impacted Edgewood
Borough on Wednesday July 9, 2021. The Department of Public Works has
removed a majority of the downed borough owned street trees and limbs
from private property and roadways. Privately owned trees are the
responsibility of the property owner to clean up and remove. Residents
can easily discern between a private tree and a street tree based on its
location relative to the street curb. Any tree between the curb and
sidewalk is a borough owned street tree. Trees behind the sidewalk, or
behind the curb on streets without sidewalks, are the responsibility of
the property owner.
Please do not set piles of limbs from private trees along the
sidewalk or roadside unless they are bundled for collection by Republic
Services. Only limbs and branches under 4 inches in diameter, cut into
36 inch lengths, and weighing less than 40 lbs will be collected by
Republic Services. Smaller branches and twigs should be tied into
bundles meeting the same requirements.
Problems with your electrical service should be directed to Duquesne
Light by calling 412-393-7000.
In general, please exercise caution when walking under all trees over
the next few days as limbs may continue to fall from previously
unidentified breaks or that are shaken loose by the wind. Downed limbs
and wires should be reported to the borough by calling 911. This ensures
the necessary resources are dispatched.
Lastly, despite news reports indicating so, borough officials did not
declare a state of emergency. This information was falsely tweeted by
Allegheny County communications staff and then repeated by local media
Youth Soccer
Youth Soccer is open to girls and boys ages 4-14. Participants should
be 4 as of September 1. You do not need to be an Edgewood resident to
play. Registration begins July 15 and ends August 15. The season starts
the week of August 30, and runs through the end of October. Practices
and games are held at Koenig Field. Cleats and shin guards should be
worn, and it is recommended to bring a practice ball. Shirts and socks
will be provided. The registration fee is $65.
To register, please use this link:
Questions should be directed to Abby at
Summer Yoga in the Park
Back by popular demand, Summer Yoga returns to Koenig Field! Julie
Straub will be leading the group through yoga and mindfulness
techniques. Classes will meet Mondays from 7:15-8:15pm. Class dates will
be July 12, July 19, August 9, and August 16 (please note: there will be
no classes on July 26 and August 2). The drop-in rate per class is $15,
or you may pay for the session in full for $50. If you are interested in
participating, please follow this link to the registration form:
In the case of inclement weather, students that are per-registered
for the session will be emailed a Zoom link prior to the regularly
scheduled class time. Additional details, including payment options, can
be found on the form above.
Free Summer Movies in the Park
We are currently planning for two family friendly movies, one
each in June and July. We are moving movie night to Friday, to try to
make it easier for everyone to attend. Our first feature is our
"viewer's choice" selection, and 'Moana' is the winner! Movies play at
Koenig Field, starting at dusk.
- June 25: Moana
- July 30: Raya and the Last Dragon
All Koenig Field rules apply. CDC guidelines
regarding Covid must be adhered to, including masks for those who are
not vaccinated. Please stay home if you are showing signs of illness,
have recently been exposed to, or are in quarantine for Covid 19.
The May 17, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available
to watch:
The May 17, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available
to watch.
The May 3, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to
The May 3, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to watch.
The April 19, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to
The April 19, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is
available to watch.
Now Hiring Summer Help
Edgewood Borough Public Works seeks qualified candidates for
seasonal, part-time employment for the summer. Employment will last
from approximately May-September. Rate of pay is $10/hr. Applications
are available
The April 5 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to watch:
April 5 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to watch.
Street Sweeping begins April 7, 2021
Street Sweeping resumes Wednesday, April 7. Street Sweeping
days and areas are noted on signs posted on all Edgewood streets.
Violators will be ticketed.
The March 22, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council Special meeting is available
to watch:
The March 22, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council Special meeting is
available to watch.
The March 15, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to
The March 15, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to
The March 1, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to
The March 1, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to watch.
The February 16, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to
The February 16, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to
The February 1, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to
The February 1, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to
The January 19, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to
The January 19, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available
to watch.
The January 4, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to
The January 4, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council meeting is available to
2021 Budgets
The 2021 General Fund, Sewer, and Highway budgets are now on
here for to view each document.
Visit our Events Page for more
upcoming events.
Reminder from Republic Services:
Waste collection is not being adjusted for the July 4 holiday, and
will run on the usual schedule following the holiday. That means that
waste collection will occur on Thursday, July 8.
Gazebo Dedication at Memorial Park
Gazebo Dedication at Memorial Park
Friday, July 9th at 10:00am
We invite you to Memorial Park to help dedicate the new gazebo to the
borough and its veterans. We offer a special thank you to Edward
Lockman of Boy Scout Troop 23, who spearheaded this project as part of
his induction into the Eagle Scouts, and thank all those who offered
their time to help make it possible.
Full 45 Day Closure of Kenmawr Ave / South Braddock Ave – 5/17/21
through 7/1/21
- Kenmawr Ave / S. Braddock Ave will be closed continuously from
south of the Woodstock Ave. Intersection to the Intersection of 5th
Ave. starting 3:00 AM Monday, May 17th through 7:00 PM, Thursday,
July 1st.
- The closure will allow crews to connect the newly built Kenmawr
Bridge to the existing roadway as well as remove the temporary
bridge. Crews will also be completing miscellaneous activities such
as waterline relocation, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, grading, new
concrete roadway, curbs, sidewalks, etc.
- This closure also includes the intersection of Jackson Street
and Braddock Ave. Jackson Street residents will have access by means
of the temporary access road from Hawkins Village.
- Pedestrian Traffic will be detoured and access to the Dollar
General will be maintained.
- The following detour will be in place for both cars and trucks.
Detour as follows: North of the Kenmawr Bridge
- Take South Braddock Avenue north
- Take the ramp to 376 East toward Monroeville
- Take the ramp to Route 30 East (Exit 78A) toward Forest Hills
- Follow Route 30 eastbound to Navy-Marine Corps Way in North
Versailles Township
- Turn right onto Navy-Marine Corps Way
- Turn right onto East Pittsburgh McKeesport Boulevard
- Turn left onto Braddock Avenue
- Turn right onto Talbot Avenue
- Follow Talbot Avenue to South Braddock Avenue
Detour as follows: South of the Kenmawr Bridge
- Take South Braddock Avenue south
- Turn right onto Kenmawr Avenue
- Kenmawr Avenue becomes Braddock Avenue
- Follow Braddock Avenue to East Pittsburgh McKeesport Boulevard
- Turn right onto East Pittsburgh McKeesport Boulevard
- Turn left onto Navy-Marine Corps Way
- Turn left onto Route 30
- Follow Route 30 westbound to I-376 in Forest Hills Borough
- Take the ramp toward 376 West 22/30 Pittsburgh/Monroeville
- Take the left-hand ramp toward West 376/22/30 toward Pittsburgh
- From westbound I-376, take the ramp to Edgewood/Swissvale (Exit
- At the traffic signal, turn left onto southbound South Braddock
Tai Chi
Jon Wilson is back to lead Tai Chi at Koenig Field on Mondays from
6:30-7:30pm! This course is being offered to adults and youth age 16 and
older. Participants will be distanced, and masks will be required. The
session begins May 3rd and runs through June 28th. The cost is $80, and
participants may pay for the course in full, or per class. Interested
participants should email Jon at Jon will respond with the waiver and payment
For questions please contact Abigail Ault at
412-242-4824, or email
Parking Notice:
The parking ban is lifted for the Memorial Day holiday from 3 am
Saturday, May 29th and will resume at 3 am on Tuesday, June 1st.
ORDER NOW for pickup at the park on May 15, 1:30–2:30 p.m. When
ordered, they will be billed to you online in advance of pickup. Rain
date is Sunday, May 16, at the same time.
LIST of AVAILABLE PLANTS. The asterisked plants are in very short
supply. The first to order will get the plants! If/when they run out,
those who order will be notified asap.
Here's how to order online:
ONLINE ORDER FORM for those who have not pre-ordered tomatoes,
peppers, a few eggplants, chards and herbs: A link to the plant list
and online order form will also be sent through borough communication
email and made available on the borough's
Facebook page,
Borough Community Events. The online paid invoice will be your order
Here is a link to the artist-grower's website, where you can purchase
her note cards and art prints at for
pick up Saturday, 5/15. You may have seen her work at the Edgewood
Ballroom (CC Mellor Library) holiday show through the years.
Important— when purchasing from the artist's website for in-person
pickup May 15:
Apply this one-time code in the
shopping cart, to delete the automatically applied shipping charge:
FreeShip4EdgewdPickup Anyone can take advantage of the art (and plants)
pickup on 5/15! So if you know someone who would like to purchase any of
these things, note cards, art prints, and/or starter plants for 5/15
pick up, please let them know about this opportunity.
IMPORTANT PLANT NOTES: Once an order is confirmed with an
emailed Square receipt, there are no refunds. Those who do not pick up
their plants on Saturday the 15th, 1:30 –2:30 p.m. (or same time on the
16th if we change due to rain on 15th) — their plants will be
donated to a local community garden.
For more information Contact:
Plant Sale Pickup Schedules, and More Plants Still for Sale!
Edgewood held a community plant pre-sale of starter vegetables and
herbs in January for pickup at Koenig Park on May 8 and May 15.
If you pre-ordered plants from Karen, a local artist and grower:
Pick up your plants 1:30–2:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 8 and May 15,
according to the pick up date each of you chose. Karen is following up
with you by email this week. Rain dates are the following Sundays, May 9
and May 16, at 1:30–2:30, based on your pre-scheduled pickup date.
ADDITIONAL PLANTS ARE STILL FOR SALE, and can be ordered next week
for pickup at the park on May 15, 1:30–2:30 p.m.. When ordered, they
will be billed to you online in advance of pickup. Rain date is Sunday,
May 16, at the same time. Here's how to do that:
How to purchase plants, for those who have not pre-ordered tomatoes,
peppers, chards and herbs: On May 10 a list of available plants will be
ready. A link to the list will be sent through borough communication
email and made available on the borough's
Facebook page,
Borough Community Events. You may order plants by email. The
online paid invoice will be your order confirmation.
The borough email and postings will also include a link to the
artist-grower's website, where you can purchase her note cards and art
prints at
for pick up Saturday, 5/15. You may have seen her work at the Edgewood
Ballroom (CC Mellor Library) holiday show through the years.
Important— when purchasing from the artist's website for in-person
pickup May 15:
Apply this one-time code in the
shopping cart, to delete the automatically applied shipping charge:
FreeShip4EdgewdPickup Anyone can take advantage of the art (and plants)
pickup on 5/15! So if you know someone who would like to purchase any of
these things, note cards, art prints, and/or starter plants for 5/15
pick up, please let them know about this opportunity.
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its regular meeting Monday
May 17, 2021 via
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its May 17, 2021 meeting via
GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm May 17, 2021 will be read
May 17, 2021
Edgewood Borough Council Meeting
Mon, May 17, 2021 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122
Access Code: 632-760-125
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready
when your first meeting starts:
May 3, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council to be held online
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its May 3, 2021 meeting via
GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm May 3, 2021 will be
read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED
4PM MAY 3, 2021.
May 3, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council
Mon, May 3, 2021 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121
Access Code: 710-997-629
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts:
Edgewood Movie Night Returns
Edgewood Borough is excited to announce the return of our summer
movies! We are currently planning for two movies, in June and July, and
we are moving movie night to Friday, to try to make it easier for
families to attend. Our first feature will take place on Friday June, 25th.
This will be viewers' choice night, and we are asking for your help! You
may vote from a list of options, using the Google Form link here: Voting ends April 30th.
If you are having trouble using the form, and would like to vote, you
may send your response to Please select one movie, from the following
How to Train Your Dragon
The Little Mermaid
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids
Karate: Self Defense Course
Edgewood is offering a special Self Defense course,
led by Karate Master Joe Brague! This course will take place in person
at Koenig Field (tennis court). Participants will be distanced, and
masks will be required. No prior experience is needed to participate,
and the course is open to everyone age 16 and older. Classes will take
place on Saturdays from 9am to 10am, and will run from May 1st to May
29th.The cost is $50. To ensure the best experience for all, this course
is designed as a complete series, and payment in full will be required.
To register for this course, please email Joe at Joe will respond with the waiver and payment
T-Ball / Softball
It’s time again for Edgewood T-ball and Softball! Registration for
both sports begins April 15th and ends May 15th. Both sports play at
Koenig Field. You do not need to be an Edgewood Resident to play.
Registration fee is $50, and can be accessed with the link below. This
link can also be found on our website, and on
our Facebook page:
Borough Community Events.
Covid 19 safety info: Masks still need to be worn by anyone who is
not actively participating on the field, and spectators should remain
distanced. Make sure to wash/sanitize hands frequently. All shared
equipment is to be sanitized between players and/or at the end of all
practices and games. Participants are encouraged to bring their own
equipment, however, bats, balls, gloves, and helmets will be available
to use. To avoid large crowds, we are asking families to please limit
the number of spectators in attendance.
April 19, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council to be held online
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its April 19, 2021 meeting via
GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm April 19, 2021 will
be read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED
4PM APRIL 19, 2021.
April 19,
2021 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting
Mon, Apr 19, 2021 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122
Access Code: 364-684-189
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts:
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its regular meeting Monday
April 5, 2021 via
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its regular meeting Monday
April 5, 2021 via GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm
April 1, 2021 will be read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS
5, 2021 Borough Council Meeting Agenda - REVISED
Edgewood Borough Council Meeting
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872)
Access Code: 731-140-221
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts:
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 27 (rain date, Sunday March 28) at
Koenig Field.
Bring your own bag or basket
to collect treats and prizes! We are welcoming kids ages 1 (walkers)-10
to hunt for Easter Eggs. Come and enjoy our FREE Easter tradition!
To comply with social distancing, participating kids will be grouped
into 3 timed hunts:
- Toddlers (1-2): 1pm, Tennis Courts
- Little Kids (3-6): 1:25pm, Half Field (Playground side)
- Big Kids (7-10). 1:50pm, Half Field (Fieldhouse side)
Each hunt should last approximately 15 minutes, with 10 minutes
between to clear the field and line up for the next one. Once your
child(ren) has participated, we ask you please leave the field promptly
in order to keep crowd size to a minimum.
This event is subject to cancellation if PA Department of Health or
other agency imposes gathering restrictions. Please limit those in
attendance to only parents/caregivers with their child(ren). All
participants and attendees must wear a mask. Please stay home if you are
showing any signs of illness, have recently been exposed to, or are
recovering from COVID-19 and are still symptomatic.
To allow us to best prepare for the number in attendance, please let
us know in advance if you are planning to come. You may EITHER fill out
this Google Form: OR send an email to
including the following information: number of children participating
(in each age group); number of non-participating attendees.
Special Meeting of Borough Council
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct a special meeting for the
purpose of appointing an individual to fill a vacant council position on
Monday March 22, 2021 via GoToMeeting. Public comments received by
4pm March 22, 2021 will be read into the meeting minutes. ALL
March 22 Special Meeting of Edgewood
Borough Council
Mon, Mar 22, 2021 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122
Access Code: 355-689-389
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts:
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its March 15, 2021 meeting via
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its March 15, 2021 meeting via
GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm March 15, 2021 will
be read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED
4PM MARCH 15, 2021.
Meeting Agenda
March 15th, 2021- DRAFT
March 15 Edgewood Borough Council
Mon, Mar 15, 2021 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (786) 535-3211
Access Code: 426-679-477
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your
first meeting starts:
Vacant Council Position
A vacancy on borough council was created with the unfortunate passing
of longtime member Jack Bright. Any resident who has resided in
Edgewood for at least one year on or before March 15 should submit a
letter of interest by 3pm Friday, March 12, 2021.
Letters can be submitted electronically to
using the subject line “council vacancy,” or in an envelope marked the
same to the Edgewood Borough Building located at 2 Race Street,
Pittsburgh, PA 15218. The appointed person would serve out the
remainder of Mr. Bright’s term which ends December 31, 2021.
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its March 1, 2021 meeting
via GoToMeeting.
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its March 1, 2021 meeting via
GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm March 1, 2021 will be
read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED
4PM MARCH 1, 2021.
Meeting Agenda
March 1st, 2021
March 1 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting
Mon, Mar 1, 2021 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EST)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 780-497-205
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts:
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its February 16, 2021
meeting via GoToMeeting.
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its February
16, 2021 meeting via GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm
February 16, 2021 will be read into the meeting minutes. ALL
Meeting agenda:
February 16th,
2021 - Revised
February 16 Borough Council Meeting
Tue, Feb 16, 2021 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EST)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 220-727-517
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts:
Trash Collection Delayed
Garbage and Recycling collection scheduled for Thursday February 11,
2021 has been postponed one day until Friday February 12 due to
hazardous weather conditions. Republic Services shut down
collections February 9 and that created a one-day delay across their
service territory.
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its February 1, 2021 meeting
via GoToMeeting.
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its February 1, 2021 meeting
via GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm February 1, 2021
will be read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE
4PM FEBRUARY 1, 2021.
February 1, 2021
Agenda (Draft)
February 1, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EST)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (786) 535-3211
Access Code: 728-799-709
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts:
2021 Spring Plant Sale Pre-Order
We are very excited to open up the 2021 Spring Edible Plant Sale, now
through Tuesday, January 26th, 2021!
Pittsburgh area artist and organic gardener, Karen Sandorf, will
be lovingly growing each plant from seed, just in time for the growing
season. We are accepting pre-orders this week only, to ensure an
accurate seed and supply order for our gardener.
There have been a few amendments to the plants list
(from last year), so please look that over again before ordering. You'll
find links to the updated plant list, and to the order form, at the
Again, prices per pot are $3.50, and $3/$10. For
the 2 new container tomatoes Super Sweet 100 Cherry and for hot peppers,
a flat rate of $4 per plant.
How it works:
Peruse the plant list
When you have decided which plants you wish to reserve,
place your order here
All orders must be placed by the end of the week to receive plants
in the spring. Payment can be made via Paypal through her Square site,,
and you will be billed once all orders are in.
Pick will take place at Koenig Field in mid-May.
You may select your pick-up day in the order form. More specific details
will be emailed, closer to May.
For any questions related to the plant list, order form, or general
plant care, please email Karen at For questions about pick up, please email
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its January 19, 2021 meeting via
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its January 19, 2021 meeting
via GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm January 19, 2021
will be read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE
4PM JANUARY 19, 2021.
January 19,
2021 Agenda (Draft)
January 19, 2021 Edgewood Borough
Council Meeting
Tue, Jan 19, 2021 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EST)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3412
Access Code: 391-405-581
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your
first meeting starts:
Virtual Karate
NEW! Edgewood is offering 2 virtual Karate courses, via Zoom,
starting Saturday, February 20th. Master Joe Brague, Ph.D., a local
Edgewood resident and director/instructor of Steel City Goshin Jutsu
Karate will lead these exciting new classes. If you have ever had an
interest in Karate, but are not sure about making the commitment towards
reaching a belt status right now, or you just want a new way to stay
fit, then this is the perfect opportunity for you! Courses are
introductory, no prior experience is needed to participate, and will be
held via Zoom, so you can participate from the safety and comfort of
home. A link will be provided through email prior to the class.
Courses will be offered for both youth and adults. Youth classes, for
ages 8-15, will run from 9:00-10:00am. Adult classes, for ages 16 and
up, will run from 10:15am-11:15am. Each 8-week course takes place on
Saturdays from February 20th through April 17th (there will be no
classes on Saturday, April 3). Please register in advance via online
form though Teamsnap:
The cost for each course is $80. Please note, payment should be
submitted directly to Joe Brague, and will not be accepted via the
online registration form (checks can be made out to: “Steel City Goshin
Jutsu Karate”, Paypal and Venmo also accepted). Registration questions
can be sent to For questions about the courses, please
email and
visit to see more information about the
2021 Plant Sale - SURVEY
Some of you may remember our sale of edible garden plants last spring.
We are happy to announce that we will be offering that again this year!
Once more we are teaming up with the talents of Pittsburgh area artist
and organic gardener Karen Sandorf (A Gardener’s Artworks, We’re starting with a brief
survey to allow some initial planning in seed purchases (you can still
order plants if you don’t participate in the survey). Please note the
changes to this year’s sale. In order to have an accurate number of
plants, orders will need to be placed BEFORE she places her final seed
order. This will leave a quick turn-around time between the available
survey and the order due date. Surveys are due by this Saturday, January
16th. Order forms will be available shortly after that, and orders will
be due with payment by Tuesday, January 26th, 2021. Plant pick up will be
arranged at Koenig Field in mid-May. Dates are listed in the survey.
More details about pick-up will follow to everyone who places an order.
You can also check the available plant list, to start thinking about
what you’d like to order. This list is not finalized, and will be
updated following the results of the survey. Thank you for
Plant list with descriptions:
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its January 4, 2021 meeting
via GoToMeeting
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its January 4, 2021 meeting via
GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm January 4, 2021 will
be read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED
4PM JANUARY 4, 2021.
January 4,
2021 Agenda (Draft)
January 4, 2021 Edgewood Borough Council
Mon, Jan 4, 2021 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EST)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
Access Code: 773-210-637
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your
first meeting starts:
2021 Parking Permits on Sale December 1
Residents may purchase On-Street and Visitor parking permits online
Tuesday, December 1. Click
here to access the parking permit page. Please consider this
option instead of appearing in person at the borough building to
purchase your permits. Your permits will be mailed to you.
On Monday, December 14 all Off-Street Lot permits will go on sale.
Unfortunately these cannot be purchased online and require a paper
application be mailed to or dropped off at the borough building.
Applicants can pay by check, money order, or provide an email address
and a payment link will be emailed to you after December 14.
2020 Leaf Collection Ending Friday, December 4
Public works will stop collecting leaves on Friday, December 4. Any
leaves not collected after this time should be bagged. Leaves placed at
the curb after Friday December 4 will not be collected.
Overnight Parking Ban
The Mayor has suspended the overnight parking ban beginning 3AM December
25th (for Christmas Eve) through 5AM January 3rd, 2021. Enforcement
resumes at 3AM on January 4th, 2021.
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its December 21, 2020
meeting via GoToMeeting
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its December 21, 2020 meeting
via GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm December 21 2,
2020 will be read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE
4PM DECEMBER 21, 2020.
December 21
Agenda (Draft)
December 21, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council
Mon, Dec 21, 2020 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EST)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 643-246-965
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts:
Public Hearings and Council Meeting Being Held Online
In light of the severe increase in COVID-19 cases and the Allegheny
County Health Department’s Stay at Home Advisory, the in-person public
hearings and council meeting scheduled for December 7, 2020 will be held
online. The meeting times remain unchanged; the 2021 Budget hearing
starts at 6:30 p.m. and the Zoning Ordinance Amendment hearing begins at
7:00 p.m. The regular council meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. or at the
conclusion of the 7 pm public hearing.
Public comments may be submitted to
or in writing delivered to the borough building by 3pm Monday, December
7, 2020 for inclusion in the meeting minutes. Please identify
which meeting your comments are associated with.
The proposed 2021 budgets are
available here.
Read the proposed zoning
amendment here.
meeting agenda -
December 07, 2020
Edgewood Borough Public Hearing &
Council Meeting: Mon,
Dec 7, 2020 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (EST)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 730-420-317
Holiday Virtual Vendor Show
Do your holiday shopping locally, and safely! Check out the available
shopping options for each vendor, and make your purchases directly
through them. Once you have made and paid for all of your purchases,
orders will be available for a minimal contact pick up on Saturday,
December 5, from 10am-3pm. Orders will be available at the CC Mellor
Memorial Library, 1 Pennwood Ave, Edgewood (enter through the pergola).
This is the same pick up as the library’s Holiday Greens Sale, so all
items can be picked up at once! If this pick up option does not work for
you, or you wish to make purchases later, please check with vendors for
other pick up or delivery options. We encourage you to keep supporting
these businesses after this vendor event!
Please see the list of participating vendors here!
December 21, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting
The December 21, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting is available
to watch.
December 7, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting and Public
regarding the 2021 Budget and Zoning Amendment
The December 7, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting and public
hearings regarding the 2021 Budget and zoning amendment are available to
November 16, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting
The November 16, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting is available to
November 2, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting
The November 2, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting is available to
October 19, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting
The October 19, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting is available to
October 5, 2020 Borough Council Meeting
The October 5, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting is available
to watch.
September 21 Council Meeting Recording Available
The September 21 Borough Council meeting recording is available.
Please click the link:
September 21 Borough Council Meeting Recording.
Borough Council’s Statement on Water Bottle Sales
Borough council's statement on Zyiere Jones' interaction with
Edgewood police over water bottle sales:
In the ten days leading up to Edgewood Police Officers encountering
Zyiere Jones on Wednesday July 29, 2020, the department had at least
seven different encounters with approximately 15 separate juveniles
selling bottles of water and other goods. Each of these 911 dispatched
calls had a similar theme: young children running into traffic,
loitering on private property, and harassing pedestrians.
For more information download
Borough Council's Statement on Water Bottle Sales.
August 17, 2020 Council Meeting Recording Available
The August 3, 2020 Borough Council Meeting recording is available.
Please click this link:
Council Meeting Recording August 17,2020.
August 3, 2020 Council Meeting Recording Available
The August 3, 2020 Borough Council Meeting recording is
Please click this link:
August 3, 2020 Council Meeting Recording
July 20, 2020 Council Meeting Recording Available
The July 20, 2020 Borough Council Meeting recording is
Please click this link:
July 20, 2020 Council Meeting Recording
Borough Council's Response to Calls to Defund the Police Department
Please view the response here Defund
Police Response.
Police Chief Robert Payne discusses policing in Edgewood
Listen to a recording of the June 15, 2020 Edgewood
Borough Council meeting where Police Chief Robert Payne discusses the
training and policies employed by the Edgewood Police Department in
light of the death of George Floyd and the national discussion about
police procedure.
June 1, 2020 Council Meeting Recording Available
Please click this
to view the entire meeting.
May 18, 2020 Council Meeting Recording Available
Please click this
link to view the entire meeting.
Borough Operations During GREEN Phase
The borough building remains closed to the public
at this time. We are continuously evaluating guidance on how to
best conduct daily operations and will reopen to the public when it is
safe to do so. Operations continue without interruption as our
police, fire, and public works department are all healthy and performing
their duties. Borough staff is reporting to work in staggered
shifts throughout the week and regularly checking voice and email.
For inquiries and general borough business, please call the
administration office 412-242-8424 and follow the prompts for the
specific department you need.
Code enforcement and occupancy inspections
are operational but require an appointment. Please contact Lee
Miller at 412-242-4824 option 2 for assistance. Mr. Miller is in the
borough on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Public works is still making mulch deliveries
and scheduling Belgium Block pick-ups. Please email
or call 412-242-4824 option 4 to schedule.
Dumpster permits are still being processed.
Forms are available on the borough website under the administration tab.
Completed forms should be mailed to the borough building, Attention:
Dumpsters, or emailed to Please enclose your payment with
your application. We will contact you on the phone number you
provide when the permit is approved.
Parking permit applications are available
under the Administration tab on the borough website. Please
complete the form, enclose payment, and mail it to the borough building
or place it in the secure drop box at the front door. Your pass
will be mailed back to you. Questions about parking passes should
be directed to 412-242-9994.
Anyone who does not have access to the Internet or
a printer should contact the borough at 412-242-9994 and request any of
the above applications be mailed to them.
May 4th Council Meeting Recording Available
Please click this
link to view the entire May 4, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council
The following documents were acted on at the May 4
The DRAFT May 4, 2020 meeting minutes can be found
here. The minutes will be approved at the next council meeting.
Koenig Field is open again to the public
As you visit the field, please remember the following:
- Stay home from the park if you are sick or showing
symptoms of Covid 19.
- Practice social distancing while at the park, maintaining
a distance of six feet from other people. The wearing of a face mask
is strongly encouraged.
- Refrain from group activities.
- Wash your hands both before and after visiting.
- Avoid touching surfaces.
Help Wanted: Public Works Laborer
Edgewood Borough is accepting applications for a Public Works
Laborer. Interested candidates should fill out an application and
deliver it to the Edgewood Borough Municipal Building located at 2 Race
Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15218, Attention Rob Zahorchak.
Click here for the
description and
Help wanted - Crossing Guard
The Edgewood Police Department is accepting applications for a
Crossing Guard. Interested candidates should fill out an
application and deliver it to the Edgewood Municipal Building
located at 2 Race Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15218, Attention Chief Robert
Applications are also available at the municipal
Part Time Police Officers Wanted
The Edgewood Borough Police Department is seeking
applicants for the position of Part Time Police Office.
Ways to Vote Today:
- In person at your polling place
*Please note, COVID-19 Mitigation Measures will be in place on
Election Day. Voters are asked to wear a face covering, observe physical
distancing and to be cognizant of others around you.
First-time voters - including individuals who are voting for the
first-time at the polling place, will be asked to show an approved form
of identification.
Mail Ballots can be returned to the Allegheny County Elections
Office (542 Forbes Avenue, 6th Floor, downtown Pittsburgh) until
8pm. The division is planning to have drop-off in the lobby of the
building on Election Day. Voters may only drop off their own
*If you did not receive your mail ballot, you can
cast a provisional ballot at your polling location.
*If you have your mail ballot, but prefer to vote
in person, please take your mail ballot with the outer envelopes to your
polling place. Do not just drop off the ballot, please speak to a
representative to have the mail ballot voided. Once the mail ballot is
voided, then you can vote in person.
The polling locations for Edgewood are scheduled to
be at the Primary School (rear entrance) at 241 Maple Ave, and the
Borough Building at 2 Race Street.
Election 2020
How do I find my polling place?
If you are
unsure where you should go for in-person voting on Election Day,
Tuesday, November 3, you can find your polling place, as well as other
election information, by visiting
You can also check,
or call the Elections Division at 412-350-4500 for more valuable
information, including a list of current polling sites.
The polling
locations for Edgewood are scheduled to be at the Primary School (rear
entrance) at 241 Maple Ave, and the Borough Building at 2 Race Street.
Please use the resources above to confirm your specific voting location.
Parking Ban Lifted
The Mayor has suspended the overnight parking ban starting at 3 am on
Thursday, November 26 and shall resume at 3 am on Monday, November 30,
Community Leaf Rake Challenge!
Friday, November 27 to Sunday, November 29
Join us for our Community Leaf Rake Challenge! Find some neighbors who
need help cleaning up their yard, and offer some community service. Plus
you get to work off that turkey dinner, and help to clean up your
community in time for the holidays. See how many leaves you can rake,
any time that works for you all weekend following the Thanksgiving
holiday. Count the number of bags or piles collected, and let us know
your total on Monday. The person who collects the most gets their name
put up on the marquis (announcement board) outside of the Borough
Office! You can email your total to
IMPORTANT NOTE: Leaves still need to remain on the property until
the proper pick up day. Leaves should be set at the curb no sooner than
the night before leaf collection pick-up for piles of leaves (to view
collection days and pick up information, please visit,
2020 Leaf Pick-Up Schedule, or the evening before trash collection
for bagged leaves (for the 2020 trash collection schedule, please visit
Edgewood 2020 Recycling & Waste Calendar). BAGGED LEAVES MUST BE
PICKED UP BY THE MACHINE. Please be cautious raking on sidewalks or near
roadways, and don’t rake leaves onto streets. Remember to practice
social distancing, and only form leaf raking groups with your household.
Thank you for supporting your community!
November 16, 2020 Council Meeting Being Held Online - Meeting Via GoToMeeting.
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its November 16, 2020 meeting
via GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm November 16, 2020
will be read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE
4PM NOVEMBER 16, 2020.
Meeting agenda.
Those wishing to watch or listen to the meeting may do so via
November 16, 2020 Council Meeting
Mon, Nov 16, 2020 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EST)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 500-162-509
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts:
November 2, 2020 Borough Council Meeting
The November 2, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting is available to
watch. Click here to view the recording:
November 2, 2020 Council Meeting Being Held Online - Meeting Via GoToMeeting.
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its November 2, 2020 meeting
via GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm November 2, 2020
will be read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE
4PM NOVEMBER 2, 2020.
Meeting agenda.
Those wishing to watch or listen to the meeting may do so via
November 2 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting
Mon, Nov 2, 2020 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EST)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3311
Access Code: 418-805-197
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts:
Neighborhood Trick-or-Treat
Trick-or-Treat in Edgewood will take place on Saturday, October 31st
from 6-8pm. As in years past, if you do not wish to participate, please
leave porch lights turned off. Also, remember to follow normal safety
precautions (such as staying in a group with your household). In
addition, we strongly encourage residents to leave candy in pre-wrapped
packages at or near the curb to encourage social distancing.
Here are some additional recommendations from the CDC to participate
Distributing Treats:
- Avoid direct contact with trick-or-treaters.
- Set up a station with individually bagged treats for kids to take.
- Wash hands before handling treats.
- Wear a mask.
Trick or Treating:
- Make your cloth mask part of your costume. (a
costume mask is NOT a substitute)
- Do NOT wear a costume mask over a cloth mask. It can make
breathing more difficult.
- Masks should NOT be worn by children under the age of 2 or
anyone who has trouble breathing
- Stay at least 6 feet away from others who do not live with you
- Bring hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) with you and use it after
touching objects or other people. Parents: supervise young children
using hand sanitizer.
- Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds when you get
home and before you eat any treats.
October 19, 2020 Council Meeting Being Held Online - Meeting Via
October 19, 2020 Council Meeting Being Held Online - Meeting Via
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its October 19, 2020 meeting
via GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm October 19, 2020
will be read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE
4PM OCTOBER 19, 2020.
Meeting agenda.
Those wishing to watch or listen to the meeting may do so via
October 19, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council
Mon, Oct 19, 2020 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122
Access Code: 360-446-957
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting
October 16, 2020 Borough Council Meeting
The October 16, 2002 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting is available
to watch. Click here to view the recording:
October 5, 2020 Council Meeting Being Held Online - Meeting
Via GoToMeeting.
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its October 5, 2020
meeting via GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm October
5, 2020 will be read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD
October 5th
Meeting Agenda.
Those wishing to watch or listen to the meeting may
do so via
GoToMeeting at the following link.
October 5, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council
Mon, Oct 5, 2020 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122
Access Code: 576-580-237
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting
2020 leaf collection begins October 26, 2020
Please click here
for the collection schedule. Leaf collection is weather dependent
and we ask for your patience as crews sometimes can’t get to all of the
streets on a scheduled day if the leaves are wet with rain or snow, or
there is a large volume to collect.
Free Flu Shots at the Edgewood Borough Building - 2 Race Street -
Tuesday, October 6, 4-6pm
Vaccines are free-of-charge and are available on a first come first
serve basis to residents, with or without insurance, through the
generosity of the McKeesport Hospital Foundation, UPMC East, UPMC
McKeesport, UPMC Health Plan, Rite-Aid, and Eastern Area Pre-Hospital
This year, flu shots will be available to anyone age 3 and older.
Edgewood Fall Festival
Edgewood Fall Festival will take place on Saturday, October 10,
11am-5pm, at Koenig Field.
Edgewood is very excited to announce that we will be holding a Fall
Pumpkin Festival event on Saturday, October 10th at Koenig Field! This
event will include glass blowing demonstrations, artist vendors, food
trucks, a bake-sale fundraiser for the Volunteer Fire Department, and
more! We'll also have pumpkins for sale! Come pick up a carving or
'pie' pumpkin. Due to current circumstances, unfortunately we will not
be able to offer hayrides around the neighborhood this year. However,
there will be plenty of other fun activities for the whole family! All
guidelines set forth by the PA Department of Health must be adhered to,
including physical distancing and mask-wearing. Event activities will be
spaced out around the field, and attendees are encouraged to participate
in each activity without gathering in large crowds. We look forward to
seeing our smiling (masked) faces!
*While we hate for anyone to have to
miss out, we do ask that anyone who is showing signs of illness or has
been knowingly exposed to Covid 19 to remain at home.*
Also, calling all bakers! If you would like to donate baked goods to
support the VFD, please contact Tara Yaney at:
September 21, 2020 Council Meeting Being Held Online
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its September 21, 2020 meeting
via GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm September 21,
2020 will be read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE
4PM SEPTEMBER 21, 2020.
View the meeting
Those wishing to watch or listen to the meeting may do so via
GoToMeeting at the following link:
September 21 Edgewood Borough Council
Meeting - Mon, Sep 21, 2020 7:30 PM - 9:30
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122
Access Code: 491-714-389
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting
September 8, 2020 Borough Council Meeting
Borough Council will conduct an in-person meeting at the
borough building on September 8, 2020. The meeting starts at 7:30 pm.
Attendees are required to wear face coverings and maintain social
distancing while in the audience. Those who want to view the meeting
virtually may use the following link:
September 8th,
2020 Agenda
September 8, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting Tue, Sep 8, 2020
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
You can also dial in using your phone. United States:
+1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 340-731-277
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts:
Please note, the video feature may be disabled due to provide better
audio quality.
Volunteer Fire Department’s Pasta Dinner Fundraiser
Volunteer Fire Department is having a Drive-Thru Pasta Dinner on
Saturday, August 15th from 2-7pm. Cost of dinner is $10/per dinner.
The Drive-Thru dinner will take place at the Fire Station, 2 Race
Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15128.
For more information please download The EVFD Drive-Thru Pasta Dinner
August 17, 2020 Council Meeting Being Held Online
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its August
17, 2020 meeting via GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm
August 17, 2020 will be read into the meeting minutes. ALL
View the meeting
Those wishing to watch or listen to the meeting may
do so via GoToMeeting at the following link:
Edgewood Borough Council
Mon, Aug 17, 2020 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 818-064-789
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting
August 3, 2020 Council Meeting Being Held Online
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its August 3, 2020 meeting via
GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm August 3, 2020 will
be read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED
4PM AUGUST 3, 2020.
August 3, 2020
Those wishing to watch or listen to the meeting may do so via
GoToMeeting at the following link:
August 3, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting
Mon, Aug 3, 2020 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122
Access Code: 736-156-709
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting
July 20, 2020 Council Meeting Being Held Online
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its July 20, 2020 meeting via
GoToMeeting. Public comments received by 4pm July 20, 2020 will be
read into the meeting minutes. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED
4PM JULY 20, 2020.
July 20, 2020
Those wishing to watch or listen to the meeting may do so via
GoToMeeting at the following link:
July 20, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council
Mon, Jul 20, 2020 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122
Access Code: 304-492-821
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting
July 6, 2020 Borough Council Meeting Recording Available
July 6, 2020 Borough Council Meeting recording available Please click
this link:
to view the entire meeting.
July 6, 2020 Virtual Borough Council Meeting
Borough Council will hold its July 6, 2020 meeting via GoToMeeting. Details for watching are below. Public comment must be submitted in advance via email: or telephonically by leaving a message at 412-242-4824 x118. Voice mails and emails must be received by 4:30 pm.
Meeting Agenda:
July 6, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting
Mon, Jul 6, 2020 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 495-233-165
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
Parking Ban Lifted
The mayor has lifted the overnight parking ban effective 3:00am
Saturday July 4 through 5:00am Sunday July 5.
June 15 Council Meeting Live Stream
The June 15, 2020 council meeting being held in person in council
chambers can be viewed at the following link:
June 15 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting
Mon, Jun 15, 2020 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone at:
You can also dial in using your phone. (For supported devices, tap a
one-touch number below to join instantly.)
United States: +1 (872) 240-3412 Access Code: 713-568-237
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts:
Please submit public comments prior to the meeting to
for them to be read into the record.
June 15, 2020 Council Meeting
The June 15, 2020 Council Meeting will occur in council chambers at
the borough building at 7:30 pm. Attendees must wear a face mask
and practice social distancing while in the gallery. Borough
Police Chief Robert Payne will address council on the department’s
approach to effective community relations. Residents and tax
payers of the borough wishing to address council but who do not wish to
attend the meeting in person may submit their comments via email to
or by phone to 412-242-4824 x 118 by 4pm June 15, 2020.
Trash Collection Reminder
Trash collection will be delayed by one day to Friday, May 25, 2020
due to the Memorial Day holiday. The collection day was mistakenly
advertised as May 24 in the April/May newsletter.
Fall Youth Soccer
While we remain in the Green Phase, we will be proceeding with our
Fall Soccer season, with some modifications. We are planning to have
regular weekly practices and games, with limited team sizes and fewer
teams, to allow time between practices and games, and limit the number
of people on the field. We are always welcoming dedicated volunteers to
help coach, and this year is no exception! We are hoping to have more
coaches/parent volunteers to help make sure kids stay distanced as much
as possible, and to help with hygiene and sanitizing of equipment.
Clearances are required for anyone assisting with the kids. The success
of our league depends on our volunteers!
This recreational league is open to boys and girls ages 4-14. We are
planning to start the week of August 24th, and run a 6 week season.
Dates are subject to change based on circumstances. The cost for this
sport is $65. Registration is open NOW until Friday, August 14th. This
is a short registration period, so if you are interested in
participating, please sign up ASAP.
Please register here:
Participants should have cleats, and it is strongly recommended to
bring a practice ball. T-shirts and socks will be provided. Spectators
should bring their own chairs/blankets to sit on, with at least 6 feet
between households. Two spectators may attend per child at both
practices and games. Vulnerable populations should stay home.
Participants and spectators should use proper hygiene, including
hand-washing and use of hand sanitizer. Game balls will be disinfected
between games, with additional disinfecting during games as needed.
Players do not huddle together; no hand slaps. Sportsmanship continues
in a touchless manner. Anyone testing positive for Covid 19, or showing
signs of illness, should stay home.
Edgewood Borough will continue to follow all public health directives
from Allegheny County and the Governor's office. We are going to plan
our summer recreation offerings as we are reasonably able to do so.
Please understand that game-play depends entirely on the guidance
offered by the aforementioned agencies. The borough will explore
modifying or refunding all or part of the registration fees if an
activity's season needs to be cancelled or significantly reduced due to
the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. We will continue to provide any necessary
updates leading up to, and throughout the season.
Edgewood Soccer Survey 2020
For anyone who has participated in, or would consider participating
in our Soccer League, please fill out
Edgewood Soccer Survey,
as soon as possible.
This will help us so to best serve you with our recreational
opportunities at this time.
Edgewood Borough Offices Closed Until Further Notice
In light of the circumstances surrounding the nationwide outbreak of
the Corona virus and for the health and safety of our employees, the
Edgewood Borough offices will be closed to the public until further
notice. Borough business can still be conducted, albeit in a reduced
capacity, during this time of social distancing. The public works
department will be staffed and can be reached by dialing the borough’s
main phone line and following the automated phone system prompts.
Police, fire, and medical emergencies should dial 911. Code enforcement
and building permit questions can utilize the borough’s main phone line
and follow the automated phone system prompts or contact Dave Naylor via
email at
General inquiry messages left on the borough voice mail will be
checked and returned as staffing limitations allow.
Main phone line: 412-242-4824
All Edgewood-sponsored events are cancelled until further notice.
Please check back often for updates or follow our Facebook page for more
COVID 19 Resources
Looking for information?
Please use the following resources from the Allegheny County Health
Department to find information and updates about COVID 19:
- COVID 19 Hotline, 888-859-2274 (language
services available)
- Allegheny Alerts,, select COVID 19 updates
- County website, (includes case map)
- Facebook, @AlleghenyCountyHealth
Looking for Help? Visit our COVID
19 Resources Page
All parking enforcement resumes June 3, 2020.
All parking enforcement resumes June 3, 2020.
The temporary parking enforcement suspension has been lifted and
ticketing for street sweeping and overnight parking will resume
effective 3 a.m. Wednesday June 3, 2020. Please pay attention to the
street sweeping signs in your area and park accordingly. Anyone
receiving a ticket must either mail their payment to the borough office
using the envelope provided with the ticket or drop their payment in the
drop box located next to the front door of the borough building. In
person payments are not being accepted at this time.
2020 Edgewood Community Day Cancelled
Unfortunately, Edgewood Community Day and Zambelli
fireworks which was scheduled for July 25, 2020 has been cancelled.
If possible, a larger event will be held in the fall. Please
follow our Facebook page:
EdgewoodBoroughEvents and read our e-Newsletters for information on
smaller summer time events created with social distancing and crowd size
in mind.
UPDATE: T-Ball/Softball registration extended to June 26,
season to start in July
As we have entered the Green Phase of PA's reopening plan, we are
excited to announce that we will be running our summer T-ball and
Softball leagues! To allow interested participants time to sign up, we
are pushing the start date to the week of July 6, and are extending our
registration until June 26.
In keeping with state guidelines, and for the health of all
attending, there will be some modifications, including:
Each diamond is managed to not exceed gatherings of 90
Games and practices that fall on the same day are
scheduled with at least a 15-min buffer between to prevent overlap
of participants.
Game ball(s) are disinfected before and after every game
and practice. Bleachers and benches are disinfected every 4 hours.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own equipment.
Players do not huddle together; no hand slaps.
Sportsmanship continues in touchless manner. Batting team may have
half of the team in the dugout, utilizing 6 ft distancing. The other
half is outside the field, keeping 6 ft distancing.
Signage to encourage hand washing and healthy practices.
2 spectators per person allowed. Vulnerable populations
should stay home.
More about our leagues, and how to sign up:
Softball is open to boys and girls ages 7-13, and Tball is
for boys and girls ages 5-7 (must be 5 by July 6th). Both sports play at
Koenig Field, and meet twice weekly. Softball may have additional
practice days at the beginning of the season. The registration fee is
$50, and you do not need to be an Edgewood resident to play.
Registration is done online through Teamsnap:
Edgewood Borough will continue to follow all public health directives
from Allegheny County and the Governor’s office. We are going to plan
our summer recreation offerings as we are reasonably able to do so.
Please understand that game-play depends entirely on the guidance
offered by the aforementioned agencies. The borough will explore
modifying or refunding all or part of the registration fees if an
activity’s season needs to be cancelled or significantly reduced due to
the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. We will continue to provide any necessary
updates leading up to, and throughout the season.
For questions, please email Abby at
June 1, 2020 Council Meeting being held online
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its June 1, 2020 meeting via
GoToMeeting. Public comments received from residents and tax
payers of the borough will be read into the meeting minutes. ALL
The June 1, 2020 agenda may be viewed
Those wishing to watch or listen to the meeting may do so via
GoToMeeting at the following
June 1, 2020 Edgewood Borough Council Meeting Mon, Jun 1, 2020 7:30 PM -
9:30 PM (EDT).
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or
You can also dial in using your phone:
United States: +1 (669) 224-3412
Access Code: 918-718-789
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your
first meeting starts:
May 18, 2020 Council Meeting Being Held Online
Edgewood Borough Council will conduct its May 18, 2020 meeting via
GoToMeeting. Public comments received from residents and tax
payers of the borough will be read into the meeting minutes.
The May 18, 2020 agenda may be viewed
here and
all meeting documents are available
Those wishing to watch or listen to the meeting may do so via
GoToMeeting at the following link:
May 18 Edgewood Borough Council
Meeting - Mon, May 18, 2020
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or
smartphone -
You can also dial in
using your phone - United States:
+1 (646) 749-3122
Access Code: 162-778-389
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your
first meeting starts:
Tax Collection Notice
The Pennsylvania State Collectors Association advised tax collectors
to modify "in-person" collection to reduce the chance of exposure to the
Coronavirus. The Edgewood Borough tax office recommends that residents
mail payments to:
Payments can be dropped in the mail slot at the office. If you must
speak to someone about your taxes, please contact Chris Bell at Jordan
Tax Service at 412-835-5243 or The
previously advertised in-person tax collection office hours for May 19,
2020 and May 27, 2020 have been cancelled.
Starter Plant Sale - SOLD OUT
Due to the overwhelming response, no new orders can be
accepted today. Karen is working to complete the orders that have
already been received. Thank you!
With thanks to Edgewood Borough Council, I am Karen Sandorf,
a small-scale local grower. Through the Borough, I am offering garden
starter plants that you can order from the
attached PDF list,
and using my attached fill-able PDF form. There will be a
contact-less pickup for all pre-paid plant orders at the tennis courts
at Koenig Field this Saturday, May 16, from 9am to 11am.
In addition to my Master Gardener credentials, I've been growing from
seed in this way every late-winter/spring for over 20 years. I
specialize in heirlooms, especially tomatoes, and short season veggies,
including container-friendly veggies. And the list of descriptions show
that I offer more than heirloom varieties. Many may not be found
elsewhere in the area. The plants have been grown in a rich, organic
potting mix in approximately 3-inch pots. No chemicals are used.
Multiple herb plants are in each pot.
To place an order, see the two attachments to this message:
- Peruse and choose from the list of
plant descriptions given
by the seed companies, all of which I've started from seed for
- Download
the fill-able PDF order form and open it in Acrobat Reader.
E-mail it back to me after typing your info at top, and the number
of each plant that you want beside each plant name, then renaming,
using your own name, and saving the PDF. Instructions on how to do
this and prepayment info are given at the top of the PDF form.
Please return your order form to at
your earliest convenience, no later than Thursday evening May 14.
Quantities are limited.
- All plants are $3.50/ pot and 3 / $10. Consider combining an
order with a friend if you only want a pot or two. And feel free to
forward this message to fellow gardeners near you!
- You'll be billed online from my account, with
payment due upon receipt of the invoice. This is a very safe and
easy way to pay. Please make your online payment no later than 9
a.m. Friday morning, May 15, for Saturday morning's contact-less
- Your order will be boxed, labeled with your name and waiting for
you at the tennis court. I'll be there during the pickup time
between 9 and 11 a.m.
Karen Sandorf, A Gardener's Art-Works
Visit: - Where my art works are always
Luminary Lighting - A message from the Edgewood Foundation:
Neighbors - first and foremost we hope that you are all healthy and
Friday, April 24th, the Edgewood Foundation will be lighting up Maple
Avenue with luminaries to celebrate the tireless dedication of those on
the frontline of this pandemic. At 8pm, please join us by turning on
your lights and playing music from your homes. If you'd like to put out
your own luminaries please do so!
We need volunteers! We would appreciate help with any of the following:
- Luminary placement
- Luminary lighting.
- Removing bags from sidewalk the following morning (4/25).
Please message the Foundation (through Facebook, @edgewoodfoundation, or
email if you'd like to help. We will be
taking the proper steps to ensure social distancing happens while doing
these tasks!
We hope that you can join us for our lighting of Maple Ave to show
support for our essential workers! We ask that you continue all
preventative measures like wearing a mask, and maintaining a safe
distance while we all show our love and support as a community. You're
all in our thoughts!
Borough Parks Closed
Following the Commonwealth’s decision to close their park facilities,
we made the difficult decision to close Koenig Field for the time being.
The dog run at Dickson Park will also be closed at this time. After
careful consideration, we decided this is best for the wellbeing of the
community to prevent gathering in groups. Signs will be posted at both
locations, and we will provide an update when we are able to re-open
these spaces.
That being said, we do still believe outdoor activity is important.
If you do decide to walk/jog, etc., in public spaces, we urge you to
take all recommended precautions with social distancing. Also, if
sidewalks, etc. are getting crowded, please choose a different route, or
consider going out at a different time. We understand that these actions
may create an inconvenience and ask for your understanding in during
this unprecedented time.
Street Sweeping Starts Wednesday April 1, 2020
Public works will begin sweeping Wednesday April 1, 2020 as
advertised. However, the police department
will not ticket vehicles that remain on the
sweeping route at this time. We greatly appreciate those residents who
take the time to find another parking spot so that we do our best to
clean the streets, but we understand parking is limited while most of us
are staying home. Here's a tip from the police department: use this and
every Wednesday to check on your vehicle and make sure it is locked and
that your valuables are hidden and secure. It's also a good idea to
start your vehicle periodically to avoid a dead battery.
NOTICE: The April 20 council meeting has been cancelled.
NOTICE: The April 6 council meeting has been cancelled.
Yard and Bulk Waste Collection Resumes April 30
Republic Services will resume yard waste and bulk collection starting
April 30. Please continue to tightly tie all trash bags and place them
in containers for pickup.
Applicants Sought for 2020 Mel Douglass Scholarships
Edgewood's own Mel Douglass Scholarships, available to our high
school seniors for outstanding volunteer service, will be awarded again
this spring. One senior from Edgewood will win the Mel Douglass
Scholarship. The value of this scholarship is $10,000. Several $1,000
honorable mention scholarships will also likely be presented. This
unique scholarship program, exclusive to Edgewood, is a tradition that
helps make our Borough a special place. The application deadline is
April 18! Click
here for application requirements.
May 4, 2020 Council Meeting being held ONLINE
To comply with the governor's stay at home order, Edgewood Borough
Council will conduct its May 4 meeting via GoToMeeting. Public comment
will be accepted at the start of the meeting from residents and tax
payers of the borough only. Comments must be related to the items on the
MAY 4.
The May 4, 2020 agenda may be
viewed here
and all meeting documents are available here:
Those wishing to watch or listen to the meeting may
do so via GoToMeeting at the following link:
You can also dial in using your phone:
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122
Access Code: 829-145-101
TRASH NOTICE: Yard Waste and Bulk Item Pickup Suspended
Republic Services will be suspending the collection of Bulk Waste and
Yard Waste effective Thursday April 2, 2020. Do not place anything at
the curb besides household refuse and recycling. Please make every
effort to tie and seal garbage bags as tightly as possible to protect
the safety of our essential trash collectors.
The need to suspend the collection of these items is due to the
tremendous increase (30%) of residential refuse being generated while
the Commonwealth operates under a ‘stay at home’ order. While this may
be inconvenient for some, the need to collect residential refuse is
essential to public health and takes priority over the collection of
other items. Recycling will still be collected on scheduled days. Please
continue to follow cleaning and sorting guidelines to minimize
contamination in the recycling stream.
Neighborhood Paper "Egg Hunt"
In place of our normal egg hunt this year, neighbors are
encouraged to decorate paper eggs, and place them in windows/decorate
doors/place them anywhere people can see as they walk by. Eggs can go up
on Saturday, April 4 and be left up all week, so everyone has a chance
to search for them. Then as you walk around the neighborhood through the
week, you can "hunt" for eggs.
This event is for ALL AGES, and we welcome our neighboring
communities to participate!
FROM THE CDC. Limit your outdoor "hunt" to immediate family
only, i.e. parent(s) and child(ren) and avoid close personal contact and
groups. Please avoid passing others on sidewalks, and leave adequate
space between one another. If sidewalks get crowded, please choose
another route, or go out at a different time.
Tai Chi Spring Session
'Tai Chi Spring Session Canceled Until Further Notice'
Our Tai Chi Spring session begins March 30 and runs
every Monday through May 18 at the Koenig Fieldhouse. The eight week
series is available for $75, or you can pay $15 per session. Classes
start at 7:30p.m. This class is for adults 18 and over. Please arrive 15
minutes early to complete your registration form if you are new to the
class. Be sure to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. We hope
you’ll enjoy this peaceful time to center yourself!
For questions please contact Abigail Ault at
412-242-4824, or email
Recreation and Community Engagement Coordinator
This part time employee will perform administrative, supervisory and
professional work in the planning, development and operation of a
comprehensive public recreation program for the Borough under the direct
supervision of the Borough Manager. The employee will also serve
as the point of contact for community organizations and assist the
Borough Manager with borough events
Click Here For Complete Description of Part Time - Recreation and
Community Engagement Coordinator.
Leaf Collection Ends Friday December 13, 2019
The last day of leaf collection is Friday December 13, 2019. Do not
place any leaves at the curb after this date, they will not be
2020 Parking Permits
Parking permits go on sale at the borough building
on Monday December 2 starting at 8 a.m.
More information visit our
parking permit page.
Overnight Parking Ban Lifted
The Mayor has suspended overnight parking permit enforcement starting
3 a.m. Tuesday, December 24, 2019 through 5 a.m. Wednesday January 1,
2020. Enforcement resumes at 3 a.m. on Thursday January 2, 2020.
Parking Ban Suspended
The Mayor has suspended the overnight parking ban effective 3 a.m.
Thursday (11/28). The ban will resume Monday (12/2) at 3 a.m.
Edgewood Borough named a Banner Community
The Allegheny County League of Municipalities again named Edgewood
Borough a Banner Community. This award, given to 65 municipalities
across Allegheny County, signifies a commitment to professional
development, financial management, and community engagement by staff and
elected officials.
Read the full
press release here.
County Executive Rich Fitzgerald praised municipalities for their
hard work and dedication to effective public service.
Read the full press release here.
Belgian Block for Sale
Edgewood Borough has Belgian Blocks available for purchase by Borough
residents. Click
here for an order form. Blocks are available for pick up only. Fill
out the order form and return it to the Borough Office at 2 Race Street,
Pittsburgh, PA 15218, and DPW will contact you to set up a time for
Accepting Junior Councilperson Applications
Edgewood Borough Council is accepting applications for the Junior
Council Person Program. High school and college aged individuals who
are residents of the borough are encouraged to apply by submitting a
letter of interest to borough council outlining why they want to be a
JCP. As a JCP, you must attend monthly meetings, will be seated with
council and participate in borough business and learn how a local
government operates. A commitment of at least six months is required
but an appointment can last for up to two years.
Please submit a letter of interest via email to
with "Junior Councilperson Application" in the subject line by January
30, 2020 for consideration in the program.
Tai Chi Winter Session
Our Tai Chi Winter session begins January 13 and
runs every Monday through March 2 at the Koenig Fieldhouse. The
eight week series is available for $75, or you can pay $15 per session.
Classes start at 7:30 p.m.
Be sure to arrive 15 minutes early to complete your
registration form if you are new to the class. This class is for adults
18 and over.
Be sure to wear loose-fitting, comfortable
clothing. If you have any questions, contact Abigail at or
412-242-4824 We hope you'll enjoy this peaceful time to center yourself!
About the Instructor: Jon is the Assistant Instructor at Steel Dragon
Martial Arts in Lawrenceville. He also teaches an after-school Kung Fu
program at Reserve Primary School in Shaler, as well as ongoing Tai Chi
classes at Shepherd Wellness in Bloomfield, and the UPMC Center for
Integrative Medicine in Shadyside. He trains and teaches in several
different styles of Kung Fu including: Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan, Ying Jow
Kuen, and Xing-Yi Quan. In 2012, he became the Senior Disciple of Chris
Young under the Yin Cheng Gong Fa lineage.
Edgewood Youth Basketball
Registration for this winter sport begins on Tuesday, October 15,
and ends Saturday, November 30, 2019. The fee is $60. Girls and boys
in grades K*-8 are welcome to play basketball, and you do not need to be
an Edgewood resident to play. (Children in Kindergarten wishing to play
will need to be at least 6, as of December 1). A draft will be held on
Saturday, December 7 to form team assignments. The regular season is
January through March. All play is held at Edgewood Primary Gym.
Contact Abigail at 412-242-4824, or email
with any questions.
Click this link to register:
Click here for an informational flyer with more details.
Street Tree Trimming
Nelson Tree Service, working on behalf of Duquesne Light, will be
trimming street trees around the Borough over the next few weeks. This
tree pruning work ensures reliable electric distribution to homes and
businesses. Please obey all posted work zone signs for your safety.
2019 Road Paving Program
The Borough will be milling and paving several streets and alleys
this year starting the week of October 21, 2019. ADA ramps will also be
installed at intersections impacted by paving. You can view the entire
2019 road paving plan
Light Up Edgewood
Join Santa for the ceremonial lighting of the borough Christmas Tree
at Memorial Park on Friday, December 6, 2019 at 7pm. Then take a short
stroll to the Edgewood Club to enjoy refreshments and a holiday movie
for the kids.
Seeking Applications for Council Vacancy
There will be a vacant seat on Edgewood Borough Council starting
January 1, 2020. Any resident interested in serving on council should
submit a letter of interest by Thursday, December 12, 2019 to 2 Race
Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15218, Attn: George Fuller. Council will appoint
one individual to the vacant seat for a period of two years until the
next local election.
EVDF Luminary Sale
Luminary kits are available now at the Edgewood Borough Fire Station.
If you’d like to participate in this longstanding tradition, you can
pick up your kit(s) by turning in the form below, along with payment
($10/kit) to the Edgewood Volunteer Fire Department, Monday-Friday until
9pm, or Saturdays from 10am-noon. Luminaria can be lit at approximately
6pm on Christmas Eve.
Download the Luminary
Sale Form.
Proposed 2020 Budgets
The proposed 2020 General Fund, Sewer, and Highway budgets are now on
here for to view each document.
A public hearing is scheduled for Monday December 2, 2019 at 7
p.m. for comments on the proposed budgets.
2020 Budget Workshop
Edgewood Borough Council will review the proposed 2020 general and
special fund budgets on Saturday, November 9 at 9am in council
chambers. This meeting is open to the public.
Tree Planting Event - Rescheduled for this Saturday
Rescheduled for this Saturday, November 16
Please join the Shade Tree Committee for their tree-planting
event to replace dead trees that have been removed throughout the
borough. This event will take place on Saturday, November 16. Meet at
Dickson Park, by the picnic table at the end of Oakview Avenue at 9am.
Coffee and donuts will be provided. Remember to dress accordingly,
including sturdy shoes. Tools and gloves will be available to use. With
the exception of a downpour, this event will take place rain or shine.
Leadership Lessons from Columbine and Beyond
Leadership Lessons from Columbine and Beyond will take place on
Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 5:30pm, at the Western Pennsylvania School
for the Deaf Auditorium 300 E Swissvale Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15218.
An introduction to violence in America's schools, with Officer Fred
Livingston, and featuring Frank De Angelis, retired principal of
Columbine High School. For more information, please see the
Official Flyer.
Tai Chi Fall Session – meet at the Koenig Field House
Join us for Tai Chi in the Park, one of our popular fitness
offerings for adults in Edgewood. All classes will meet at the Field
House at Koenig Field at 301 Greendale Avenue, Edgewood PA 15218, and
have the option to move outside when weather permits.
Jon Wilson leads this open class Mondays from 7:30-8:30pm September 2
through December 30, 2019.
No pre-registration is needed for the fall session. Drop-in fee for
individual classes is $15, or purchase a 5-pack of classes for $60 or a
10-pack for $100. Class packs can be used for any session throughout the
summer. Packs expire on December 30, 2019. Payment is made directly to
Jon Wilson at the time of the class.
Be sure to arrive 15 minutes early to complete your registration form
if you are new to the class. This class is for adults 18 and over.
Be sure to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. If you
have any questions, contact Abigail at or
412-242-4824 We hope you'll enjoy this peaceful time to center
About the Instructor: Jon is the Assistant Instructor at
Steel Dragon Martial Arts in Lawrenceville. He also teaches an
after-school Kung Fu program at Reserve Primary School in Shaler, as
well as ongoing Tai Chi classes at Shepherd Wellness in Bloomfield, and
the UPMC Center for Integrative Medicine in Shadyside. He trains and
teaches in several different styles of Kung Fu including: Wu Style Tai
Chi Chuan, Ying Jow Kuen, and Xing-Yi Quan. In 2012, he became the
Senior Disciple of Chris Young under the Yin Cheng Gong Fa lineage.
Trick-or-Treat will be from 6-8 on Thursday, October 31.
Safety tips: Make sure children can see through costumes, and that
they can be seen, with reflective tape or glow sticks. Stay on
sidewalks, in well-lit areas, with parents/in groups, and check all
treats before eating.
EVFD Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser
Please join the Edgewood VFD in the fight to extinguish breast
cancer! The Edgewood VFD will be selling t-shirts for Breast Cancer
Awareness month.
Shirts are $18* and donations are also always welcome! A portion of
the proceeds will be donated to the PA Breast Cancer Coalition to help
fund programs providing breast cancer education and outreach, support
for diagnosed women, and research initiatives. We will be accepting
orders and donations until the first Wednesday in October (Oct 2).
Shirts can be delivered to the Edgewood Borough Building for pickup, or
if you aren't in the area they can be shipped directly to your home.
They will be delivered mid-October.
Thank you for your support!
*XXL $20.50, 3XL $21.50, 4XL $22.50
Please use the following link to order shirts:
Flu Shot Clinic
Edgewood Borough will be holding a free flu shot clinic, Tuesday,
October 15, from 4-8pm at the Edgewood Borough Building, 2 Race Street.
You may enter directly into the Fire Department garage, where the clinic
will take place. Vaccines are available on a first come first serve
basis for residents 18 year of age or older through the generosity
of the McKeesport Hospital Foundation, UPMC East, UPMC McKeesport, &
UPMC Health Plan & Eastern Area Prehospital Services. Influenza
(Flu) vaccines contain the H1N1 vaccine. For questions please email, or
call 412-242-4824.
Fall Fest
Saturday, October 26 at 6pm
Edgewood will be hosting Fall Fest at Koenig Field. Come down for
this free, family event, featuring snacks, crafts, and of course
hayrides around the neighborhood by the Edgewood Volunteer Fire
Council Position Vacancy
The borough is seeking interested applicants to fill a vacant
position on Borough Council. The selected individual would serve out
the remainder of the 2019 term held by the prior council member. Those
interested should submit a letter of interest to:
George Fuller
Edgewood Borough Council
2 Race Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Letters will be accepted until the position is filled by Council
Edgewood Foundation’s Oktoberfest
Edgewood Foundation’s Oktoberfest Saturday,
September 28, 2019 3:00pm - 6:00pm, at Koenig Field.
This event is a family friendly afternoon of
beer, cider, and brats (lemonade and hot dogs for the kids)! We feature
a selection of seasonal beers and other tasty items from local
companies. All proceeds raised go towards future community projects!
ALCOHOL POLICY Attendees must be 21 or over
to consume alcoholic beverages. Wristbands will be provided at the
door, after proof of age via a driver's license or other valid form of
photo ID has been presented.
TICKETS Advance Ticket Price: $30/Adult
(purchased online prior to September 28th) $35/Adult at the door
Children and Young Adults (20 and under) are free
Art Night in Edgewood
Art Night in Edgewood will take place on Saturday, September 14th,
from 6:00pm - 9:00pm, at Edgewood Train Station (100 E. Swissvale
Our newest event is a night celebrating local artists. Join us at the
Edgewood Train Station to peruse the artwork for sale while enjoying
wine and light refreshments.
Many thanks go to by Brian Werner of Winthrop Partners for co-hosting
this event with us!
Have any additional questions about this event? Email us at
Parking Ban Lifted
The Mayor has lifted the parking ban over the Labor Day weekend
starting at 3 a.m. Saturday morning until 3 a.m. Tuesday morning.
Vehicles parked overnight without a permit Monday night into Tuesday
morning will be ticketed.
Community Day 2019 - Saturday, August 24, from Noon to
Edgewood is excited to once again celebrate
Community Day! We will be welcoming local organizations, vendors, food
trucks, and entertainment. Finally, we’ll top it all off with a concert
by Edgewood’s own Symphony Orchestra, followed by fireworks, all at
Koenig Field. We look forward to seeing you there!
Please note, if you would like to be a vendor at
this event, we are still accepting applications. Please see the attached
form below. These forms can be dropped off or mailed, along with
payment, to:
Edgewood Borough
2 Race Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Download the
Community Day Vendor Application.
Shade Tree Committee Vacancies
The borough’s Shade Tree Committee is seeking new committee members.
If interested, please submit a letter of interest to
Edgewood Borough Shade Tree Committee
2 Race Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
This committee generally meets once monthly and is tasked with
preserving the borough’s tree canopy.
Yoga in the Park returns with two summer sessions
Yoga in the Park is back again for two sessions in 2019!
Session I of the year will be held Wednesdays from 7:30-8:30pm at
Koenig Field from June 12-July 10. (There will be no class on July 3 for
the holiday). You can pre-register for all 4 sessions for $40 or drop-in
to each class for $12 per class. Please make all payments payable to
Yoga Instructor, Julie Straub. Click
Here for the Session I registration form.
Session II will be held Tuesdays from 7:30-8:30pm from July 23-August
20 at Koenig Field. You can pre-register for all 5 sessions for $50 or
drop-in to each class for $12 per class. Please make all payments
payable to Yoga Instructor, Julie Straub. Click
Here for the Session II registration form.
Meet at the Field House for each session – the group will decide to
work indoors or outdoors dependent on the weather. Wear loose-fitting,
comfortable clothing and bring your own yoga mat. If you’re dropping in
to the session, be sure to come 15 minutes early to fill out the
registration form. If you have any questions, contact Abigail at or
412-242-4824. You can also follow our Facebook
page for announcements. We hope it will be a peaceful evening for
your mid-week! Namaste!
Yoga in the Park
Yoga in the Park will be taking a break during the colder months.
Please check back in the Spring for more information on the next
Soccer Registration open until August 12
Join the Edgewood Soccer 2019 league today! You can register online
by clicking this link.
Youth Soccer is open to girls and boys ages 4-14. Registration
begins July 6 and ends the second Monday in August. Games and practices
are through September and October at Koenig Field. There is no need to
be an Edgewood Resident to play. Registration fee is $65.
Click here for a
FAQ sheet about Soccer!
Movie Nights are now WEDNESDAYS!
2019 Movie Titles
Please note: Movie Nights are now WEDNESDAYS!
June 12 – Shrek
June 26 – Madagascar
July 10 – Labyrinth
July 24 – Incredibles 2
Click Here for Dates and Titles.
Tai Chi Summer Session – meet at the Koenig Field House
Join us for Tai Chi in the Park, one of our popular fitness offerings
for adults in Edgewood. All classes will meet at the Field House at
Koenig Field at 301 Greendale Avenue, Edgewood PA 15218, and have the
option to move outside when weather permits.
Jon Wilson leads this open class Mondays from 7:30-8:30pm May 7
through August 26, 2019.
No pre-registration is needed for the summer session. Drop-in fee for
individual classes is $15, or purchase a 5-pack of classes for $60 or a
10-pack for $100. Class packs can be used for any session throughout the
summer. Packs expire on August 26, 2019. Payment is made directly to Jon
Wilson at the time of the class.
Be sure to arrive 15 minutes early to complete your registration form
if you are new to the class. This class is for adults 18 and over.
Be sure to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. If you have any
questions, contact Abigail at or 412-242-4824 We hope you'll enjoy this
peaceful time to center yourself!
About the Instructor: Jon is the Assistant Instructor at Steel Dragon
Martial Arts in Lawrenceville. He also teaches an after-school Kung Fu
program at Reserve Primary School in Shaler, as well as ongoing Tai Chi
classes at Shepherd Wellness in Bloomfield, and the UPMC Center for
Integrative Medicine in Shadyside. He trains and teaches in several
different styles of Kung Fu including: Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan, Ying Jow
Kuen, and Xing-Yi Quan. In 2012, he became the Senior Disciple of Chris
Young under the Yin Cheng Gong Fa lineage.
Overnight Parking Ban Lifted
The Mayor has lifted the overnight parking ban
effective 3 a.m. Thursday morning (7/4) through 5 a.m. Sunday morning
(7/7). The ban resumes Monday July 8 at 3:00 a.m.
Garbage Pick-Up
Garbage and recycling collection will be delayed until Friday
July 5, 2019 due to the July 4th holiday.
Recreation and Community Engagement Coordinator
This part time employee will perform administrative, supervisory and
professional work in the planning, development and operation of a
comprehensive public recreation program for the Borough under the direct
supervision of the Borough Manager. The employee will also serve
as the point of contact for community organizations and assist the
Borough Manager with borough events
Click Here For Complete Description of Part Time - Recreation and
Community Engagement Coordinator.
Softball and TBall Registration is OPEN till May 29
Click Here to
register for these great summer leagues!
Edgewood Softball is open to boys and girls ages 7-14 for 2019.
This season we are going to try out a co-ed league! Boys and girls are
both welcome to sign up this year.
Registration begins April 15 and has been extended to May 29.
Games and practices are through June & July at Koenig Field. This
fantastic summer sport is a star every year! Registration fee is $50.
There is no need to be an Edgewood Resident to play.
T-Ball is for girls and boys aged 5-7. Registration begins
April 15 and ends May 29. Games and practices are held through June &
July at Koenig Field in Edgewood. Summer Tball is a great way to stay
active, and parents and kids love this sport. Registration fee is $50.
There is no need to be an Edgewood Resident to play.
Click Here
to read the FAQ Sheet for both sports.
Contact Abigail at
with any questions.
Now Hiring Full Time Police Officer
Edgewood Borough is accepting applications for the position of
full-time entry-level police officer through FRIDAY, June 7, 2019, 3:00
pm. Click Here For More
Street Sweeping Resumes Wednesday, April 3
Street Sweeping resumes Wednesday, April 3, so please remember to
move your vehicles to avoid ticketing! Street Sweeping days and areas
are noted on signs posted directly on Edgewood streets - so when street
parking, please look for signs to make sure you're in a good spot.
Have a happy spring!
Memorial Day Weekend Parking - Parking Ban Lifted
Mayor O’Donnell has lifted the on-street parking ban for the Memorial
Day Holiday. The ban is lifted beginning Friday, May 24th at 5:00 am.
Ticketing will resume Tuesday, May 28th at 3:00 am.
Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!
Softball and TBall Registration is open until May 15
Click Here
to register for these great summer leagues!
Girls' Softball for girls ages 7-14. Registration begins April
15 and ends May 15. Games and practices are through June & July at
Koenig Field. This fantastic summer sport is a star every year!
Registration fee is $50. There is no need to be an Edgewood Resident to
T-Ball is for girls and boys aged 5-7. Registration begins
April 15 and ends May 15. Games and practices are held through June &
July at Koenig Field in Edgewood. Summer Tball is a great way to stay
active, and parents and kids love this sport. Registration fee is $50.
There is no need to be an Edgewood Resident to play.
Click Here to read the FAQ Sheet for both sports.
Contact Abigail at
with any questions.
Annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 13 at Noon At Koenig Field
Join us for Edgewood Borough's Annual Easter Egg Hunt!
Edgewood's Annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday,
April 13 at noon at Koenig Field. Children ages 2 to 10 are welcome to
bring their Easter baskets and collect as many eggs as they can find! We
are happy to see this fun tradition continue throughout the years. Join
us for a lovely day of fun!
Please Help Us Keep Roads and Walkways Clear
During these cold and snowy winter months, Edgewood Borough would
like to remind our residents of a few tips to help us get through the
Please remember to keep your sidewalks clear of snow and ice. This
not only helps keep Edgewood a walkable community, but un-shoveled
sidewalks look like no one is home and could be a tip to would-be
burglars. Check in on your neighbors, and even offer to help shovel for
someone who is unable to do it themselves.
Our public works crews are working hard to keep our streets salted
and plowed. Please help them out by not shoveling snow back into the
roadway. If you park on the street, please park as close as possible to
the curb to allow us to treat the roads. Tuck in your side mirrors, too!
When walking your dogs, please continue to pick up after them even
when there is snow.
Most importantly - stay warm and safe!
Leaf Collection Ends December 21
Attention All Residents: Leaf collection will be ending for the
season on Friday, December 21. During the last week, crews may deviate
from the published schedule to attend to the areas most in need of
collection. Please refrain from placing any additional leaves at the
curb next week-they will not be collected!
Please note: on wet and rainy days, leaf collection takes extra
time and is sometimes not possible.
It is recommended residents bag their leaves for pickup by the
trash collector.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Our crews dealt
with unusually bad weather this season which forced us to modify our
collection routine.
2019 Edgewood Parking Permits - Available at the Borough Office
Monday, Dec. 3
2019 Parking Permits will be available for purchase at the Borough
Office at 2 Race Street starting Monday, December 3.
Visit our Parking Permit page on our website at: for more
details and for a printable application. Residents will need to bring
current copies of their insurance and registration forms, as well as
proof of residency. (Digital copies from your mobile device are
Pick yours up before the 2018 permits expire on January 2!
Call 412-242-4824 or email with any questions
Parking Ban Lifted
Mayor O’Donnell has lifted the Overnight Parking Ban effective
Wednesday, November 21 through Sunday, November 25.
2019 Parking Passes
2019 Borough parking passes will go on sale December 3, 2018.
For more information and to download our 2019 Parking Permit
Application visit our
Parking Permit Page.
2019 Budget Meeting
A public hearing on the proposed 2019 General Fund, Sewer Fund, and
Highway Fund Budgets will be held on December 3, 2018 at 7pm in Council
The 2019 Budgets are available for review
Draft copies of the 2019 General Fund, Sewer Fund, and Highway Fund
Budgets are available for inspection at the Borough Building between
8:30 am and 5 pm; The C.C. Mellor Memorial Library; and digitally by
clicking here.
Leaf Collection
Leaf collection will resume regular collection starting Monday,
November 26 (weather permitting).
View the
2018 schedule
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed for Edgewood Borough’s Civil Service Commission
and Planning Commission.
Click here for more
Annual Budget Meeting Saturday, November 17, 2018
The 2019 Edgewood Borough Budget meeting will be held from 8am-Noon this Saturday, Nov 17 in Council Chambers at 2 Race Street. This meeting is open to the public.
Tai Chi Winter Session – held inside the Koenig Field House
Join us for Tai Chi in the Park, the newest addition to our fitness offerings for
adults in Edgewood. All classes will take place in the Field House at Koenig Field at
301 Greendale Avenue, Edgewood PA 15218.
Jon Wilson leads this class Mondays from 7:30-8:30pm January 7 through February 25.
Pre-register for $70 by returning the registration form and fee to Recreation at 2 Race Street,
Edgewood, PA 15218. Drop-in fee is $15. (So pre-registration can save you over 60% on all classes!)
Be sure to arrive 15 minutes early to complete your registration form if you are dropping in. Click Here
for the registration form. Pre-registration ends December 31. This class is for adults 18 and over
Be sure to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. If you have any questions, contact Abigail at or 412-242-4824 We hope you'll enjoy this peaceful time to center yourself!
About the Instructor: Jon is the Assistant Instructor at Steel Dragon Martial Arts in Lawrenceville.
He teaches an after-school Kung Fu program at Reserve Primary School in Shaler as well as ongoing classes
at Shepherd Wellness in Bloomfield. He trains and teaches in several different styles of Kung Fu including:
Wu Style Tai Chi, Ying Jow Kuen, Bagua Zhang, and Xing-Yi Quan. In 2012, he became the Senior Disciple of Chris
Young under the Yin Cheng Gong Fa lineage.
Edgewood Historical Society - Influenza Epidemic Discussion on
Weds., Nov. 7, 2018
The world's deadliest influenza pandemic - sometimes called the
"Spanish Flu" or "the Gripe" - swept through Pittsburgh and the region
in the fall of 1918.
Among those charged with trying to slow it down and save lives was
Dr. Adolph Koenig - the medical supervisor for Allegheny County and a
noted Edgewood resident.
The first officially recorded flu death of a Pittsburgh-area resident
was on Oct. 5, 1918, though it is believed an increased number of
pneumonia deaths in the weeks prior actually were flu-related.
Pittsburgh had the highest death rate of any major U.S. city that year.
More than one in every 100 people died, which was twice the national
mortality rate, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. At its height, someone in Pittsburgh came down with the flu
every 70 seconds and while the virus killed someone every 10 minutes.
Dr. Koenig suggested that people gargle several times a day with "a
tablespoon of salt and one of baking powder in a glass of water,"
according to "Pittsburgh in the Great Epidemic of 1918." He also
recommended that people avoid alcohol as well as eat and drink
moderately. Doctors in 1918, however, knew nothing of viruses.
It is estimated that about 500 million people - or one-third of the
world's population - were sickened and that at least 50 million people
died worldwide, according to the CDC. Some 675,000 of those deaths were
in the United States. Pittsburgh hospitals treated nearly 24,000 people
for the flu, and more than 4,500 residents died, according to data from
Pittsburgh Mercy Health System. One of them was Dr. Koenig's son,
Eugene. He was 20 years old.
The Edgewood Historical Society will discuss the 1918 influenza
pandemic and Dr. Koenig from 6:30-8 p.m., Nov. 7, at the Edgewood Club.
Please join us.
Boys and Girls Basketball Registration open until December 5, 2018
Girls and Boys ages 6-15 are welcome to play, and there is no need to
be an Edgewood resident to play with us. Registration begins on November
1 and ends on December 5. Registration fee is $60.
Play begins on January 2 and the season lasts until the first week of
March. It’s a great way to stay active during those winter months! All
practices and games are held at Edgewood Primary Gymnasium, and are
subject to school closings in cases of inclement weather.
Click this link to register:
Click Here for an
informational flyer with all the details about Edgewood Youth Basketball.
Edgewood Stands United
The Borough of Edgewood stands united with our fellow communities
against Antisemitism and all acts of hatred and violence. Eleven people
were killed and 6 wounded at the Tree of Life Synagogue on October 27,
2018 -- family members, neighbors, friends, and colleagues to many
Edgewood residents. As the community continues to grieve such tragic
loss, many residents are asking what they can do to help friends and the
community heal. Here are a few suggestions:
Donate Funds to help those who were targeted by
The Tree of Life Synagogue accepts donations directly through its
website and
Dor Hadash through its website
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society offers legal assistance,
psycho-social care and safe economic opportunities for refugees of all
religious backgrounds. You can donate to HIAS through its website
Donate Blood
There is still a need for O-positive, O-negative and platelet
donations. Appointments can be made by calling Vitalant (formerly
Central Blood Bank) 866-366-6771 or the Red Cross Pittsburgh: Phone:
(888) 217-9599.
And, you can be KIND. Every Day. To Everyone. Practice KINDNESS;
teach KINDNESS. Take the time to get to know your neighbors, care for
them, and remember that we are all neighbors to one another.
Leaf Pickup Delayed Until Further Notice
Unfortunately, the Borough's leaf machine is badly damaged and in
need of extreme repairs.
Leaf Pickup is delayed until further notice. We ask that you please
bag and dispose of your own leaves during this time.
Fall Festival, Saturday, October 27, 2018
Join us this Saturday for Fall Festival at Koenig Field! Originally set for Saturday, Oct. 20,
we rescheduled due to heavy rains last week. So there’s another chance to join us for this Edgewood tradition!
Of course, cider and cookies will be served thanks to the Edgewood Foundation, Hayrides will be provided by the
Edgewood Volunteer Fire Department, and crafts and games will be held in the field house. Join us Saturday, Oct. 27!
Three Honored at Edgewood Council Meeting
Officer Bryan Wyke, Officer Frederick Livingston and Mary Leigh
Scuilli were honored at the October 1, 2018 Council Meeting.
First, Officer Bryan Wyke was honored for his immediate response that
saved the life of choking infant. Mayor Wilson proclaimed October 4,
2018 "Officer Bryan Wyke Day" in Edgewood.
Second, Officer Frederick Livingston was honored for his longstanding
commitment to Edgewood, for his dedication in organizing the Citizen's
Police Academy and receiving training to become a Juvenile Officer and
for receiving a Master's Degree in Criminal Justice. Mayor Wilson
proclaimed October 5, 2018 "Officer Frederick Livingston Day" in
Last and certainly not least, Mary Leigh Scuilli, also known as Mrs.
Scuilli to all the current and former students in Edgewood, retired this
year, after serving 47 years as a beloved Crossing Guard. Mrs. Scuilli's
fine work, dedication and true love for all Edgewood students was well
known. Mrs. Scuilli will be missed, but we were honored to have her
service for nearly half a century. Mayor Wilson proclaimed October 3,
2018 "Mrs. Mary Leigh Scuilli Day" in Edgewood.
Click here to view Photos on Facebook
Construction Alert:
Construction of the Sanders Avenue crosswalk at S. Braddock Avenue
begins tonight at 7pm. Construction will run 7pm-5am tonight until
Saturday morning and then Monday night through Friday morning starting
next week and run through at least October 19, 2018. Improvements
include pedestrian islands, signage, and lighted signals. Thank you for
your patience.
Help wanted- Crossing Guard
The Edgewood Police Department is accepting applications for a
Crossing Guard. Interested candidates should fill out an
application and deliver it to the Edgewood Municipal Building
located at 2 Race Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15218, Attention Chief Robert
Applications are also available at the municipal building.
Leaf Pickup will resume mid-October (weather permitting)
Please be aware that leaf pickup is not possible on rainy or wet
days. Do not place yard waste at the curb - the machine can only
collect LEAVES. Branches and other debris can damage the machine.
Leaves are collected in the Borough to protect our sewers and waterways
from clogging and overflow. Leaf collection ends in mid-December,
depending on weather and when the first snow arrives.
Click here
to download the 2018 Leaf Pickup Schedule.
Free Flu Shot Clinic at the Borough Building on October 10
Flu vaccines will be provided free of charge at the Borough Building
at 2 Race Street Edgewood, PA 15218. Shots are available at a first-come
first-served basis for people 18 years of age or older through the
generosity of the McKeesport Hospital Foundation, UPMC East, UPMC
McKeesport, UPMC Health Plan and Eastern Area Prehospital Services.
Influenza (Flu) vaccines contain the H1N1 vaccine.
Keep our community healthy and get your FREE flu vaccine at the
Borough Building this season!
Flu shots will not be given to pregnant women in their 1st trimester.
Dewey Street Construction
Attention residents of Dewey Street: Peoples Natural Gas Co. will be
replacing lines on both sides of the street over the next 30-40 days.
Please pardon the inconvenience this work may cause. Peoples will repave
the sidewalks and entire street as part of their restoration.
Parking Ban Lifted for Christmas and New Year Holidays
Mayor Wilson lifted the parking ban effective Friday, December
21, 2018 through Weds January 2, 2019. Cars parked on the street after 5am Thursday, January 3 2019 will be ticketed.
Edgewood Borough is looking for Commission Volunteers
Would you like to help serve your local government, and have a voice
in choices made in your neighborhood administration?
Right now, there are openings in both the Civil Service Commission
and the Planning Commission in the Borough of Edgewood. The Civil
Service Commission oversees and creates the policies and procedures for
the Edgewood Borough Police Department. The Planning Commission oversees
the administration of zoning and building within Edgewood.
If you have any questions, or would like to submit a letter of
interest and a resume, please contact Borough Manager Rob Zahorchak at
or call 412-242-4824.
We hope our residents will be proud to be involved in our community!
Fundraising Night at the Texas Roadhouse for EVFD

Support the Edgewood Volunteer Fire Department by going out for a
nice dinner! On Tuesday, July 17, The Texas Roadhouse will donate 10% of
your purchase price to EVFD!
Download Fundraising
Night at the Texas Roadhouse Flyer
Youth Soccer Registration Open until August 13
Register online through TeamSnap at this link:
If you want to register to Coach your child’s team, fill out the FREE
registration here:
Soccer is played in September and October each year, the
practices and games are held at Koenig Field in Edgewood. Boys and Girls
aged 4 to 14 are welcome to register. Registration Fee is $65.
Registration begins July 5 and ends the second Monday of August.
If you have questions, or would like to volunteer as a coach,
please email
4th of July Holiday Parking
Parking Ban Lifted
Mayor Wilson has lifted the on-street parking ban for the 4th of July Holiday. The ban is lifted beginning Wednesday, July 4 at 3 am. Ticketing will resume Thursday, July 5 at 5 am.
Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!
I-376 Parkway East Longitudinal Joint Repair Preparatory Work begins Monday Night in
Allegheny County
Pittsburgh, PA – PennDOT District 11 is announcing preparatory work on the I-376 Parkway East Longitudinal Repair Project in Allegheny County, will begin Monday night,
July 2 weather permitting.
Single-lane restrictions will occur in both directions on I-376 in various locations between the Edgewood/Swissvale (Exit 77) and the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Monroeville weeknights
from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. through Friday night, July 6. Crews will conduct preparatory work including station marking, sign installation, and traffic control device deliveries. Construction
work on the project is anticipated to begin on Monday night, July 9.
Additional details on nightly and weekend restrictions will be provided prior to the start of physical work. Coordination will occur with the I-376 Parkway East project located between
the Fort Pitt Bridge and the Edgewood/Swissvale interchange.
The $2.34 million project includes milling and resurfacing the longitudinal centerline and edgeline joints on I-376 between the Edgewood/Swissvale interchange and Route 22 in Monroeville.
The overall project will conclude in mid-October. The Lane Construction Corporation is the prime contractor.
Motorists should use caution when traveling through the area.
Motorists can check conditions on more than 40,000 roadway miles by visiting 511PA, which is free and available 24 hours a day,
provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to more than 860 traffic cameras.
511PA is also available through a smartphone application for iPhone and Android devices, by calling 5-1-1, or by following regional Twitter alerts accessible on the 511PA website.
MEDIA CONTACT: Steve Cowan, 412-429-5010
New to Edgewood: Tai Chi in the Park
Join us for Tai Chi in the Park with Jon Wilson, our newest
fitness offering for adults! This class runs from July 18 through August
22, 2018 from 7pm to 8pm.
Pre-register for this six-week program by filling out the
Registration form
and returning it to Recreation at 2 Race Street, Edgewood, PA 15218.
Pre-registration is $50, and drop-ins are $15 per class. If you drop in,
be sure to come 15 minutes early to complete the registration form.
All classes are held at Koenig Field, meeting in the Field
House in cases of inclement weather. Be sure to wear comfortable, loose
fitting clothing. This class is for adults ages 18 and over. If you
have any questions, contact Abigail at or
Edgewood Movie Nights for 2018
Movie Night returns to Edgewood!
The movies this year are:
June 11 - Despicable Me 3
June 25 - Frozen
July 9 - The Lion King
July 23 - Monsters, Inc.
Activities will begin at 8pm with Skeeball courtesy of Scene 75,
trivia begins at 8:30, and the movie showing will begin around 9pm (when
it's dark enough!). Come hungry, because D’s Road Dogz food truck
will be on-site providing delicious hot dogs and other treats!
The events are all listed on our Facebook page, where we will
announce any changes should inclement weather arise. Follow us here:
*Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and popcorn!
*Parent or Guardian must accompany children
*All Koenig Field rules apply
Contact Abigail at
with any questions.
2018 Side Yard and Blighted Structure Program
Edgewood Borough is participating in the 2018 Side Yard and Blighted
Structure Program offered through Allegheny County. If you are
interested in purchased a vacant or abandon property at a reduced cost,
please see the attached
fact sheet. If you have questions about a specific property or the
program in general, please contact Edgewood Borough at 412-242-4824.
Parking Ban Lifted
Mayor Wilson has lifted the parking ban for the holiday weekend.
Ticketing will resume on Wednesday, May 30th at 3 am. Edgewood Borough
wishes everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day!
Public Hearing
Edgewood Borough Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, May
21st at 7 pm in Council Chambers, 2 Race Street, to hear public comment
on the conditional use applications to operate bed and breakfasts at 120
Harlow, 33 McKelvey Avenue and 218 Elm Street. All are welcome to
Memorial Park Tree Removal
This spring, a large Oak tree in Memorial Park fell during high winds.
The Borough’s arborist was called in to the site, and determined that the
tree was suffering from root rot, a fungus that infected the tree and caused
the roots to become spongy. The roots, therefore, were not working to anchoring
the tree into the ground. The arborist further informed the Borough that five
other trees in Memorial Park were also suffering from extensive root rot, and
could fall during high winds.
At the request of the Shade Tree Committee, a second arborist was brought
in to assess the trees and provide a second opinion. It was confirmed that
all five trees did have extensive root rot, which is a “cancer” for trees.
Given the location of these trees next to busy roadways, the situation became
a public safety concern. The trees are being removed to prevent them from falling
onto the roadways.
Edgewood Borough Council values our urban forest, and is committed to its
maintenance. Council will be working with the Shade Tree Committee to create
a plan for replacement of the trees in Memorial Park. If you have any questions
about Edgewood’s trees, please contact the Borough office at (412) 242-4824.
Tball and Softball Registration Extended
Tball and Softball Registration has been extended through Sunday, May
20. There was an error which wasn’t allowing 6 year olds to sign up for
Tball - please be aware, Tball is open to 5 and 6 year olds! Softball is
open to 7-14 year olds.
If you have any questions about using the online system, contact
Abigail at the Borough Office at 412-242-4824 or
You can register for Tball and Softball at the following website:
Edgewood Borough Community Services
The Edgewood Borough Community Services Committee will meet on
Monday, May 14th at 7 pm in Council Chambers. The public is welcome to
Belgian Block for Sale
Edgewood Borough has Belgian Blocks available for purchase by Borough
residents. Click here
for an order form. Blocks are available for pick up only.
Street Sweeping Resumes Wednesday, April 4
Street Sweeping resumes Wednesday, April 4, so please remember to
move your vehicles to avoid ticketing! Street Sweeping days are noted on
signage in Edgewood streets - so when street parking, please note the
street sweeping dates for your area.
Have a happy spring!
Softball and Tball Registration now Open!
Registration for 2018 TBall and Softball is now open until Monday,
May 15. Tball is open to boys and girls ages 5-6 and softball is open to
girls ages 7-13. Registration fee is $45.00. Play takes place at Koenig
field through June and July.
Complete the
ONLINE Registration – (yes, registration is ONLINE this year!) HERE,
before May 15 to register.
If you would like to volunteer,
please be sure to fill out the
"volunteer" registration at this Link.
For any other questions, contact Abigail in the administrative office
at 412-242-4824 or Email:
If you need to register with a paper form, they can be found in the
Borough Office at 2 Race Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15218.
Yoga in the Park: Wednesday Evenings from May 23-June 27
Yoga in the Park is back again for 2018! Our first session of the
year will be held Wednesdays from 7:30-8:30pm at Koenig Field from May
23 through June 27. You can pre-register for all sessions for $50 or
drop-in to each class for $15 per class. Please make all payments
payable to Yoga Instructor, Julie Straub.
Click Here for the
registration form.
Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing and bring your own yoga mat.
If you’re dropping in to the session, be sure to come 15 minutes early
to fill out the registration form. If you have any questions, contact
Abigail at or 412-242-4824. You can also follow our
Facebook page
for announcements. We hope it will be a peaceful evening for
your mid-week! Namaste!
Easter Egg Hunt RESCHEDULED for Saturday, March 31
Join us for this annual children's event! Due
to the unseasonable snow, this event has been postponed to Saturday,
March 31.
Children ages 2-10 are welcome to bring their
own baskets to collect Easter Eggs at Koenig Field at noon.
Follow this event on Facebook.
Edgewood Borough Shade Tree Committee Meeting
The Edgewood Borough Shade Tree Committee will meet on Thursday,
April 12, 2018 at 7 pm in Council Chambers. All are welcome to attend.
Volunteer to Help Plant Trees in Edgewood
Join The Edgewood Shade Tree Committee and Nine
Mile Run Watershed in planting trees in Edgewood on Saturday, April 28
from 9:00am -11:30am!
For more information, visit, and register to
volunteer by
Clicking here!
Edgewood Borough Council will hold a public hearing on April 2, 2018
at 7 pm
Edgewood Borough Council will hold a public hearing on April 2, 2018
at 7 pm in Council Chambers at 2 Race Street to hear a request for a
conditional use. Location: Towne Centre Drive lot D-2. Applicant:
Northpoint Development, LLC. Request for conditional use to operate self
storage facility.
Edgewood Borough Council will hold a public hearing on April 2, 2018
at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers at 2 Race Street to receive public
comment on the request by Scene 75 entertainment center, LLC for an
inter-municipal transfer of a liquor license to restaurant facilities
within Edgewood Borough to be located at 1775 S. Braddock Ave.
Wooden Bat Baseball Season Cancelled
Wooden Bat Baseball Season Cancelled.
Due to low registration numbers, the Wooden Bat Baseball league
will not be going forward for the 2018 Season.
We will be expanding the sport for 2019, so watch for
registration information next winter!
March Committee Meetings
The Edgewood Shade Tree Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday,
March 1st at 7 pm in Borough Council Chambers, 2 Race Street. The public
is welcome to attend.
The Edgewood Borough Council Pension Committee will meet on Tuesday,
March 6th at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers, 2 Race Street. The public is
welcome to attend.
Registration for Wooden Bat Baseball is open until March 15, 2018!
Boys and Girls ages 7-12 are able to play this FUN sport that
plays at Koenig Field through April and May. (Softball and Tball WILL
play as scheduled through the summer months). Each child will have one
practice day and two games per week. Practice days will be the same from
week to week, but games will rotate according to the Baseball schedule. Click
Here to download the registration form.
Contact Abigail at
with any questions about this new
Youth Sports offering for Edgewood!
Alcosan and You: Working Together for Clean Water
Learn more about the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority’s plan
to expand its North Side wastewater treatment plant at two public
meetings on Tuesday, January 30, one at 10:30 a.m. and the other at 6:30
Both meetings will take place at ALCOSAN, 3300 Preble Avenue,
Pittsburgh, 15233. A shuttle will be available to transport people to
both sessions, beginning at 9:30 a.m. for the 10:30 a.m. meeting and at
5:30 p.m. for the 6:30 p.m. meeting. The shuttle will circulate to both
Port Authority T-stations on the North Side, and it will return riders
to those stops after the meetings.
The content of the meetings will be identical. Please
register in advance so everyone can be accommodated although
registration is not mandatory.
The plant expansion is a fundamental component of ALCOSAN’s
Clean Water Plan. ALCOSAN is bound by agreements with federal, state and
county regulators to reduce the volume of untreated overflows into the
region’s rivers and streams. Doing so is required, and it is also the
right thing to do.
Please join us to learn more about this important plan for the
Register Now
Edgewood Foundation’s Annual Progressive Dinner Held Saturday, Feb.
24, 2018
Edgewood's Annual Progressive Dinner is Saturday, February, 24th!
For more information and to purchase tickets visit:
Deadline to sign-up is Sunday, February 11th.
Click Here for tickets and more information!
Edgewood's Parking Ban Lifted for Labor Day Weekend
The Borough of Edgewood's parking ban has been lifted for Labor Day
Weekend, beginning Saturday, September 1, at 3:00 am.
Nightly ticketing will resume Tuesday September 4, at 5:00 am.
Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!
Please Help Us Keep Roads and Walkways Clear
As we dig out from the latest snow storm, Edgewood Borough wanted to
remind our residents of a few tips to help us get through the winter.
Please remember to keep your sidewalks clear of snow and ice. This
not only helps keep Edgewood a walkable community, but un-shoveled
sidewalks look like no one is home and could be a tip to would-be
burglars. Check in on your neighbors, and even offer to help shovel for
someone who is unable to do it themselves.
Our public works crews are working hard to keep our streets salted
and plowed. Please help them out by not shoveling snow back into the
roadway. If you park on the street, please park as close as possible to
the curb to allow us to treat the roads. Tuck in your side mirrors, too!
When walking your dogs, please continue to pick up after them even
when there is snow.
Most importantly - stay warm and safe!
Edgewood is Bringing Back Wooden Bat Baseball
Registration will begin on February 1 for Boys and Girls Wooden Bat
Baseball! Forms will be available here and in the Borough Office at 2
Race Street starting in February.
Play will be held through April and May (with some rain dates in
June) at Koenig Field. Registration fee will be $80.
Click Here for a
flyer with more information, or contact Abigail at
with any questions.
Join us for this great spring sport!
Edgewood Borough January 2018 Council Meeting
Edgewood Borough Council will hold a committee of the whole meeting
on Monday, January 8th at 7 pm in Council Chambers.
Members of the public are welcome to attend.
2018 Edgewood Parking Permits Available at the Borough Office
2018 Parking Permits are now available for purchase at the Borough
Office at 2 Race Street as of December 1, 2017.
Visit our Parking Permit page on our website at: for more
details and for a printable application.
Nightly ticketing will resume on Tuesday, January 2 at 3:00am, so be
sure to pick up your permit to avoid New Year's Tickets!
Call 412-242-4824 or email with any questions.
Edgewood's Parking Ban Lifted
The Borough of Edgewood's parking ban has been lifted for the
Christmas Holiday beginning Friday, December 22, at 3am.
Nightly ticketing will resume in the new year on Tuesday, January 2,
2017 at 5am.
Have a safe and happy holiday - and don't forget your new parking
permits for 2018!
Basketball Draft Night Rescheduled
If you have registered for Basketball, Draft Night has been
rescheduled for Wednesday, December 20 at Edgewood Primary Gym due to
inclement weather. Please arrive at the following times according to age
- 6pm for ages 6-8
- 7pm for ages 9-11
- 8pm for ages 12-14
Registration for Basketball is closed as of Friday, December 15, 2017.
If you have any questions, contact Abigail at
Basketball Registration Extended to December 12 (No Late Fee
Girls and Boys ages 6-14 are welcome to play, and there is no need to
be an Edgewood resident to play with us. Registration fee is $60. Mail
or drop off your completed forms at the Borough Building at 2 Race
Street, Edgewood PA 15218 to register. We accept cash and check (but
never mail cash!).
Click here for
Registration Form!
After you register, you will need to come to the Edgewood Primary Gym
on Wednesday, December 13 for Draft Night so you can be placed on a
team. Draft times are according to age group - check the registration
form for times. Play begins on January 2 and the season lasts until
March 10, 2018. It’s a great way to stay active during those winter
months! All practices and games are held at Edgewood Primary Gymnasium.
If you have any questions, contact Abigail at
Men’s Basketball Registration Now Open
Men's Basketball plays Thursday nights at Edgewood Primary School
Gym starting December 2017. If you have any questions about the program,
please call George Fuller at 412-247-1472.
Click Here for the
Registration form.
2018 Parking Permits available for purchase on December 1,
Stop by the Borough Building at 2 Race Street to pick up your 2018
Parking Permit. Permits are $20.00 each for resident or visitor passes.
Residents should be sure to have current registration and insurance
information to present at time of purchase.
Click Here for more information on Parking Permits.
Get your 2018 permit early to avoid ticketing in the New Year!
Click Here for the
Parking Permit form. Call the office at 412-242-4824 with any questions.
2018 Adopted Edgewood Borough Budgets Available
The 2018 adopted General Fund, Sewer Fund and Highway Aid fund
budgets are available for
review here. A public hearing to receive resident comment about the
budgets will take place on Monday, December 4, 2017 at 7 pm in Council
2018 Budget Public Hearing
The Borough of Edgewood will hold a public hearing regarding the 2018
Budget on Monday, December 4, 2017 at 7pm in Council Chambers at 2 Race
Street, Edgewood PA 15218.
Parking Ban Lifted
The Borough of Edgewood's parking ban has been lifted for the
Thanksgiving Holiday beginning Thanksgiving Day, November 23, at 3am.
Nightly ticketing will resume Monday, November 27 at 5am.
Happy Thanksgiving!
The Edgewood Borough Offices will be closed on Thursday, November
23rd and Friday, November 24th.
2018 Budget Meeting
Edgewood Borough Council will hold a budget meeting on Saturday,
November 11th to discuss the Borough's 2018 finances. The meeting will
begin at 8 am in Council Chambers, 2 Race Street Pittsburgh PA 15218.
The meeting is open to the public, and all are encouraged to attend.
Nine Mile Run Watershed event – Water Talks: Coffee + Sustainable

Are you looking to learn more about why and how we should protect and
conserve water here in your community? Throughout 2017, Nine Mile Run
Watershed Association has hosted a series of free open houses to discuss
and showcase water related topics over good brews. For each Water Talk,
beer or coffee is provided from local partners to highlight that for a
good drink, clean water is the main ingredient. At these events our
staff members host interactive discussions regarding the actions you can
take to contribute to a healthy watershed community. The Water Talks are
held at the NMRWA office in Wilkinsburg.
Talk #4: Coffee + Sustainable Stormwater
Join us for Coffee + Sustainable Stormwater, the final installment in
our free, quarterly Water Talks series. Enjoy some great brews from
La Prima while our Director of Policy
& Outreach Mike Hiller discusses sustainable solutions for managing
excess stormwater.
Questions? Contact Mike Hiller at or call at (412) 371-8779 ext. 121.
Facebook event information is
Basketball Registration is Open Until December 1
(Registrations accepted with
Late Fee until December 6)
Registration begins on November 1, but feel free to register early!
Girls and Boys ages 6-14 are welcome to play, and there is no need to be
an Edgewood resident to play with us. Registration fee is $60. Mail or
drop off your completed forms at the Borough Building at 2 Race Street,
Edgewood PA 15218 to register. We accept cash and check (but never mail
cash!). There is a late fee for registrations received after December 1.
Click here for Registration Form
After you register, you will need to come to the Edgewood Primary Gym
on Wednesday, December 13 for Draft Night so you can be placed on a
team. Draft times are according to age group - check the registration
form for times. Play begins on January 2 and the season lasts until
March 10, 2018. It’s a great way to stay active during those winter
months! All practices and games are held at Edgewood Primary Gymnasium.
If you have any questions, contact Abigail at
Edgewood Council to Hold Special Meeting on Monday, October 23, 2017
Edgewood Borough Council will hold a special meeting on Monday,
October 23, 2017 at 7:30pm in Council Chambers at 2 Race Street,
Edgewood, PA. The purpose of the meeting will be for the Mayor to break
a tie for Resolution 2017-12.
New Ordinance 1061 Available for Review in Borough Office
The Borough of Edgewood will present the following ordinance for
final reading at its November 6 meeting at 7:30 pm at 2 Race Street,
Edgewood, PA, 15218.
The Ordinance is available for public inspection in the office of the
Borough Manager, 2 Race Street, Edgewood, PA 15218. You may also
download a copy by clicking the following link:
Edgewood Borough Ordinance 1061.
Leaf Pickup will resume mid-October (weather permitting)
Some notes about leaf collection:
Please be aware that leaf pickup is not possible on rainy or wet
Do not place yard waste at the curb - the machine can only collect
Branches and other debris can damage the machine.
Leaves are collected in the Borough to protect our sewers and
waterways from clogging and overflow.
Leaf collection ends in mid-December, depending on weather and when
the first snow arrives.
here to download the 2017 Leaf Pickup Schedule.
Free Flu Shot Clinic at the Borough Building on October 10
Flu vaccines will be provided free of charge at the Borough Building
at 2 Race Street Edgewood, PA 15218. Shots are available at a first-come
first-served basis for people 18 years of age or older through the
generosity of the McKeesport Hospital Foundation, UPMC East, UPMC
McKeesport, UPMC Health Plan and Eastern Area Prehospital Services.
Influenza (Flu) vaccines contain the H1N1 vaccine.
Keep our community healthy and get your vaccine this season! If you
can’t make it to the Borough Building, you can view a list of free
clinics in the area by
downloading our flyer.
Flu shots will not be given to pregnant women in their 1st trimester.
Allegheny County Tours Edgewood
Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald has been hitting the road
to tour municipalities, and Edgewood was pleased to host the County in
its first round of tours. On July 31st, Edgewood Borough Council led the
County Executive and County staff members through the Borough. Council
highlighted some of the things that make Edgewood a unique place to live
and work, and showed off projects we are particularly proud of,
including the Edgewood Train Station, green infrastructure rain gardens,
and the newly installed Dog Run at Dickson Park. Council discussed
Edgewood history, current intermunicipal cooperation with our neighbors,
the active civic groups that call Edgewood home, and highlighted the
work of Borough volunteers. All in attendance identified areas where
future cooperation with the County is needed, particularly in reference
to the Port Authority. Edgewood Council discussed how current bus stops
could be updated, and looked at ways to improve access to public
Edgewood Borough Council would like to thank Executive Fitzgerald for
stopping to see all that Edgewood has to offer! We are eager to continue
our excellent working relationship with the County in order to better
serve our residents.
3 Rivers Proud from ALCOSAN
On July 31, ALCOSAN launched its new website On this
website, you can find information about the work and partnerships of
ALCOSAN with local municipalities to protect our rivers and streams. You
can also learn about how you can take action to implement the Clean
Water Plan and find events in our community. Check out today!
Saturday, July 29 is Coach Kip Day in Edgewood!
To commemorate his 20 years of dedicated service as our beloved
Softball Coach, Mayor Cook proclaimed Saturday, July 29 “Coach Kip
Day” in Edgewood. We are so grateful for Coach Kip’s inspirational work
in our neighborhood, and we hope he continues to mentor our young people
for many years to come. Thank you, Coach Kip, for the amazing work you
Shade Tree Committee Meeting August 2, 2017 at 4pm
The Edgewood Shade Tree Committee will be meeting Wednesday, August
2, 2017 at 4pm in Council Chambers at 2 Race Street, Edgewood, PA 15218.
This meeting is open to the public.
Dickson Park Dog Run Nearing Completion!
Improvements are finishing up for the Dickson Park Dog Run! Stay
tuned for more information about its opening! (Please note that the
Dickson Park Dog Run is not yet ready for visitors as of July 2017).
New Tax Collectors Hours
Beginning July 1, 2017, Edgewood’s Real Estate Tax Collector, Maureen
Smith, will have office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 1pm.
Please note the tax office will be closed August 7 through August 11.
Soccer Registration open until Monday, August 14!
It’s that time again! Edgewood Soccer 2017 registrations are open
until Monday, August 14.
Girls and Boys ages 4-14 are welcome to sign up - no need to be an
Edgewood resident to play. Cost for registration is $60. Practices are
one weekday evening and games are held Saturday mornings (coaches get to
pick their practice day and times). Practices and games begin after
labor day and end on October 28. All practices and games are held at
Koenig Field. Click
Here to download the registration form. Payment may be made in cash
or check (please do not mail cash).
We are always looking for more Coaches and Assistant Coaches! Please
consider being a leader in this fun league by coaching or assisting!
Please note: late registrations will only be accepted until Friday,
August 18 along with a $10 late fee.
If you have any questions, contact Abigail at
Borough Council
As a service to its Planning Partners, the Southwestern PA Commission
(SPC) has developed a Road Safety Audit program as part of its
Transportation Operations & Safety planning efforts. An RSA is a
proactive process that provides recommendations which can be implemented
in stages as time and resources permit.
The aim of the RSA is to answer the following questions:
What elements of the road may present a safety concern?
- To what extent?
- To which road uses?
- Under what circumstances?
- What opportunities exist to eliminate or mitigate identified
safety concerns?" (RSA Report, 2014; available on on the
Edgewood Borough website)
In a response to the Regent
Square Civic Association's request, Edgewood Borough and Swissvale
Borough actively participated in an RSA, which occurred in April 2014.
The Boroughs provided all crash data, previous police studies of the
area, and made employees/officials available for RSA key person
interview. The RSA team performed its audit of the roadway by looking at
traffic patterns during morning and evening peak hours, off-hours, and
at night to determine how the roadway... Read More
The Edgewood Shade Tree Advisory Committee Meeting
The Edgewood Shade Tree Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday,
February 1st at 7 pm in Borough Council Chambers, 2 Race Street. The
public is welcome to attend.
The Edgewood Borough Council Community Services Committee will meet
on Tuesday, January 30th at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers, 2 Race Street.
The public is welcome to attend.
Edgewood Community Day – Saturday, August 26, 2017
Parking Ban Lifted
Mayor Cook has lifted the Borough’s parking ban for the 4th of July
holiday, beginning at 3 am on Saturday July 1st to be reinstated at 3 am
on Friday July 7th.
Movie Night - July 10: Monsters, Inc.
us for the third Movie Night of the season on July 10 for Monster’s, Inc!
We begin the evening with fun Disney trivia at 8:30pm and the
Pittsburgh Pizza truck will be on-site to provide $1 hot dogs, fresh
pizza and pretzels for movie snacks. We’ll get the movie started once
the sun sets – just like the drive-in! Join us for this great evening at
*Bring your own lawn chairs and blankets
*All children must be accompanied by a guardian
*All Koenig Field rules apply
Contact Abigail at
with any questions.
Allegheny County Vacant Property Recovery Program Now Accepting
For a limited time only, the Allegheny County Vacant Property
Recovery Program will be accepting applications to acquire vacant
properties for side yards to an owner-occupied primary residence or
blighted structure remediation at a reduced cost to the applicant. Under
the 2017 Side Yard and Blighted Structure Program, Allegheny County will
waive our standard parcel fee of $3,000 for applicants for a side yard
to their primary residence and applicants proposing to demolish a
blighted structure. Allegheny County will reduce the fee to $1,400 for
applicants proposing to rehabilitate a blighted structure. All
applicants will also be responsible for the appraised value of the
property, a good faith deposit, and closing costs. The application,
which contains additional details about the Program guidelines, can be
accessed at our website:
Download the Fact Sheet
for more information!
NMRWA Street Tree Inventory – Take the Survey!
Nine Mile Run Watershed Association’s planning effort for the
watershed’s trees is in full swing. A significant project within the
Watershed Forest Master Plan is collecting street tree data, and NMRWA
is utilizing ArborPro, a professional contractor, to collect this
information in Edgewood. Look out for ArborPro's field
technicians over the next couple of weeks.
The data gathered will be immediately used to help inform the plan’s
goals and recommendations. Equally as important, NMRWA wants to hear
how residents feel about the trees in their neighborhoods. Please take 5
minutes to
complete the survey online!
Shade Tree Advisory Committee Meeting
The Edgewood Borough Shade Tree Advisory Committee will hold its
first meeting on June 14, 2017 at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers at 2 Race
Street Pittsburgh PA 15218.
New Program Available: Yoga in the Park begins this summer!
Sign up for Sunday morning or Thursday evening (or both!) Yoga in the
Park at Koenig Field! We are proud to have Carrie MacDonald leading
Sunday mornings and Cathy Reifer leading Thursday evenings beginning
this June. Both sessions welcome yoga practitioners of all levels of
experience, and a variety of ages. Participants must be 18 years of age
or accompanied by an adult.
Both sessions are six weeks. Pre-register for $50 or drop in for $15
per class. Pre-registration can save you over 40%!
Click Here to download the registration form. Make checks payable to
the instructor of the session of your choice. Pre-registration ends on
Wednesday, June 7.
Sunday session begin June 18. Thursday session begins June 22. Call
412-242-4824 or email with any questions.
Shade Tree Advisory Committee Openings
The Borough of Edgewood is soliciting letters of interest from
residents who wish to serve on the newly established Shade Tree Advisory
Committee. The appointment is voluntary for a term of up to three years.
The role of the committee is to advise Borough Council on matters of
policy involving the preservation of street trees, to act as a resource
for homeowners wishing to learn to care for their privately owned trees,
and to promote tree planting throughout the Borough.
As this is a newly formed committee, the Borough is looking for five
volunteers to begin this important work.
Please consider serving in this valuable role! Letters of interest can
be sent to Rob Zahorchak, Borough Manager, at,
or dropped off or mailed to the Borough Building, 2 Race Street Edgewood
PA 15218 by May 5, 2017. Please indicate in your letter the length of
term you would be comfortable serving, and any experience you have with
urban forestry.
Edgewood Clean-Up Day: an Earth Day Event - Sat. April 22, 2017
Join your neighbors this Saturday for our annual Earth Day cleanup
sponsored by the Edgewood Foundation. Volunteers meet with our organizer
down at Koenig Field. Reflective vests, gloves, trash bags and light
refreshments are provided to all. For more information, email or visit the Edgewood Foundation’s
website at
Softball and Tball Registration now Open!
Registration for 2017 TBall and Softball is now open until Monday,
May 15. Tball is open to boys and girls ages 5-6 and softball is open to
girls ages 7-13. Registration fee is $45.00. Play takes place at Koenig
field through June and July.
Complete the Registration Form (Click
Here to Download) and return it to the Borough Office along with
your registration fee before May 15 to register. For any other
questions, contact Abigail in the administrative office at 412-242-4824
or Email:
Join us for Edgewood Borough’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt!
Edgewood's Annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday, April
8 at noon at Koenig Field. Children ages 2 to 10 are welcome to bring
their Easter baskets and collect as many eggs as they can find! We are
happy to see this fun tradition continue throughout the years. Join us
for a lovely day of fun!
New Ordinance 1060 Available for Review in the Borough Office
The Borough of Edgewood will present the following ordinance for
final reading at its March 20, 2017 meeting at 7:30 pm at 2 Race Street,
Edgewood, PA, 15218.
The Ordinance is available for public inspection in the office
of the Borough Manager, 2 Race Street, Edgewood, PA 15218. You may also
download a copy by clicking the following link: Edgewood Borough
Ordinance 1060.
Edgewood Historical Society Discussion Wednesday, March 8, 2017 ,
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Join us for a discussion about H.H. Westinghouse - early Edgewood
resident, Councilman, Burgess, inventor, business leader. Oh, and
brother of famed industrialist George Westinghouse.
In the Edgewood Club Living Room. Refreshments will be served.
Program starts at 7pm.
For more information,
Click Here
to visit the event page on Facebook.
Edgewood Historical Society Open House
The Edgewood Historical Society will host a drop-in open house on
Thursday, Feb. 16, at The Edgewood Club. We are looking to add new
members in 2017 to help explore, preserve and promote the history of the
borough and surrounding area. Stop by between 6:30pm and 8pm to
socialize and learn more about the history of our beautiful
For more information,
Click Here to
visit the event page on Facebook.
Western Pennsylvania School For the Deaf hosts An Evening in
On Friday, April 7, 2017 enjoy an evening of good food, drinks, and
entertainment with your neighbors while supporting early education
programs for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students in the Children's Center
at the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf.
Sponsorship opportunities and tickets for the event can be found
online at:
We hope you can be a part of this wonderful evening! Business
Casual or Casual attire.
Citizens Police Academy Enrolling Now!
The Edgewood Police Department is offering its Annual Citizens Police
Academy. The program is designed to give the average citizen a better
understanding of the criminal justice system, in particular, the role
police officers play in the community.
The Academy will begin Wednesday, April 5, 2017 and run consecutively
every Wednesday through May 31, 2017. Classes will be held from 6pm-9pm
in the Children's Center located a the Western Pennsylvania School for
the Deaf at 300 East Swissvale Ave, Edgewood PA 15218.
Applications can be picked up beginning February 3 through March 15
at the Edgewood Borough Municipal Building at 2 Race Street, Edgewood PA
15218. Please return the completed application no later than March 15,
2017. The application will include additional follow up instruction. All
participants will be contacted via phone or email with additional
information once selected. Please join us for a unique behind-the-scenes
experience into the world of law enforcement.
Potential students must be 18 years of age or older, and have never
been convicted of a felony in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or
All questions should be referred to the Program Coordinator, Officer
Fred Livingston at 412-242-9994.

Volunteers for HUGS
The Woodland Hills School District is seeking volunteers for their
new HUGS (Helping Unconditionally by Giving Support) program. Visit the
Woodland Hills School District website: for more information. This program is open to parents
and community members.
Download the Volunteers
for Hugs flyer for details on how to register and training dates.
Edgewood-Swissvale Public Meeting
The Boroughs of Edgewood and Swissvale will be holding a public
meeting regarding the S. Braddock Avenue Pedestrian Improvement Project.
The purpose of the meeting is to present the proposed project scope. In
addition, Edgewood/Swissvale Boroughs and their consultants will be
available to answer questions about the project.
This meeting provides an opportunity for the public to provide
feedback on the proposed scope of work.
When: February 23, 2017
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Borough of Swissvale Council Chambers
7560 Roslyn Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
The proposed project involves the pedestrian improvements to South
Braddock Avenue. The proposed project includes installing ADA compliant
curbs, textured crosswalks, and rehabilitation of pedestrian traffic
For more information, contact:
Mr. Bill Moldovan, Project Manager
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
333 Baldwin Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
Telephone: 1-800-365-2324
**The public meeting location is compliant with the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA). In addition, if you or an individual with whom
you are familiar does not speak English as the primary language and who
has a limited ability to read, write, speak or understand English
desires to view these plans or if you require special assistance to
attend the meeting or need additional information please contact the
number above.
Download the
public meeting poster here.
Edgewood’s Water is NOT AFFECTED
The Borough of Edgewood IS NOT AFFECTED by the PWSA flush and boil
advisory. Edgewood’s water is provided by the Wilkinsburg-Penn Joint
Water Authority, which does not have any connection to Pittsburgh city
water. Edgewood’s water is not under advisory.
If you have any questions about the advisory for our neighboring
communities, visit their website at! They have a lot of
information and an interactive map of affected areas posted. Visit:
ALCOSAN’S Clean Water Assistance Fund
On Tuesday, January 3, 2017 the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority
will launch its Clean Water Assistance Fund to help families pay their
ALCOSAN bills. The program will serve low-income residential customers
in the 83 municipalities ALCOSAN serves. Ratepayers will receive a $30
credit on their bill, every three months.
To learn more, download the
Fact Sheet or contact the Dollar Energy Fund at 1-800-375-1388.
Republic Services Information
For any questions regarding Republic Services trash and recycling
pickup, CLICK HERE!
This fact sheet contains a 2017 schedule, waste and recycling rules
and a list of accepted and non-acceptable recycling items.
Christmas Holiday Parking in Edgewood
Edgewood's Parking Ban Lifted
The Borough of Edgewood's parking ban has been lifted for the
Christmas Holiday beginning Christmas Eve, December 24, at 3am.
Nightly ticketing will resume in the new year on Tuesday, January 3,
2017 at 5am.
Have a safe and happy holiday - and don't forget your new parking
permits for 2017!
Public Hearing on Proposed 2017 Budge
Edgewood Borough Council will hold a public hearing
on the proposed 2017 budget. The public hearing will take place on
Monday, December 5, 2017 at 7 pm in Council Chambers, 2 Race Street.
Light Up Edgewood - This Friday!
Friday, December 2, 2016, 7:00pm at Memorial Park, followed by the
Edgewood Club.
The first Friday of December is the evening that Santa always visits
Edgewood! He will meet us at Memorial Park and light the Borough tree
with his magic. After the Borough tree is lit, we will gather at the
Edgewood Club for warm drinks, cookies, a traditional Christmas movie
and a chance to visit with Santa himself!
Please bring a new, unwrapped toy for the "Toys for Tots" toy drive.
Otherwise, admission is free.If you are unable to attend the event but
still want to donate, or you have any questions about the event, please
email us at
Hope to see you there!
NOTICE: Edgewood Trash and Recycling Pickup Day Changing to
December 6, 2016 will begin Tuesday Trash and Recycling
To better serve our community, Republic Services will be changing
pickup day to Tuesday mornings beginning December 6, 2016. Recycling
pickup will be every other week, also on Tuesdays. December 6 and 20
will be recycling pickup days.
Just as a reminder, please make sure you place your Trash & Recycling
to the curb no LATER than 6:00 a.m. Tuesday morning.
For additional information, contact Republic Services at
Edgewood's Parking Ban Lifted
The Borough of Edgewood's parking ban has been lifted for the
Thanksgiving Holiday beginning Thanksgiving Day, November 24, at 3am.
Nightly ticketing will resume Wednesday, November 30 at 3am.
Men’s Basketball Registration Now Open
Men's Basketball plays Thursday nights at Edgewood Primary School Gym
starting December 2016. If you have any questions about the program,
please call George Fuller at 412-247-1472.
Click Here for the
Registration form.
Edgewood Garden Club’s Holiday Greens are Now on Sale!
Use this
Form to order your Holiday Greens from the Edgewood Garden
Greens will be available for pickup Saturday, December 3 from 10a to
4pm. Payment is needed at time of order.
Return completed forms and payment to Susan Jones by Monday,
November 21. Susan’s contact information can be found on the
order form. Happy Holidays!
Youth Basketball
Basketball registration is now open from November 1 through December
7, 2016. Return this
and your registration fee to the Borough Office to register.
“Draft Night”, or the night that teams are picked, will be held on
Wednesday, December 14, timed according to age group (see the
registration form for your time). Registration fee is $60, and open to
boys and girls ages 6-14. Practices are held in the Edgewood Primary
Gym. For more information, contact Abigail at
Steering Committee for the Nine Mile Run Watershed Association Urban
Forestry Master Plan
Do you love the trees in Edgewood? Edgewood Borough Council is
soliciting letters of interest from residents who wish to serve on the
steering committee for the Nine Mile Run Watershed Association Urban
Forestry Master Plan. With the guidance of Tree Pittsburgh, NMRWA will
work with watershed communities and stakeholders to develop a master
plan for the watershed’s forest. Utilizing community and stakeholder
input, tree data, and professional expertise, this plan will be the
guiding document for NMRWA’s Urban Forestry program, and will serve as a
resource to watershed communities.
If you have a special interest, expertise, or knowledge of trees and
urban tree planting, or if you simply are a person who values and enjoys
the Borough’s urban forest, please consider serving in this valuable
role! Letters of interest can be sent to Rob Zahorchak, Borough
Manager, at, or dropped off or mailed to the Borough
Building, 2 Race Street Edgewood PA 15218 by November 11, 2016.
Trick or Treat!
Halloween Trick or Treating in the Borough of Edgewood will be held
Monday, October 31 from 6-8pm. Be sure to stay on the sidewalks and wear
reflective clothing or glow sticks. Have a spooky time!
Fall Festival Hayrides and Crafts
Due to weather, Hayrides and Crafts were cancelled for the
Oktoberfest event on Oct. 1.
So now, there’s another chance to join the fun! Join us on Saturday,
October 22 at 6pm at the Koenig Field house for annual Hayrides around
the Borough and fun crafts for kids of all ages.
Share the
event on Facebook!
Council Budget Meeting, Sat. Nov 12
The Borough of Edgewood will hold a public hearing regarding
the 2017 Budget on Saturday, November 12, 2016 at 9am in Council
Chambers at 2 Race Street, Edgewood, PA 15218.
Free Flu Shots at the Edgewood Municipal Building - Thursday,
October 13, 4-8pm
Vaccines are free-of-charge, are available on a first come first
serve basis for residents 18 year of age or older through the generosity
of the McKeesport Hospital Foundation, UPMC East, UPMC McKeesport, &
UPMC Health Plan & Eastern Area Prehospital Services. Inluenza (Flu)
vaccines contain the H1N1 vaccine. Flu shots will not be given to
pregnant women in their first trimester
Oktoberfest at Koenig Field Saturday, October 1 from 3-6pm
Join the fun at Oktoberfest!
Please join us for a family-friendly afternoon of beer, cider, and
brats (lemonade and hot dogs for the kids) - Sponsored by the Edgewood
This year, we will also be featuring hayrides and crafts in the field
house, courtesy of the Borough of Edgewood.
We will be featuring a selection of seasonal beers and other tasty
items from local companies. All proceeds raised go towards
future community projects!
Click Here to buy your tickets in advance.
Rain Date is Sunday, October 2
Flu Shot Clinic at the Municipal Building – Thursday, Oct 13 from
Get your flu shot - not the flu!
Vaccines are free-of-charge, are available on a first come first
serve basis for residents 18 year of age or older through the generosity
of the McKeesport Hospital Foundation, UPMC East, UPMC McKeesport, &
UPMC Health Plan & Eastern Area Pre-hospital Services. Inluenza (Flu)
vaccines contain the H1N1 vaccine. Flu shots will not be given to
pregnant women in their first trimester.
Click Here for a list of other
Flu Clinic Locations!
Sealed Bids to be Accepted for Sanitary Sewer Repair Project
Sealed proposals will be received by Edgewood Borough of Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania at the Borough office located at 2 Race Street,
Pennsylvania 15218 until 11:00 AM prevailing time on October 13, 2016
The scope of work includes spot in-place CIP lining, complete manhole
to manhole in-place CIP lining, and in-trench excavation repair of
existing sanitary sewers located at five different work areas located
throughout Edgewood Borough. The estimated quantity of repairs is
approximately 24 linear feet of spot lining, 2,660 linear feet of
manhole to manhole full lining, pre/post repair CCTV, 3 new manholes,
cleaning and television of approximately 1,500 linear feet of additional
Borough sanitary sewers and all appurtenances and restoration for said
All work shall be constructed according to the Contract Drawings and
Specifications which are on file at the office of the Owner and Lennon,
Smith, Souleret Engineering, Inc., 846 Fourth Avenue, Coraopolis,
Pennsylvania 15108-1522. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud
approximately at 11:00 AM on October 13, 2016 at the Borough Office
located at 2 Race Street, Edgewood, Pennsylvania 15218.
Copies of the Contract Drawings and Specifications may be obtained by
depositing a non-refundable deposit of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)
with the Engineer.
Pennsylvania prevailing wage rates apply. Proposals must be upon the
forms furnished by the Borough. The bid must be accompanied by a
certified check or bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the
bid, made payable to the Borough to guarantee the bidder’s entrance into
the contract if given the award. No bid bond shall be waived or returned
because the Bidder has failed to or cannot comply with any requirements
as set forth in the plans, specifications, or any applicable statutes of
the State of Pennsylvania or any applicable municipal ordinances.
The Borough reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to
waive any informalities in the bidding. No bid may be withdrawn for
ninety (90) calendar days after the scheduled time for receipt of bids.
Attention is directed to the fact that procurement is subject to all
requirements of the Pennsylvania “Steel Products Procurement Act, Act
No. 1978-3”; and for Contract value exceeding $25,000, the Pennsylvania
Prevailing Wage Act (Act of 1961 P.L. 987), and The Public Works
Employment Verification Act (July 2012) apply.
The Borough shall (a) award the construction contract to the lowest
responsible bidder therefore, or (b) reject all bids received within
ninety (90) days of the date of bid opening; provided, however, that the
Borough may, in its sole discretion, delay such award or rejection for
up to one hundred twenty (120) days from the bid opening date until the
Borough has received all required approvals from other governmental
Bidders on this work will be required to comply with Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Edgewood Borough
Julie P. Bastianini, Manager
Youth Basketball Needs a Volunteer Coordinator
Edgewood Youth Basketball is currently seeking a Volunteer
Coordinator for the 2016-2017 season, which begins in January 2017. For
more information, contact Abigail at, or
Our recreation league is very popular in the winter months, and
provides neighborhood kids with a way to keep active during the
wintertime! The Volunteer Coordinator is in charge of organizing games
and teams, overseeing practices, monitoring equipment and generally
keeping things running smoothly. Practices begin in early January, and
games end at the beginning of March.
Our kids love this league, but we need someone to keep it running!
Contact Abigail today with any questions!
2016 Youth Soccer Registration is now closed.
Registration for 2016 Fall Youth Soccer is now closed.
If you have questions, please E-Mail:
Soccer practices begin in September and end in October, and practices
and games are held at Koenig Field in Edgewood. Boys and Girls aged 4 to
14 from any neighborhood are welcome to register. Registration fee is
Edgewood Movie Night Presents: Cars
July 25 at Koenig Field at Dusk
Bring your lawnchairs, blankets and popcorn!
*Free Admission
*Parent or Guardian must accompany children
*All Koenig Field rules apply
2016 Youth Soccer Registration is Now Open!
Registration for 2016 Fall Youth Soccer is now open until August 18!
Click Here for the
Registration Form. All important information and dates are listed on
the registration form. If you have questions, or would like to volunteer
as a coach, please email
Practice will begin in September and end in October, and practices
and games are held at Koenig Field in Edgewood. Boys and Girls aged 4 to
14 from any neighborhood are welcome to register. Registration fee is
$60. Please turn in completed forms and fees to the Borough Office at 2
Race Street, Edgewood, PA 15218.
4th of July Weekend Parking Ban Lifted
Mayor Cook has lifted the on-street parking ban for the 4th of July
Holiday. The ban is lifted beginning Saturday, July 2 at 3 am. Ticketing
will resume Tuesday, July 5 at 3 am.
Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!
New Ordinance 1057 Available for Review in Borough Office
The Borough of Edgewood will present the following ordinance for
final reading at its July 5, 2016 meeting at 7:30 pm at 2 Race Street,
Edgewood, PA, 15218.
The Ordinance is available for public inspection in the office of the
Borough Manager, 2 Race Street, Edgewood, PA 15218. You may also
download a copy by clicking the following link:
Edgewood Borough
Ordinance 1057.
Public Hearing on Ordinance 1057
Edgewood Borough Council will hold a special meeting on July 5, 2016
at 7:00pm in Council Chambers at 2 Race Street, Edgewood, PA. The
purpose of the meeting will be to hold a Public Hearing on Ordinance
New Ordinance 1058 Available for Review in Borough Office
The Borough of Edgewood will present the following ordinance for
final reading at its July 5, 2016 meeting at 7:30 pm at 2 Race Street,
Edgewood, PA, 15218.
The Ordinance is available for public inspection in the office of the
Borough Manager, 2 Race Street, Edgewood, PA 15218. You may also
download a copy by clicking the following link:
Edgewood Borough
Ordinance 1058.
Allegheny County Vacant Property Recovery Program Available in
Edgewood Borough
If you live near a vacant property in Edgewood Borough, there is now
a new program available to help you turn the property into a side yard!
For a limited time, Allegheny County will be accepting applications
to acquire vacant properties at a reduced cost to the buyer.
For more information, please download our
Property Recovery
Program Fact Sheet.
While this program is always available to those wishing to purchase
blighted or vacant properties in Edgewood Borough, the County’s fees
will be waived for those accepted applicants that wish to acquire a side
yard to their primary residence, and reduced to $1,400 for applicants
proposing to rehabilitate a blighted structure.
More information on this program can be found by visiting:
Vacant Property Recovery Program. We encourage you to apply for this
exciting program
The Borough of Edgewood Seeks Investment Management Services
The Council of the Borough of Edgewood seeks qualified organizations
with public sector pension plan experience to provide investment
management services for the Borough’s pension plans.
Submission of proposals are due by 4:00 P.M. on July 29, 2016.
All interested firms and corporations can download the RFP at this
link: Request for
Proposal. Copies can also be obtained at the Edgewood Borough
Municipal Offices at 2 Race Street, Edgewood PA 15218 between 8:30 am
and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Proposals must be received at the
Borough Municipal Offices on or before the due date in order to be
Brinton Road Clean-Up – Saturday June 11
The Edgewood Foundation is sponsoring the Brinton Road Clean-Up this
Saturday from 9am - 12pm. All supplies, including gloves, safety vests,
and snacks will be provided.
Jim Sismour is in charge of the event, and he'll be in the parking
lot of the old Holiday Inn at 9am. For more details, visit the
Foundation website at
Pig Out Edgewood - CANCELLED
Pig Out Edgewood has been cancelled due to lack of sign-ups. The
Foundation will see you at Community Day!
Memorial Day Weekend Parking Ban Lifted
Mayor Cook has lifted the on-street parking ban for the Memorial Day
Holiday. The ban is lifted beginning Friday, May 27 at 3 am. Ticketing
will resume Tuesday, May 31 at 3 am.
Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!
New Ordinance 1056 Available for Review in Borough Office
The Borough of Edgewood will present the following ordinance for
final reading at its June 6, 2016 meeting at 7:30 pm at 2 Race Street,
Edgewood, PA, 15218.
The Ordinance is available for public inspection in the office of the
Borough Manager, 2 Race Street, Edgewood, PA 15218. You may also
download a copy by clicking the following link:
Edgewood Borough Ordinance 1056.
T-Ball and Softball Registration is now Closed
Registration for 2016 TBall and Softball is now closed. Thank you to
all who have registered and volunteered for this great league!
Council will hold Committee of the Whole Meeting
Edgewood Council Committee of the Whole will be meeting Monday, May
9, 2016 at 6pm in Council Chambers at 2 Race Street to discuss traffic
Council Committee of the Whole meetings are open to the public and
citizens are encouraged to attend and observe the meetings. No official
Council action will be taken at this meeting.
Please contact Rob Zahorchak at
with any questions.
Take the PUP (Pick Up Poop) Pledge to clean up after your dog, and
get a special prize for your pooch!
Cleaning up your dog's doo not only makes for a nicer neighborhood,
but helps keep our rivers and streams clean!
Stop in the Borough office to pick up a prize, or take the pledge
right now on Alcosan’s website:
Part-Time Summer Help Wanted
The Borough of Edgewood Public Works Department is now accepting
applications for Part-Time Summer Help. Applicants must be at least 18
years of age and have a valid Pennsylvania driver’s license.
Duties will include: mowing grass, pruning trees and hedges, planting
and watering flowers, cleaning park facilities and clearing debris from
Completed applications may be sent to Rob Zahorchak, Borough
Manager, at or mailed to 2 Race Street, Edgewood, PA
15218 by May 6, 2016.
Street Sweeping Resumes
Street Sweeping Resumes Weds, April 6!
Friendly Reminder!
Street Sweeping Season will resume Wednesday, April 6, so please
remember to move your cars to avoid ticketing.
Have a happy spring!
Spring Parkway Interchange Litter Clean-up
Saturday, April 2nd, 11:00am – 1:00pm is the
Spring Parkway Interchange Litter
Clean-up. Volunteers will meet in the parking lot near the entrance
to Frick Park by CLASS (near west-bound on-ramp from S. Braddock). Help
us keep the community beautiful! Please wear sturdy, comfortable shoes.
RSCA will provide orange vests, gloves, and trash bags. For more
Email the
Regent Square Civic Association.
Parking Ban Lifted
Mayor Cook has temporarily lifted the on-street parking ban for the
Easter Holiday. The ban will be lifted from Thursday, March 24 at 3 AM and will
remain lifted until Monday, March 28 at 3 AM.
Allegheny Snow Angels Program
Allegheny Snow Angels matches neighbors with neighbors to shovel the
walks of those who are unable to do this on their own. Volunteers impact
lives in our community by ensuring our more vulnerable neighbors
continue to have access to essential services such as home-delivered
meals and medications during the harsh winter months.
To find out how to register for the program, call the intake line at
412-863-5939. To register to become a Snow
Angel, register online at
Allegheny Snow Angels is brought to you through Family Services of
Western Pennsylvania, In Service of Seniors Pittsburgh and North Hills
Community Outreach.
Republic Services replaces Waste Management in 2016
PLEASE NOTE: Edgewood's trash collection day is now
Friday. Trash should be placed at curbside no earlier than 6pm
Thursday nights.
Beginning January 1, 2016, Republic Services will be Edgewood's
exclusive Trash Hauler. Please note the following changes:
- Trash collection day will now be Friday.
- Recycling pickup will be every other week along with
trash pickup – the first recycling pickup will be January 8, 2016.
- Quarterly pricing is $48.66.
- General questions can be answered by Republic Services at
1-800-464-2120 or 412-429-2600 Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm.
- For all the details regarding acceptable containers, items not
collected, and a printable collection schedule, please click this
Republic Services Trash Collection Information.
We look forward to our new partnership with Republic Services!
Just a friendly reminder:
The Parkway East will be closed between Christmas and the New Year
for the Greenfield Bridge implosion. Stay safe, holiday travelers!
For More Information visit:
2015 Holiday Parking - Edgewood's Parking Ban Lifted
The Borough of Edgewood's parking ban has been lifted for Christmas
and New Year's holidays, beginning December 23, 2015 at 3:00 am until
January 4, 2016 at 5:00 am.
Nightly ticketing will resume Monday, January 4 at 5:00 am.
Have a safe and happy holiday!
Allegheny County Again Offering Christmas Tree Recycling Program
The Allegheny County Department of Parks is again offering its Annual
Christmas Tree Recycling Program this holiday season. Residents of the
county can drop off their Christmas trees beginning on Saturday,
December 26, 2015 through Saturday, January 16, 2016 at all nine
regional parks during regular hours of operation (dawn to dusk).
All lights, decorations, tinsel and stands must be removed from trees
prior to drop-off. The trees will be mulched and used in Allegheny
County’s nine regional parks.
Trees may be dropped off from dawn to dusk at the following locations
in each of the nine county parks:
- Boyce Park: Parking lot by the wave pool
- Deer Lakes: Parking lot by Veterans Shelter
- Harrison Hills: Parking lot at the intersection of Chipmunk &
Cottontail Drive
- Hartwood Acres: Parking lot at the mansion
- North Park: Parking lot at the swimming pool
- Round Hill: Parking lot between Meadow & Alfalfa Shelters
- Settler’s Cabin: Parking lot by the wave pool
- South Park: Parking lot at the swimming pool
- White Oak: Parking lot by Poplar Shelter
For more information: Department of Parks 211 County Office
Building - 542 Forbes Avenue - Pittsburgh, PA 15219 - Phone (412)
350-7275 - Fax (412) 350-2682.
2016 Proposed Budgets
The Edgewood borough 2016 Proposed Budgets are available for review.
Please visit our Annual Budgets
page for more information.
New for 2016-Republic Services is now Edgewood's Trash Collection
Beginning January 1, 2016, Republic Services will be Edgewood's
exclusive Trash Hauler. Please note the following changes:
- Trash collection day will now be Friday
- January 1st is a Friday, and also a holiday, so the first
collection will be Saturday, January 2.
- General questions can be answered by Republic Services at
1-800-464-2010 Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm.
- For all the details regarding acceptable containers, items not
collected, and a printable collection schedule, please read this
Republic Services Information
Reader required.).
We look forward to our new partnership with Republic Services! Please
visit our Recycling and Refuse
page for more infomation.
Thanksgiving Holiday Parking Ban Lifted
The Borough of Edgewood's parking ban has been lifted for Thanksgiving
Weekend, beginning Thursday, November 26, at 3:00 am.
Nightly ticketing will resume Monday, November 30, at 5:00 am.
Have a safe and happy holiday!
2016 Parking Permits Available December 1, 2015
View our overnight parking
permit page for more information on applying for 2016 on-street
parking permits.
2016 Youth Basketball Registration
Registration for 2016 Youth Basketball is now closed.
Basketball registration typically begins just after Thanksgiving and the
first practices are held in the first week of January. If you have any
questions about this sport, email for
more information.
2016 Men's Basketball Registration Now Open!
Registration for 2016 Men’s Basketball is now open. Send the
registration form and fee to: Borough of Edgewood Recreation, 2 Race
Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15218. Contact George Fuller at 412-247-1472 for
more information.
2016 Budget Workshop
The Borough of Edgewood will hold a public workshop to discuss the
2016 Budget on Saturday, November 7, 2015 from 8 am to 12 noon.
workshop will be held in Council Chambers at 2 Race Street, Edgewood,
Borough of Edgewood's Annual: Fall Festival and Hayride

Stop by the Koenig Feild & Fieldhouse Saturday, October 17 at 6-10pm:
for crafts, cider, and neighborhood hayrides!
For more inforamtion about this years Fall Festival, view our flyer
Leaf Pickup begins October 19 (weather permitting)
Leaf Pickup is set to begin on October 19, so long as there has not
been recent rain. See the below schedule for your pickup day.
2015 Leaf Pick-Up Schedule
(Begins Approximately

Youth Soccer Registration Closed
Registration for 2015 Fall Youth Soccer is now closed. Thank you to
all who have registered and volunteered for this great league!
Dickson Park Master Plan Update
The Borough of Edgewood will be holding a public meeting on
Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at 6:30pm in Council Chambers to discuss the
Master Plan for Dickson Park, and hear what our residents would like to
see in the park.
We’d like to hear your thoughts and ideas for Dickson Park!
The Borough welcomes your ideas and insight on improvements to
Dickson Park – please come and share your opinions.
If you have any questions about this meeting, email Borough Manager
Rob Zahorchak at
New Solicitation Ordinance
The Borough of Edgewood will present the following ordinance for
final reading at its June 15, 2015 meeting at 7:30 pm at 2 Race Street,
Edgewood, PA, 15218.
The Ordinance is available for public inspection in the office of the
Borough Manager, 2 Race Street, Edgewood, PA 15218. You may also
download a copy by clicking the following link:
Edgewood Borough
Ordinance 1053.
Reminder: Lock Up!
We would like to remind our residents to please keep the doors and
windows of their homes and vehicles locked! It can be easy to forget
this simple step in the summer months, but please help to keep our
community safe by locking up your home and cars.
Allegheny County Vacant Property Recovery Program Available in
Edgewood Borough
If you live near a vacant property in Edgewood Borough, there is now
a new program available to help you turn the property into a
side yard!
For a limited time, Allegheny County will be accepting applications
to acquire vacant properties at a reduced cost to the buyer.
For more information, please download our
Recovery Program Fact Sheet.
While this program is always available to those wishing to purchase
blighted or vacant properties in Edgewood Borough, the County’s fees
will be waived for those accepted applicants that wish to acquire a side
yard to their primary residence, and reduced to $1,400 for applicants
proposing to rehabilitate a blighted structure.
More information on this program can be found by visiting:
encourage you to apply for this exciting program!
Part-Time Summer Help Wanted
The Borough of Edgewood Public Works Department is now accepting
applications for Part-Time Summer Help. Applicants must be at least 18
years of age. Completed applications may be sent to Rob Zahorchak,
Borough Manager, at or 2 Race Street, Edgewood, PA 15218.
Proposed 2015 Budgets Available for Review
Edgewood Borough's proposed 2015 General Fund Budget and Sewer Fund
Budget are now available for review. Please visit our
Annual Budgets page for more
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