Edgewood Borough Ordinances

Ordinances for the Borough of Edgewood cover a wide range of rules and regulations, from residential parking and mandatory recycling to the establishment of fines, fees, and charges.

Recent ordinances passed by the Borough are available for download from this website. They are posted here as a public service to the residents of Edgewood and are meant for reference purposes only. Please refer to the signed and dated original ordinance housed at the Borough Building if you have any questions.

For a complete copy of the Borough Code, please visit the online version of the Edgewood Borough Municipal Code.

New Ordinances

Below is a list of recently passed Ordinances:

Ordinance 1050 - Urban Chicken Keeping Ordinance 1060 - Shade Tree Advisory Committee
Ordinance 1051 - Stormwater Management Ordinance 1061 - Amend Zoning for C-2 uses
Ordinance 1052 - MS4 Prohibited Discharge Ordinance 1062 - Tax Rate 2018
Ordinance 1053 - New Solicitation Ordinance 1063 - Stormwater Act 167
Ordinance 1054 - No Parking Zone Ordinance 1064 - Tax Rate 2019
Ordinance 1055 - Fixing Tax Rate for 2016 Ordinance 1065 - Number Positions Police Department
Ordinance 1056 �  
Ordinance 1066 - Trench and Crosswalk Restoration
Ordinance 1057 �  
Zoning Ordinance AMENDING SECTION 200-6 OF ORDINANCE 1048
Ordinance 1067 - Tax Rate 2020
Ordinance 1058 � Tri-Cog Land Bank Ordinance 1068 - Sidewalk Cafes
Ordinance 1059 - Tax Rate 2017  

Chicken Keeping Paperwork

Along with the Chicken Keeping Ordinance, a Chicken Keeping Permit Application and a Chicken Keeping Checklist are now available in PDF form.

Borough Ordinance Database

For a complete copy of the Borough Code, please visit the online version of the Edgewood Borough Municipal Code.

Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan for Edgewood, Rankin, and Swissvale

Visit our Comprehensive Plan page for more information 

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